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New Born

Bliss X2

Space Dementia

Hyper Music

Plug in Baby X2

Citizen Erased X2

Micro Cuts



Feeling Good X2



Time Is Running Out X2

Stockholm Syndrome X2

Interlude X2

Hysteria X2

Ruled By Secrecy


Take a Bow

Starlight X2

Supermassive Black Hole X2

Map of the Problematique

Knights of Cydonia X2


Uprising X2

Resistance X2

Undisclosed Desires X2

United States of Eurasia

Guiding Light

Unnatural Selection

MK Ultra

Exogenesis: Overture


Helsinki Jam

MK Jam


Man with a Harmonica X2


New Born x2

Bliss x2

Space Dementia

Hyper Music

Plug in Baby x3

Citizen Erased x2

Feeling Good x3



Time is Running Out x3

Stockholm Syndrome x3

Hysteria x3

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Ruled by Secrecy


Take a Bow x2

Starlight x3

Supermassive Black Hole x3

Map of the Problematique

Soldiers Poem

Knights of Cydonia x3


Uprising x3

Resistance x3

Undisclosed Desires x3

United States of Eurasia x2

Guiding Light x2

Unnatural Selection x2

MK Ultra

I Belong To You

Exogenesis Symphony P1 x2


Neutron Star Collision

Nishe x2

MK Jam x2

Helsinki Jam

Interlude x3

MWaH x3



Exogenesis: Symphony, Part 1: Overture

Uprising (Riff version)

Supermassive Black Hole (Kaoss Jam intro)

Map of the Problematique (Who knows who outro riff)

New Born

Hysteria (Interlude intro, Back In Black outro riff)


United States Of Eurasia

Feeling Good

Bliss (Long)

MK Jam

Undisclosed Desires


Time Is Running Out (House of the Rising Sun intro)


Stockholm Syndrome

Plug In Baby

Knights of Cydonia (Man With A Harmonica intro)

Plus Reading fest 2011 and a 2008 gig to that and it'd be perfect.

Bitch please :phu:





Forced In


Origin of Symmetry

New Born x2

Bliss x3

Space Dementia

Hyper Music

Plug In Baby x3

Citizen Erased x2

Micro Cuts


Dark Shines

Feeling Good x3




Apocalypse Please

Time Is Running Out x3

Sing For Absolution

Stockholm Syndrome x3

Interlude x2

Hysteria x3


Butterflies & Hurricanes

Ruled By Secrecy


Black Holes & Revelations:

Take A Bow x2

Starlight x3

Supermassive Black Hole x3

Map of the Problematique x2

Soldier's Poem



Knights Of Cydonia x3


The Resistance:

Uprising x2

Resistance x2

Undisclosed Desires x2

United States of Eurasia

Guiding Light

Unnatural Selection

MK Ultra

Exo 1: Overture

MK Jam

Helsinki Jam


These are the songs I've heard, I've probably heard more just can't remember tbh.


New Born


Plug in Baby

Citizen Erased


Feeling Good


Apocalypse Please

Time Is Running Out

Sing for Absolution

Stockholm Syndrome



Butterflies & Hurricanes

The Small Print

Thoughts of a Dying Atheist

Ruled by Secrecy


Take A Bow


Supermassive Black Hole

Map of the Problematique

Soldier's Poem


City of Delusion


Knights of Cydonia

Posted (edited)
no Resistance? :stunned:
And no Uprising... whoever said he's been to a gig recently? ;)






New Born x 2

Plug in Baby x2

Citizen Erased



Time is Running Out x2

Stockholm Syndrome

Hysteria x2



Starlight x2

Supermassive Black Hole x2

Map of the Problematique

Knights of Cydonia x2


The Resistance:

Uprising x2

Resistance x2

Undisclosed Desires x2

United States of Eurasia x2

MK Ultra

Unnatural Selection

Exo Part 1




Back in Black cover

Nishe x2

Helsinki Jam x2

Edited by Stewez

Cave x1

Unintended x1


New born x5

Bliss x3

Space dementia x2

Hyper music x1

Plug in baby x6

Citizen erased x2

Micro cuts x1

Darkshines x1

Screenager x1

Feeling good x6

Megalomania x1


Time is running out x6

Stockholm syndrome x6

Interlude x5

Hysteria x6

Butterflies and hurricanes x2

Ruled by secrecy x1


Take a bow x3

Starlight x6

Supermassive black hole x6

Map of the problematique x4

Invincible x1

Soldiers poem x1

Knights of cydonia x6


Uprising x5

Resistance x5

Undisclosed desires x5

United states of eurasia x4

Guiding light x3

Unnatual selection x4

Mk ultra x1

I belong to you x1

Exogenesis part 1 x3


Dead star x1

Neutron star collision x1

Popcorn x1

Osaka jam x1

Helskink jam x2

Mk jam x2

Mwah x6

Posted (edited)

showbiz era


nishe x2


OoS era


New Born x3


Hyper Music

Plug in Baby x3

Citizen Erased x3

Micro cuts



Feeling Good x2



Absolution era


Time is Running out x3

Stockholm Syndome x3

interlude x3

hysteria x3

butterflies & hurricanes


BH&R era


take a bow

starlight x3

Supermassive black hole x3

Map of the Problematique

Knight of Cydonia x3


Resistance era


Uprising x3

Resistance x3

Undisclosed desires x3

- helsinki jam

- mk jam

United States of Eurasia x2

Guiding Light

Unnatural selection

Mk ultra





15/07/2010 - vieilles charrues

04/09/2010 - Manchester Old trafford Criket Ground

28/08/2011 - Reading Festival

Edited by titoufou17
  • 4 weeks later...


Butterflies and Hurricanes

Citizen Erased x2

Dark Shines

Exogenesis I

Feeling Good x2

Guiding Light

Hyper Music

Hysteria x2

Knights of Cydonia x2

Map of the Problematique


Micro Cuts

New Born x2

Plug in Baby x2

Resistance x2


Space Dementia

Starlight x2

Stockholm Syndrome x2

Supermassive Black Hole x2

Take A Bow

Time is Running Out x2

Undisclosed Desires x2

United States of Eurasia

Unnatural Selection

Uprising x2

Posted (edited)


- Nishe


Origin Of Symmetry:

- New Born (2)

- Bliss

- Space Dementia

- Hyper Music

- Plug In Baby (2)

- Citizen Erased (2)

- Micro Cuts

- Screenager

- Dark Shines

- Feeling Good (2)

- Megalomania



- Time Is Running Out (2)

- Stockholm Syndrome (2)

- Interlude (2)

- Hysteria (2)

- Butterflies & Hurricanes


Black Holes & Revelations:

- Take A Bow

- Starlight (2)

- Supermassive Black Hole (2)

- Map Of The Problematique

- Knights Of Cydonia (2)


The Resistance:

- Uprising (2)

- Resistance (2)

- Undisclosed Desires (2)

- United States Of Eurasia

- Guiding Light

- Unnatural Selection

- Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture)



- Helsinki Jam

- House Of The Rising Sun (2)

- MK Jam

- Back In Black

- Endless Nameless (2)

- Who Knows Who

- Neutron Star Collision

- School

- War Within A Breath

- Adagio In G Minor

- Power Of Soul

- Township Rebellion



- Glastonbury 2004 intro to Butterflies & Hurricanes

- Stadium Siren (2)

- What's He Building?

- Man With A Harmonica (2)


I dare say I've done quite well for myself :happy:

Edited by Jobby
It seems like everyone on this board has seen Origin live :$

Curse my location.


I've made the decision that if they ever announce that they're playing another album in full then I'm going no matter what :happy:


I still haven't experienced any acoustic tracks... :indiff:

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