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Guest Octazooka

I had a really weird dream a few nights ago-I dreamt of meeting Matt for the first time :LOL: It probably went something like this:


I remember looking at Matt and going :ZOMFG IT IZ TEH BELLLS!!! :awesome::awesome:!!! Then: His eyes are oh so veeerrryyy blue :p He had a kind of dreamy, pouty kind of face and eyes :LOL:


Then he notices me and he goes: Hey thar! And we kind of start talking about stuff, and then he notices my drawing of him as a meerkat hybrid holding his Glitterati, and he asks: You drew that? It's really nice! And then he makes a little joke about him looking like a meerkat and we laugh..And the dream ended, 'cause my mum was hitting my legs and yelling at me to wake up and stop sleeping like a damned pig :facepalm:

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Haha , I had the most insane dream the other night xD


I dreamt that Dom was in a wheelchair and I had to take care of him and feed him and all of that shit xD

And he tried to kill himself all the time and I had to protect him from all the clifs and stuff life that.

Chris and Matt was also in it, but they just kind of sat in different places and was looking at me like I was some kind of freak or something. Then Dom started to cry and tried to run me over and then I tried to kill HIM and in the end I was falling in the air, and woke up just before I was hiting the ground...


It was just bizarre, the whole thing xD


I don't know why, but I was wearing this strange bird coat with wing ?

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I had this really weird and horrible dream the other night..


Basically me and Matt were the leader people of 'the Resistance' and were trying to overthrow the government, which was run by Lady Gaga. :p Somewhere along the lines Lady Gaga stole Matt's voice because it was our 'main weapon' and so he basically had a mental breakdown on the floor and was like crying and stuffs and I was trying to comfort him but it didn't really go well.. :(


So yeahh, I woke up feeling very depressed and with a new hatred for Lady Gaga. I blame my friend for trying to convince me that she's evil.

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Guest Sarah-x

long dream, but matt was in it at the end. basically in a nut shell i took matt in to a fabric store to find him some red material to make another of his jackets (yes the bird one:p) and whilst there, there was loads of blokes in drag, who came on to matt :LOL: it was funny to watch him get majorly freaked out. whilst i was looking at one material with a really camp drag man matt graps my hand and pulls me out of the shop, stop out side a waterfeature (dunno why :p) and he says we should tryelse where and that he will take me to his home area.. chris apears and says "what, your not going to show her you homearea?!?!" matt whispers to him and for some reason i say, i will wear a blinf fold if you dont want me to know how to get there. matt looks at me smiles.. Dream Ends!

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I had my third Muse dream :happy:

Basically, I met Matt in a field and got pictures taken with him. I went to school the next day and told everyone but no one believed me D:. And then Matt came in and was like, "Hey! I met you yesterday, right?" And gave me a piggyback around school and everyone was like :pope:.

And then he kissed me.

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My dream was weird xD. Warning: long dream ahead.


My school was having some sort of scavenger hunt thing, but I didn't get involved in it yet. Matt was there, he was annoying me and getting me all pissed off. I told him to stfu and he got really upset. Both of us got sent to the princibles office and I apoligized to him. He accepted, then we walked seperate ways.


Matt told me that he's going to hold a concert in the collisium near our town, and he gave me free front row tickets :) I also decided to change my clothes because apparently I was wearing a wearing an orange, black, and white Nightmare Before Christmas shirt and decided to change into orange skinny jeans :LOL:. Then, Matt still kinda was annoying me on purpose and I kept getting annoyed at him, then we were partners in the scavenger hunt. That made me even more angry, but I coped with it.


I did all the work though, and he just kept talking on and on :LOL:. At one point he held my hand and dragged me seomwhere else confessing his love for me. Me being the weird girl I am said NO and left him confused/sad. We were one of the teams to find the most stuff so we got to go on the bus that was riding to the collisium. I refused to sit next to Matt, but sat with this other guy instead. He was really sweet, and in my dream I ended up liking him. I could see Matt angry in the corner of my eye, and I felt guilty. The random guy I was sitting with really liked me and wanted to be mine...but I refused because he was starting to scare me xD. I decided to sit next to Matt instead and he got all happy instead of upset. Then I said sorry and he huged me. Then he kissed me....


Dream ended there. :LOL:

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I had a dream once that me and my friends were on one of those big red double decker buses when in stopped in the woods and we could see Matt and Dom waiting for us so we got off and went over to then. They lead us to this cabin in the woods with a jacuzzi in front of it and my friend and Matt went round the side if the cabin and you know ;) and me and Dom got in the jacuzzi and well you know ;)


And then in another one all the members of Muse were at the bottom of my garden on one of those seat swing things and I kept running up to them and being all fangirly. Then I got an autograph for my friend and went off all Rambo style climbing over fences and stuff :erm:

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I had a dream once that me and my friends were on one of those big red double decker buses when in stopped in the woods and we could see Matt and Dom waiting for us so we got off and went over to then. They lead us to this cabin in the woods with a jacuzzi in front of it and my friend and Matt went round the side if the cabin and you know ;) and me and Dom got in the jacuzzi and well you know ;)


And then in another one all the members of Muse were at the bottom of my garden on one of those seat swing things and I kept running up to them and being all fangirly. Then I got an autograph for my friend and went off all Rambo style climbing over fences and stuff :erm:


1 dream) olala :eyebrows:


2 dream) rambo?!? :LOL:

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yesh it was just about the best dream evar :D if only i'd gotta bit of Matt too :noey:



i just started diving over fenches and stuff like 'i gotta get this autograph to her' :chuckle:



i had a matteh dream :eyebrows:


:LOL: imagine if it was terminator!



"ill be back" *destorys fences* "i have got to get ze autograph to mah friend"

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i had a matteh dream :eyebrows:


:LOL: imagine if it was terminator!



"ill be back" *destorys fences* "i have got to get ze autograph to mah friend"

was it sexeh? ;)

hahaha i full on loled at that mental image. it's like 1.15am and i had to stuff my face in the pillow to muffle my laughing fit :chuckle:

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i dream of muse a lot actually!

recently i dreamt that i was at one of their gigs and it was cram-full of people (naturally), i got mashed and pressed against the barrier (i was in first row) until i couldn't breathe anymore, i blacked out a few times and paniced and there was somebody behind me grabbing me and pulling me down. i crashed with my face against that barrier but then luckily one of the camera men helped me out because chris had seen me :happy:


but i have good dreams as well, of course! and very weird ones!

my mum dreamt of matthew recently :LOL: seriously, she said she'd met him in some kind of bank, languidly leaned against the door and at least a head taller that he's in reality. he wore a silver, really gallant jacket that was crossed over in the middle, she remembers that she's been very impressed regarding his usual strange fashion sense. haha :D

and i remember seeing muse in a french tv show...in germany (yes!)...wtf?!

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Wow....Some people here have/had some brilliant dreams.


Anyway...My first Muse dream [and the only one I had 'till now] had only Matt in it and was very creepy.:eek:


Everything begins on a sunny morning with me eating and finishing my breakfast[which usually consists of milk and cereals].Then,it continues with me cleaning the dishes and thinking what to do that day.

...Suddenly,I find out that someone is following me.It was Matt.

I try to run,but he hits me in my head.And the next thing I find out is that I'm I

in a different room and that I don't know what's going to happen.

....Until Matt comes with a knife and starts to stab me....

And he's stabbing me continously while yelling at me for being a traitor.

Well....Until he finds out that I'm finally dead.Then he starts to cut my face,my hands ,my legs and my arms.

That's where the dream stops.


if I had to pick how I'd die...it would be this. Think: Matt has to hold you down to stab you! Matt would be touching my arms!

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if I had to pick how I'd die...it would be this. Think: Matt has to hold you down to stab you! Matt would be touching my arms!


I wouldn't like to die this way,to be honest.[but I deserved to die in that dream,'cause I was a traitor]

And Matt didn't have to hold me down,because I was standing still.He just had to stab me and cut me like a piece of meat.;)

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I had a dream that I met Matt and Dom randomly in the street. But Matt was really cranky because he just wanted to go home but the rest of us dragged him into a diner to eat with us. And then we rode on dragons and flew everywhere and it was epic. :yesey:


It was an excellent dream.

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Wow, first time I've ever had a Muse dream. I think it must be over the Wembley excitement. So, I was with two people who I knew in the dream but who I definitely don't know in my waking life, and we arrived really early to a Muse show to stand in the General Admission queue. For some reason, the location of the line/queue kept changing locations, and we'd have to leave wherever we were and run to a new location several times throughout the dream. When we got to another new location, two random girls came up to the line and were screaming that Matt, Dom and Chris were walking outside of a local movie theatre. We all left where we were and ran over to where the girls had seen them. In short, we all got to meet them and in my dream they were (of course) awesomely kind and interesting to talk to. They also randomly started a mosh pit for us and they were all in it...in the dream Dom was talking about how crazy the pit had been and we were all telling him that he now knew what being offstage and in the crowd was like at one of their shows (okay, unless it's a SHITTY crowd). After we all met them we went off to the show...and that's when I woke up. So 'effin random that I had a Muse dream, I actually wonder if this is a little unhealthy, haha. I remember as well that in my dream I didn't have a camera and I was really pissed that I couldn't get pictures...:LOL:

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Muse dream last night :D (sorry, it's pretty long)


I was at home in the UK, and I decided I needed to see Muse NOW, so i got a plane to USA and went into some really small venue, where Muse were playing..

I got to the front of the pit (there was no barrier, just the stage) right in front of Matt. I waved at him when they finished playing USoE and he started talking to me and the people around me! Then he started playing Dark Shines, and we were all really suprised because they never play DS during TR tour!

After the song finished everyone just left the venue expect for me and a few other people. Matt jumped off the stage and called us over, and then he got us all to stand around him for a twitpic :chuckle: Then everyone else left and Matt came over to talk to me and gave me a hug. I told him about how I had ran away from home and I was really scared cause I didn't tell my parents..I then asked him for his autograph and some photos, and then he asked for my shoe :wtf: so i gave him it, and he wrote some stuff on it (i was wearing converse). Then we said goodbye, and on my way home to England I looked at my shoe and he had written messages all over it, they said:


Don't worry about your parents..

Just make sure they've had plenty to drink when you get home and tell them ;)

It was lovely meeting you

Matt xx


It was awesome :awesome:

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A couple nights ago my mom had yet another Muse dream. :indiff: It's always her and not me... Gosh.


Anyway. My mom, her old roomate that she hasn't talked to in many years, and I were at some sort of Muse concert. She tried to get a better seat, and ended up walking right by the backstage entrance right when Matt was coming out for some reason. She was like, "Excuse me, can I shake your hand?" very polite and not too rabid. So Matt shook her hand (in the intimate two-handed way :awesome:) and then she said, "My daughter loves you."


And that was it.

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Muse dream last night :D (sorry, it's pretty long)


I was at home in the UK, and I decided I needed to see Muse NOW, so i got a plane to USA and went into some really small venue, where Muse were playing..

I got to the front of the pit (there was no barrier, just the stage) right in front of Matt. I waved at him when they finished playing USoE and he started talking to me and the people around me! Then he started playing Dark Shines, and we were all really suprised because they never play DS during TR tour!

After the song finished everyone just left the venue expect for me and a few other people. Matt jumped off the stage and called us over, and then he got us all to stand around him for a twitpic :chuckle: Then everyone else left and Matt came over to talk to me and gave me a hug. I told him about how I had ran away from home and I was really scared cause I didn't tell my parents..I then asked him for his autograph and some photos, and then he asked for my shoe :wtf: so i gave him it, and he wrote some stuff on it (i was wearing converse). Then we said goodbye, and on my way home to England I looked at my shoe and he had written messages all over it, they said:


Don't worry about your parents..

Just make sure they've had plenty to drink when you get home and tell them ;)

It was lovely meeting you

Matt xx


It was awesome :awesome:



OMG,that's so adorable! :awesome:

I'm jealous I haven't had a Muse dream in ages :( Although the two I've had were pretty damn cool

Note to self - get Matt to sign my shoe! :chuckle:

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I already had 3 Muse Dreams.

First: I was at a concert and I really don't have any ideia where it was. I don't remember very well but I was so excited and I was always jumping and singing the songs. I think that I had this dream because I never had seen Muse live yet ... that's sad ... so everyday I think about the day that I will finally see Muse live.

Second: I was at a store buying Muse Cd's. I remember that I bought a lot of Cd's.

Third: I was at an autograph session and it was strange because there was only Matt. So there was a few number of persons and when my turn came I started talking with Matt. I said "Oh, hi. Hello there Matt ... so ... I have where a lot of stuff to you autograph". He said "Hi. Ok then". In that moment I put a lot of Cd's and sheets (it was really strange because I put scratch sheets and even school exams) upon the table so that Matt could autograph them. Matt started looking at that pile of sheets and we was like "Wtf is this pile of sheets?!" and then we started autograph them. After having spent an hour Matt finally finished autograph all the Cd's and sheets. And then I said "Oh, thank you so much. You made me a very very happy person. Right now I'm feeling good. Btw you are a God. I gotta go. Love you. Bye. Cheers". He said "Oh you're welcome. It was fucking pwoper. Bye".

Edited by Cate_Fernandes
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