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Or make it significantly worse. I imagine that touts would get hold of the tickets and then charge even more ridiculous prices because the songs played would be 'rare'.


What would stop them from doing the same at the smaller gigs, making it worse for fans to get ahold of?

Unless they do a board sale, which they could still do in larger venues.


I like the stages at theaters... but I hate not being able to try and get a better place to stand, get away from people if I need to, and having a seat digging into the back of my legs all night.


I'm starting to feel kinda silly talking about this like it's going to actually happen, anyways.

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I would really love it if they made gigs available to purchase/download after they happen.

Would be really stellar to be able to have your own gig, and then grab any that had really exciting moments, or great tracks.


Would also give a financial incentive for them to differentiate at least a few songs in each set. ;)

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And Americans wouldn't have to deal with videos being blocked on YouTube all the time.


Seriously, wtf is up with the songs they block?

I mean, it's not bad enough they're blocked here and not everywhere... but I could watch literally 1,000 different videos of Starlight, and they play Micro Cuts once, and NOPE.


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Different management for OOS songs? It shouldn't be hard to look through a proxy though would it?


No it's pretty much everything. I assume the singles get through more often just cause there's more quantity of videos taken of those songs.

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I would really love it if they made gigs available to purchase/download after they happen.

Would be really stellar to be able to have your own gig, and then grab any that had really exciting moments, or great tracks.


Would also give a financial incentive for them to differentiate at least a few songs in each set. ;)

It requires loads of work though. First of all, how would it be sold? Discs? That would take ages to prepare for each gig. Download? Would require servers a lot better than the ones they currently have.

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It requires loads of work though. First of all, how would it be sold? Discs? That would take ages to prepare for each gig. Download? Would require servers a lot better than the ones they currently have.


Depeche Mode had their gigs for download with the option to order a physical copy, which were available for only some time. The physical copy thing was something along the lines of having the order option for some time to see how many people wanted it, then printing it and then seding out to the customers.

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I would go with download, since physical copy stuff's been going away for years now, and it a pointless expense in this hypothetical case.


And the songs that are blocked in the US are extremely random.

For this last tour, sure, it was the rare (and popular) songs: Micro Cuts, Butterflies, CE.

But going back to older gigs, it gets rather random.


There's a million versions of Showbiz, for instance, but then I'll be watching all the vids from one particular gig, and THAT Showbiz will be blocked.

There's a thousand Starlights, but almost every TiRO I try and pull up is blocked.


Sure, I have a set up that I can use with a proxy on my computer at home, but I'm typically looking at this stuff on my work breaks, or inbetween jobs and interviews somewhere I CAN'T proxy.


I don't see what these concert videos hurt (especially the crowd shot ones) and for me, they help keep my interest in the downtime.

The more I say "well, fuck this then!" and use my spare time playing Professor Layton, or solitaire, the more likely I am to drift away.

Which, I suppose, could be more healthy in the long run. :LOL:

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There's even a company that organizes those instant live recordings for the bands, so Muse wouldn't have to worry about servers themselves: https://www.concertlive.co.uk/index.php

Amongst quite some others, that company has done the live albums for Robbie Williams and just recently for Franz Ferdinand, so why shouldn't they do it for Muse?

There are many possible ways of selling the recording. Often you can buy a CD or USB stick at the concert that contains part of the concert, ad then you can download the rest at home. Or you just order the CD online before or after the concert.

And of course there is profit for the bands, because, you know, in the euphoric moments after a good concert, people would buy just everything!! :LOL:

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Yeah - when I was at the Roundhouse for FF there were so many people trying to sell the live album, which was burned onto CD's and sold within 10 minutes of the gig ending. I might buy one somewhere down the line, given I didn't have any cash on me to buy one at the time. Also, Depeche Mode regularly do them, and I think Kasabian did a few on the Velociraptor tour.


Maybe a suggestion for the next tour, perhaps?

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