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No, it doesn't. I'm just not getting my hopes too high, since I've already seen pretty good versions of the encore and am more interested in the full gig.


Interesting to see a tweet about editing right after someone asked, from August. Last year. Not buying it, Bellamy. :chuckle:


I don't really give a shit about Zepp anymore tbh. It'd be nice if it were released but I couldn't care less about Tom's 'troll' tweets or whatever.

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I don't understand why everyone keeps expecting the album to be released sooner than Muse have suggested. Nothing is going faster than expected.


Because it would be the first time they've been spot on with timescales and other stuff they've said before? No reason not to hope. They were saying Summer before they were even back rehearsing!

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Because it would be the first time they've been spot on with timescales and other stuff they've said before? No reason not to hope. They were saying Summer before they were even back rehearsing!

So basically you didn't give me a single good reason to assume the album is gonna be released earlier.

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So basically you didn't give me a single good reason to assume the album is gonna be released earlier.


God are you this dreary all the time? Have some hope and some optimism!


Certainly if they're starting to mix and master in a week or two I'd expect that process to be done well before the Christmas & New Year break. After that (potentially during the mixing/mastering) you'd expect Muse's management to be planning marketing strategies etc. Shows are clearly already in the plans, and CD duplication doesn't take a month.


Edit: Also how do you know nothing is going faster than expected?

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Well of course there's a possibility that they planned to stay in the studio for five months but somehow I doubt it. The process so far has been pretty similar to their previous albums, so I don't see why Muse would be wrong in their predictions.


And is it really dreary to not go "so I guess this means the album could be released TOMORROW"? I'm perfectly happy anticipating the album without having to jump to unwarranted conclusions to keep myself positive. I have high hopes for this album.

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Well of course there's a possibility that they planned to stay in the studio for five months but somehow I doubt it. The process so far has been pretty similar to their previous albums, so I don't see why Muse would be wrong in their predictions.


And is it really dreary to not go "so I guess this means the album could be released TOMORROW"? I'm perfectly happy anticipating the album without having to jump to unwarranted conclusions to keep myself positive. I have high hopes for this album.


Muse definitely didn't finish recording in November last 2 album cycles.

I think they finished BH&R at least in February AFAIK.

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There's quality bootlegs of the Zepp gig, so meh.


There's quality video of the encore. I really wanted to see the rarities in the rest of the gig, and honestly, it's just awesome to see them play at small shows at this point, so it would have been lovely to see the thing in its entirity.

Especially since they didn't do any others.

But, I'd moved on from believing it's going to happen ages ago.


I would say it's fair to think the album will drop a little earlier than the "summer" they said before. I would expect it at least before those festivals start in May.

And the recording period did seem really short this time, but I suppose I never tracked it as closely before, and there wasn't an Instagram thing going on.

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Muse definitely didn't finish recording in November last 2 album cycles.

I think they finished BH&R at least in February AFAIK.

first of all, T2L was released in October, so not sure what good that example does you. The album recordings started later than this time around, ended later, and the album ended up being released much later.


T2L was finished late February/early March or something, and was released in October. This album is finished in November. Do some counting and tell me where that leaves us.

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first of all, T2L was released in October, so not sure what good that example does you. The album recordings started later than this time around, ended later, and the album ended up being released much later.


T2L was finished late February/early March or something, and was released in October. This album is finished in November. Do some counting and tell me where that leaves us.



Contrarianism makes me yawn because it forces everyone to respond to this type of rubbish. Obviously every new album that comes out should be treated as independent of previous album cycles, because it is a new album. Duh. Furthermore, the band themselves have said they would have new material to play for their gigs at the end of May. Since Muse has not played new material ahead of an album release since the BHAR period ages ago, it's safe to assume over the course of nearly a decade's worth of reference that this shall be no different.


tl;dr late May album release date is still earlier than their original prediction of "summer 2015," and the fact that the recording seems finished by now can make a plausible release date come as early as March considering all that needs to be done now (mixing + mastering + marketing) but who knows what the marketing will be like now since we don't know if Muse is going to release this themselves, it could be a quick thing or a no-press surprise drop thing which is growing increasingly popular these days.


tl;dr2 March - May is the release window and your logic does not apply here if it contradicts statements released by the band members themselves. Bothers me the 'biggest' fans of bands that frequent the forums are the most vocal naysayers just for the sake of it, albeit evidence making a case against them.

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In terms of release dates, be mindful that the big retailers kicked off when a large chunk of bands released albums at the same time, so the retailers didnt maximise their sales..


So, do we know if other big names have release dates in mind?


I'd like to see Muse do a similar release of the album like the 'R' band. Pledge music uniqie items or a BitTorrent early release would both go down a storm

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I do wonder how much iTunes and digital releases are effected by multiple similar artists releasing on the same days.

There's a lot more tendancy to "click now, never really see how much you spend" with online purchases.

Then again, it's also really pushed the trend of just buying one song.

Physical CD sales are just about doomed anyways.


I've had absolutely the worst experiences with PledgeMusic, so not really a fan atm.


I do wonder if even Muse knows how they're going to release this thing yet...

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Contrarianism makes me yawn because it forces everyone to respond to this type of rubbish...Bothers me the 'biggest' fans of bands that frequent the forums are the most vocal naysayers just for the sake of it, albeit evidence making a case against them.


Thank you for saying what I have been thinking everytime I visit this forum.

Infinite thumbs up to you 👍

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And Teignmouth.


But those aren't exactly comparable since they were special gigs while these are rather large festivals. But still possible. Or maybe the album will be out by then.

There's quite a big difference with those examples though. Come Teignmouth and E-Work, the respective albums the tracks they played were from was complete.


BH&R is the last album Muse 'road tested' tracks ahead of going into the studio - Crying Shame, Glorious, Assassin and Exo-Politics played variously between late 2004 and mid 2005 with BH&R coming July 2006. Even the piano version of what became the Take A Bow intro.


Muse had previously done that with all three albums beforehand, but never since.

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the band themselves have said they would have new material to play for their gigs at the end of May. Since Muse has not played new material ahead of an album release since the BHAR period ages ago, it's safe to assume over the course of nearly a decade's worth of reference that this shall be no different.

Yes, that's pretty much what I'm saying. Believe it or not but I don't really consider "summer release" and "May release" to be that huge of a difference.


tl;dr late May album release date is still earlier than their original prediction of "summer 2015,"

by like 1-2 weeks, yeah.


and the fact that the recording seems finished by now can make a plausible release date come as early as March considering all that needs to be done now (mixing + mastering + marketing) but who knows what the marketing will be like now since we don't know if Muse is going to release this themselves, it could be a quick thing or a no-press surprise drop thing which is growing increasingly popular these days.
Of course it's possible that they do a surprise drop, but as I've said, based on the band's statements, a standard pre-release procedure seems to be the idea.


tl;dr2 March - May is the release window and your logic does not apply here if it contradicts statements released by the band members themselves. Bothers me the 'biggest' fans of bands that frequent the forums are the most vocal naysayers just for the sake of it, albeit evidence making a case against them.

Once again, May does not contradict anything really.


And the only "evidence" which has been presented is Muse's own statement of summer release, the announced gigs, and our own predictions of how long the post-recording process takes.

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