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Everything posted by Peter.

  1. shikari might not be the best band ever, but I don't see what everybody's beef is with them. they're fun, sometimes funny, sometimes cheesy. and they put on a great live show. you could find tons of much worse bands to bash while you have nothing OT to say...
  2. I don't get this "it's not long enough to judge" argument. I judge what I hear. And what I heard was some very lame classic rock riffing. If later on something longer pops up that's actually decent, I'll rethink my opinion.
  3. That usually turns out great I've been listening to a lot of Chariot recently and they used to record their stuff like that, as well. It gives a raw sound.
  4. yaaay list time OOS>Absolution>TR>BHAR>T2L>Showbiz strictly album artworks. (can't be bothered to compare all the singles too the SFA cover is by far my fav though)
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