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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Here's one video I found. Bass drum sounds good enough. To be honest I think it's worth sacrificing some of the bass drum hit for an overall better drum sound.
  2. Well it kind of is just using overheads, but if you were using 2 mics you could've done it. I know a video that describes recording and mixing the setup. I'll find it if I can. I think it's the same method Crowella is on about too.
  3. You can use 2 mics and pan them left and right as long as you place them so the snare and kick will remain in the middle.
  4. Did you just place the mics randomly or did you try to do it to get a good stereo sound like the method usually implies?
  5. Also KnT should have a contest to make the best mix of the song. Winner gets a free signature from Dave and the opportunity to buy Dom's DS-1.
  6. AVA still only uses it as a logo. They still call themselves by their full name. They even do it in a song.
  7. In text it would be nice, but if I were on stage I think it would be easier to say the full name instead of an abbreviation that could be misheard and maybe hard to search for too (although that applies for text as well). But then I've never been on stage so don't listen to what I'm saying.
  8. I can't listen on my phone but if this doesn't make me think of giant robots I'll be disappointed
  9. I wouldn't call US crowds chill. I'd call them boring. From what I've seen from European videos if you stand further back you shouldn't really have a problem unless you hate any form of pushing.
  10. Feeling lazy right now so I'm just gonna make a list based off of your list cause we share a few opinions. Bliss (Wembley 2010, Rock Am Ring 2002, Earl's Court) Take A Bow (Shepherd's Bush 2006) Ruled By Secrecy (Glasgow 2012 or Earl's Court night 2 - 2004) Hyper Music (Reading 2011, Montreux 2002) Dark Shines (Reading 2011) I Belong To You (Stade de France night 2 - 2010) MK Ultra (Rock In Rio 2010, ACL 2010) Showbiz (Reading 2006) Map of the Problematique (Abbey Road 2006, shout out to Glastonbury 2010, Wembley 07 and Wembley 2010 as well) Resistance (Glastonbury 2010)
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