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Yeah the lacquer would be the weakest link in the carbon chain. Is it def lacquer and not an epoxy?


I thought it was just a clear lacquer sprayed over the carbon


Just look after the damn thing! No way am I testing out how durable it is :p


Don't worry, the wall hangers will take care of that for you


this is a bit scary



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I thought it was just a clear lacquer sprayed over the carbon




Don't worry, the wall hangers will take care of that for you


this is a bit scary




Normally for laying up carbon you'd use an epoxy resin to laminate it and then another thin coat over the top if you wanted a smooth finish.

As they are using pre-laminated stuff I guess all they do is lacquer it to give them something to polish up.

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No I mean where it's most popular and that apparently that's where the 683 people are from (would have expected it to be most popular in the UK). Seems a bit odd, especially considering that the other page has less than that after a few years.


Anyhow, hopefully DHL will be bringing that tele over to Mansons after not showing up yesterday :\ Need to find out more about the bridge pickup, but apparently MFC didn't like it when he tried the baritone


But then again




Maybe I should put a sustainer in too... Phill? :p

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I take pretty good care of my MB-1 but it is interesting to see the general wear and tear steadily building up, haha! Starting to notice it more and more now. Still looks fantastic of course, just cover in surface scratches and marks on the pickups and stuff. No idea what's happening with my custom at the moment. Bridge Man's gone AWOL again over the past week. Less than 4 weeks until I go to Japan so can't see it being done by then frankly.

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I take pretty good care of my MB-1 but it is interesting to see the general wear and tear steadily building up, haha! Starting to notice it more and more now. Still looks fantastic of course, just cover in surface scratches and marks on the pickups and stuff. No idea what's happening with my custom at the moment. Bridge Man's gone AWOL again over the past week. Less than 4 weeks until I go to Japan so can't see it being done by then frankly.


mine still looks good. Has a few scratches (mainly on the back) and surface wear though. I thought these pictures show the finish pretty well - not sure if you saw them







its 3rd birthday is coming up soon


and that's not good - he's not answering emails then?

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Well he supposedly had some internet issues a week or two ago, and other than that he said he's trying to do about 7 projects at once or something. Either way, I don't know until he gets back to me with something.


And to be quite honest, I'm pretty sure anyone with a CNC machine and a bit of guitar knowledge could do it if they took the time to do the measurements. I have no doubts whatsoever that Mansons could have done it themselves, but they didn't want to be held accountable for something they weren't experienced with, so this is where I'm now stuck.

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He gets them direct from Graph Tech I think. Apparently they have some kind of working relationship for this, as they actually recommended him directly when I contacted them separately about what I wanted. It seems like he'd had a pretty good reputation for it before this anyway. It has gone on way too long now though. Last I heard he said he needed time to get the measurements right but it hasn't been his top priority at all so it just feels like it's been sort of left on the side while he does all his other stuff that he's getting money for.

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Ask for your money back... seriously! This is ridiculous and I'm sure someone else can do this work, it can't be THAT specialised. Give him a deadline to meet! I don't know what your emails have been like but maybe you have been too lenient with him considering everything that has happened.

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He gets them direct from Graph Tech I think. Apparently they have some kind of working relationship for this, as they actually recommended him directly when I contacted them separately about what I wanted. It seems like he'd had a pretty good reputation for it before this anyway. It has gone on way too long now though. Last I heard he said he needed time to get the measurements right but it hasn't been his top priority at all so it just feels like it's been sort of left on the side while he does all his other stuff that he's getting money for.




And he had the measurements from Mansons to begin with... why would he make his own measurements? The whole thing could just happen all over again


Although it just occurred to me that Mansons probably gave the measurements in metric instead of foreignheight or whatever he's using.


Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason and he doesn't want to admit it nqa043.gif


Ask for your money back... seriously! This is ridiculous and I'm sure someone else can do this work, it can't be THAT specialised. Give him a deadline to meet! I don't know what your emails have been like but maybe you have been too lenient with him considering everything that has happened.




And if that was an offer in Jaicen's post up there, I'd consider taking him up on it. Though it might not be the worlds most expensive bridge anymore.

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Ask for your money back... seriously! This is ridiculous and I'm sure someone else can do this work, it can't be THAT specialised. Give him a deadline to meet! I don't know what your emails have been like but maybe you have been too lenient with him considering everything that has happened.


Tom, this is so you




Think he got the name wrong though.


Also, £2500?


These appear to be from the same era and a similar spec, but cost over £1000 less









Oh and I found bridge man's mobile number by accident while browsing his soundcloud. I was considering texting him "Have you sorted out Ben's magic bridge yet?"


But I decided against it.


Phill, the quilt top is with Mansons now. Not sure when they're going to start the work though.

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Oh and I found bridge man's mobile number by accident while browsing his soundcloud. I was considering texting him "Have you sorted out Ben's magic bridge yet?"




I had been pretty accepting of us reasons for a while, apart from a bit of impatience, because there's nothing I can actually do about it at the moment, but I did send one a couple of days ago expressing my frustration, not that I've heard back from that either. I don't think it is that specialised really, but obviously when I wanted to get it done, it made sense to go with someone who had done it before and knew what they were doing. Obviously everything's got completely ballsed up along the way which I hadn't foreseen. I still can't do anything about it though, unless he gets back in touch and gets the damn thing done. As it is, I have a guitar in a workshop that's been sitting there for 3 months completely dependant on this guy actually doing the thing that he was meant to do right in the first place, all of which was started about 2 and a half years ago. Completely out of my hands though which is obviously where the problem kind of lies. Not like I can walk down the road, knock on his door and ask him if it's done yet. Anyone in Chicago? :LOL:

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I had been pretty accepting of us reasons for a while, apart from a bit of impatience, because there's nothing I can actually do about it at the moment, but I did send one a couple of days ago expressing my frustration, not that I've heard back from that either. I don't think it is that specialised really, but obviously when I wanted to get it done, it made sense to go with someone who had done it before and knew what they were doing. Obviously everything's got completely ballsed up along the way which I hadn't foreseen. I still can't do anything about it though, unless he gets back in touch and gets the damn thing done. As it is, I have a guitar in a workshop that's been sitting there for 3 months completely dependant on this guy actually doing the thing that he was meant to do right in the first place, all of which was started about 2 and a half years ago. Completely out of my hands though which is obviously where the problem kind of lies. Not like I can walk down the road, knock on his door and ask him if it's done yet. Anyone in Chicago? :LOL:




Now we're getting somewhere!


But I don't know what to say really. How many emails have you sent that he hasn't replied to? Do you know if he's been active anywhere else online?


Actually, maybe I can find that out.


Doesn't sound good though. I really would consider outing him on those forums if he's not even going to reply to emails. They LOVE when transactions go wrong...it always results in a good serving of :srsb33f:

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I generally email him every day or two asking for an update, but I haven't heard since last Tuesday I think now. Haven't looked on the forums he was known on though, so no idea how active he is on there now. I only really looked through when I was trying to find out about the possibility of getting it done in the first place. Doesn't really matter what I'm putting in my emails if he's not replying to them though. He's got my bridge and the new saddles, and there's nothing I can do unless he gets it done properly and sent back.

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