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The confusion that this is causing me is hurting my brain. Most of it doesn't even make literate sense. And I sincerely hope that the links aren't viruses, because I have already clicked on them all.... Curiosity kills the cat 😕. If this is Tom he is the biggest troll ever.

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Those crazy elves took over! Luckily, Rudolph hinted about beeelzebathtub so the vid-links are now edited to point there. More to come if we survive the manners of Christmas.


~Major Tom~

"XSI, sorry about that!"


Rudolph went over hills and mountains to recover the important information that enabled the fix. It was soo long gone that we prolly would need to do it some bar-berrying.


And Its' well known red nose, the guiding light, is now hybridized with the great Chewbacca magic.


Perhaps we all have some elfy christmattymechanics ting ting going on in us.



~Jangel Red~


Now that this thread has been woven into rather mixed type.


Would anyone care to share sum light on the curiosity of there being talk about the reflections on the videos before any views.


Elves at work?





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Rudolph went over hills and mountains to recover the important information that enabled the fix. It was soo long gone that we prolly would need to do it some bar-berrying.


And Its' well known red nose, the guiding light, is now hybridized with the great Chewbacca magic.


Perhaps we all have some elfy christmattymechanics ting ting going on in us.



~Jangel Red~


Oh Tom, you bastard :LOL:

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I think it's obvious that we have to take all of the clues to be part of something bigger, but I can't even get anything from the clues right now! Although in all of the youtube videos it looks like 'Tom' has built something in a room cluttered with muse merch; maybe they aren't all separate constructions and is one big structure that it's trying to show us


One of the videos is also called 'Elves demonstrate how they are peeking from and take into account every angle' so maybe we need to fit all of these structures together like a jigsaw


...or maybe the high levels of whatthefuck in these posts is screwing with my brain! Highly likely.

Edited by Shignett1
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