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I think it's a great cover, why do you think they spoiled it?


A big part of it is the association with "great, this song taking up gig time from Muse's own songs".I might like the cover if it wasn't played so often.


Another part is that I think the song works better with the original 60's production(s), and while I generally do like Matt's voice, I think a RnB/soul voice works better for it.


Funny thing is that the megaphone originally did add something to the song and arguably is the most "interesting" part of the Muse cover, now its appearance induces a "noooo..."

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This has no sense, you know that?


Sure it does.


You can get annoyed at a song for reasons that have nothing(/much) to do with the song itself. Radio overplaying a song is a good example. You can love a song and by the time you hear it six times a day for two months you start hating it. You can start hating a song because it was playing in the background when your SO dumped you. And so on.


I associate FG with all the drama that was going down with last tour's set list, and my own annoyance of it taking up space from songs I'd want to hear get played. It's quite simple, really.

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