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Hey heyjackk






Sounds like a man with drive and desire. But talent I'm not sure. I write space ballets in my sleep.


Did you know he can also draw a perfect circle and play plug in baby behind his head, with minimal video editing?

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Oh shit I forgot about that. I don't remember the recording though.


I refuse to downtune my guitars, and have the tab book so know it's supposed to be played in drop d tuning. Can it be played without having to do that. I worked out how to play New Born without tuning down.


I don't like what downtuned guitars represent.


I actually think that by limiting myself in physical ways like that, i'm opening doors in other areas.


I guess it isn't. I'm going to find a way to play Stockholme Syndrome in standard tuning. I'll report back when i manage it.


But first i'm trying to work out how to play A Little Less Sixteen Candles... without having to downtune.

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although I may be getting it Monday now possibly instead as I just received an email saying it's been cleared for release for delivery :D


Could be worse. You could receive a massive email from Bs, and he doesn't answer you back.


It's like if you went to see your favorite band and they didn't come back out for an encore.


But the thing is, in this case, it was only one person watching the show, so maybe that wasn't enough to get Bs to reply to my email. It all makes sense now...


Not sure what this has to do with your guitar, though.


Seems like I missed out not seeing this guy on here :LOL: Those comments though is he having a laugh or is he completely deluded?


I think it was a little bit of both

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Seems like I missed out not seeing this guy on here :LOL: Those comments though is he having a laugh or is he completely deluded?


He was one of the least interesting - he was only around for a month or so i think.


Esparoba and Tzechan (?) were regular k&t highlights, along with Samcoma's constant flaming

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Remember that time he wrote a step by step guide on how to play plug in baby while spinning?


i did i tryed to play plug in baby then i sort of was a success but i wanted to play in my neck as like matthew did and i was really dizzy from spinning around fell on the ground but now back for the spinning part the trick


1. you learn to play plug in baby with your eyes not looking at the fretboard


2. then after you can play the intro that way try doing it with your eyes totaly closed and try and focus on your guitar nothing around you


3.(most important thing if you can't do this then you will not do the spins so easily)you have to have trust and faith in yourself let me give a example if your are not of those people who dare to do a front or back flip on a trampoline or something will not be so sure if they could spin while playing plug in baby (i can do a backflip on the trampoline so)


4.the moment of truth at this point you can play plug in baby while not looking ,now you have to concentrade on your guitar and spinning AND NOT ON YOUR SPACE TO SPIN ON(i recommend you try to practise this outside where there is enuf space since matthew has a big stage to the spin on)Now start to spin around and try to play plug in baby and FOCUS ON THE GUITAR AND SPINNING not on your space it will be scary but it gets normal after sometime


I guess this hasn't helped you much and it will get much quoted because it's stupid or something but i learned it this way and yes the only way to be able to do it PWOPERly to not face your fear of falling or crashing into something with fear but with faith inyourself and trust


Scott, do you remember tczechan's bliss vocal cover?

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