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I don't get why everyone suddenly has their expectations over the moon just because a band member used the words "fucking awesome".


It's widely acknowledged and accepted that adding swear words makes something significantly better than it otherwise would have been.


I can't really remember how the band talked about T2L, TR etc. though so maybe that suggests that the band consider the album in a special light or something. I don't think so though.

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Don't mean to be a downer, but I seem to recall Matt describing Madness as "the best song he's ever written" prior to it being released.


"omg but it is, it's got such a nice buildup and is so great after the solo"


yeah, I'm not trusting a word they say. well, in reference to the album's quality anyway.

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Well I mean, do you expect them to say their work fucking sucks?


Of course they're gonna say it's awesome.


I don't get why everyone suddenly has their expectations over the moon just because a band member used the words "fucking awesome".


To be fair, prior to T2L's release Dom didn't hype the album up so much and I always felt that Matt was the one who was really enthusiastic about it while the other two were kinda meh.


On-stage, I think it's fairly clear that Dom has way more fun playing the heavier tracks than stuff like Madness and UD, which further suggests that this album will be seeing a return to more OoS-Abso style heavy tracks.


Furthmore, we know Muse are good at that. When they're wild and experimenty, it mostly turns out pretty good but can be kinda shit. But they have an established track record of putting out fantastic 3-piece rock songs, so if this is an album full of 3-piece rock songs (as the available evidence would suggest) then I see no reason to not assume it would be good beyond a desire to be negative about everything.

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To be fair, prior to T2L's release Dom didn't hype the album up so much and I always felt that Matt was the one who was really enthusiastic about it while the other two were kinda meh.


There's no proof for that at all but if you can find an interview in which it's clear that Dom and Chris were half-hearted about the album, I'm happy to be corrected.


On-stage, I think it's fairly clear that Dom has way more fun playing the heavier tracks than stuff like Madness and UD, which further suggests that this album will be seeing a return to more OoS-Abso style heavy tracks.
Again, you don't have proof for that. You have absolutely no idea what they were thinking while they were playing.


Furthmore, we know Muse are good at that. When they're wild and experimenty, it mostly turns out pretty good but can be kinda shit. But they have an established track record of putting out fantastic 3-piece rock songs, so if this is an album full of 3-piece rock songs (as the available evidence would suggest) then I see no reason to not assume it would be good beyond a desire to be negative about everything.


It's hardly being negative is it? All he said was that the album was fucking awesome. So what? What do you expect him to say? Chris and Matt haven't said much about the album, so that obviously means that they think it's the biggest waste of time of their careers.

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To be fair, prior to T2L's release Dom didn't hype the album up so much and I always felt that Matt was the one who was really enthusiastic about it while the other two were kinda meh.


On-stage, I think it's fairly clear that Dom has way more fun playing the heavier tracks than stuff like Madness and UD, which further suggests that this album will be seeing a return to more OoS-Abso style heavy tracks.


Furthmore, we know Muse are good at that. When they're wild and experimenty, it mostly turns out pretty good but can be kinda shit. But they have an established track record of putting out fantastic 3-piece rock songs, so if this is an album full of 3-piece rock songs (as the available evidence would suggest) then I see no reason to not assume it would be good beyond a desire to be negative about everything.


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I know Chris has said in the past he prefers playing Muse's heavier songs

, can't for the life of me remember where or when though. I shall dig.


I've heard him referenced by Matt and Dom as the one that brings the rock into Muse, but can't recall him saying that. I shall dig too :)

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Don't mean to be a downer, but I seem to recall Matt describing Madness as "the best song he's ever written" prior to it being released.


Were we ever sure if he meant, like, REALLY the best song he's written... or the best song because it saved his relationship? He'd talked about that a lot in interviews.

If it's the latter, that's kinda "awwwwww" - otherwise, :noey:


Yeah but I think we can get a decent idea on what Muse heavy means.


Not very? :LOL:

Anyways, Matt also said it was Abso/BH&Rish.


I am really, fucking surprised at how someone using the words fucking awesome to promote something they created and profit off of is taken so seriously.

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