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Everything posted by Jazzthief

  1. I had a dream where they were playing Wembley with orchestra and choir that was scattered all around the stage. They opened with Survival that had this amazing mix of Prelude and Unsustainable as intro and it was spectacular. The whole stadium was lighten up with these dark blue and red colours and everything was just fuckin amazing. Survival was such a badass opener. Though they played a different verison of it that I can't describe because it was too abstract to be described. Just amazing. Aaaand then I woke up and went to school to have a test at biology.
  2. I think it needs the crowd to be involved to be fun. Estonian Muse fans are just a bunch of hipster fucks who just like to stand still the whole gig so there wasn't ANY singalong. The riff still was a proper headbang material.
  3. Well I did say that there was criticisim for the song but most of the people were just so amazed by the song that they just kept on ranting about how good it was and didn't even notice the negative comments because they were lost in the endless sea of "OMGDISTHEBESTMUSESONGEVERFUCKCITIZENERASED" In conclusion to all of my posts: Supremacy sucks, both live and on the album.
  4. I liked this one Everything was great 'til the first chorus, then everything went wrong, dat tone
  5. I always thought that BHAR was horribly produced. But yesterday and downloaded Audacity and inspected every single album I have and the Depeche Mode 2006/2007 (2003 101 remaster) remasters are by far the worst fucking masters ever. Complete fucking brickwalls and they even fucked up the remaster by skiping some of the sounds. Seriously, there isn't any other album that has been remastered worse. On topic: Yes, I also rediscovered the awesomeness of Hoodoo by listening to the vinyl rip of BHAR, it's still fucking brickwalled but a lot clearer. Trust me, get one and go listen to Hoodoo adn you'll be blown away.
  6. to be honest I find explorers dark in a way that the lyrics don't reflect the music and if you really think about what you're singing it's pretty much pure despair Name of the book?
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