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Everything posted by Peter.

  1. never had serious problems with this tbh. youtube is still the best source of music imo. when listening to my favorite bands it offers loads of suggestions that have led me to many awesome new discoveries. and many shit ones, too, but you just need to keep browsing. as long as you still enjoy it, of course.
  2. it's not the board's award, though. there's a "bitchiest fan community award" that's reserved just for us.
  3. favorites were the "two-red-dot-robot-eyes" one and the 3rd one from the left in the top row
  4. have I done this already? don't remember, but I feel like lists so Overdue Feeling good, but not really toada, but not really starlight i belong to you madness
  5. maybe not, but I'd say it's a good quality recording. it's not like you have to watch some shitty 240p rip.
  6. my loooove... will be foreeeeeveeer and we'll dieeeee... we die togeeeeetheeer you can't get more lame and sappy than that. it's sort of.. physically impossible.
  7. Peter.

    War Child

    I always think of a 10 yo kid in battle raiment when I hear this name.
  8. Peter.


    "The Muse"
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