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No, people don't listen to every single muse song and compare each second of them to a so called 8 second preview when it probably won't even feature on the track.


People also don't generally take kindly to unnecessary hostility, this is a friendly forum and that was inappropriate. I don't feel i need comment on the actual content of your post, i wont have an argument with someone i have never met.

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Hahah :LOL:

I don't know if You want know this, but this shit is from polish (from my country, it's a reason why I'm writing this :p) band "Feel", which is the most :vomit: polish band I ever know :D

Btw, they have sign contract with other artist, to make covers their songs and call this songs with their names and without any note it's cover, they pay if people will never see the truth around :D And put all this songs on their first studio album.


For example





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Is the .mu shop charging people AGAIN for shipping?! :mad: Every bloody time... you'd think they'd flipping well figure out how to stop doing that by now, lol... then again, their service with stuff like that is a bit very much on the shite side :p.


I bought a t-shirt as well as the pre-order, so I got charged anyways.


Quite bummed this isn't a physical release :( ... they might decide to do it afterwards, but that would be kinda pointless. I hope there'll be a (decent) b-side, too, but this seems like a Twatlight-only single promotion kinda thing, so I've not set my hopes up for that. As long as the song is immense, I'll be happy.


I love how many rumours/speculation and 'OMG THAT'S FAKE' conspiracies start circulating when a new Muse song crops up (a lot of it floating its way to the boards from the ML troops, no doubt :p).


My one wish is that this song features a Mayan flute; that's when Muse would have conquered the musical world :awesome:.


/end random muse-ings

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It's 79p, a single digital track so no B-sides, sadly.

The only physical release will be on the Eclipse OST CD I'd say. The release of this track is promotion for the film and the soundtrack after all.

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It's 79p, a single digital track so no B-sides, sadly.

The only physical release will be on the Eclipse OST CD I'd say. The release of this track is promotion for the film and the soundtrack after all.


Hurr durr.

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It's 79p, a single digital track so no B-sides, sadly.

The only physical release will be on the Eclipse OST CD I'd say. The release of this track is promotion for the film and the soundtrack after all.


Yeah, true - as I say, I figured it's being promoted as a song for the film/soundtrack, so it's not a 'conventional' single release. Lol, well I'm def not buying the Eclipse soundtrack just to feel like I have a physical copy of the song :LOL:. The digital single will have to do, and I've pre-ordered it now, which, on second thought, is prob a bit stupid anyways as it's an MP3, so it's hardly likely to run out, lol. Muse/management never have been brilliant at marketing singles :p.

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The digital single will have to do, and I've pre-ordered it now, which, on second thought, is prob a bit stupid anyways as it's an MP3, so it's hardly likely to run out, lol. Muse/management never have been brilliant at marketing singles :p.

actually it's pretty smart, even tho they won't evah "run out" of copies.

WB and Muse and whoever else is involved (like Butch Vig, for example) should make more money off the pre-release b/c it will be distrib directly by WB with no 'middleware' taking a cut like on Amazon or iTunes .... and I like the digital copies even though it means no paper liner notes b/c it's more environmental. no printing of discs, paper, or cases, which all uses petroleum-based products. I'm thinking of the poor wee fishees and other critters in the Gulf of Mexico right now :( jus' sayin' :)

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No B-side and no physical release = stuff that.




If it turns out to be "okay", then I might be bothered to download it somewhere, like the pirate that I am. If it actually turns out to be good, I may be tempted to part with 79p...


actually it's pretty smart, even tho they won't evah "run out" of copies.

WB and Muse and whoever else is involved (like Butch Vig, for example) should make more money off the pre-release b/c it will be distrib directly by WB with no 'middleware' taking a cut like on Amazon or iTunes .... and I like the digital copies even though it means no paper liner notes b/c it's more environmental. no printing of discs, paper, or cases, which all uses petroleum-based products. I'm thinking of the poor wee fishees and other critters in the Gulf of Mexico right now :( jus' sayin' :)


Fuck the fishes, I want a petroleum rich vinyl which I can re-sell in 30 years time when stephanie meyers will probably have died, so I can profit off of some poor diehard twilight fan. profit profit profit.

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Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever), the new single from Muse and the lead track to be taken from the soundtrack of the new Twilight film is now available to pre-order here on muse.mu.


Pre-order it by clicking on one of the links below and the track will be delivered to you as soon as it becomes available on May 17th.


I like the way they don't even mention Eclipse, it's just "the new Twilight film" :LOL:

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not sure if this has been talked about already, but did you guys see/hear the 8 second song sample yet? it's pretty much just a ending piano note but its something.


You are a few days late my friend!

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I like the way they don't even mention Eclipse, it's just "the new Twilight film" :LOL:


Haha, probably cos that's how most Musers generally recognise/refer to those films. If they had simply said 'Eclipse', we'd prob get confused and think it was some Matt-approved conspiracy film about the power of the sun to control our minds and how an eclipse is the perfect time to revolt against being part of the brainwashed masses cos it's the sun and moon aligning in some ethereal, foreboding way, leading to cataclysmic results and then be so angry/disappointed when we find out that it's some vampire-spaff teen flick that we all ironically rise against their requests and refuse to buy it out of protest. Or something. lol

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Fuck the fishes, I want a petroleum rich vinyl which I can re-sell in 30 years time when stephanie meyers will probably have died, so I can profit off of some poor diehard twilight fan. profit profit profit.

no, don't think that will work either. we'll be forced to turn in vinyl to melt it down for fuel and lipstick b/c they're wont be any crude left in the ground by then ;)

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Haha, probably cos that's how most Musers generally recognise/refer to those films. If they had simply said 'Eclipse', we'd prob get confused and think it was some Matt-approved conspiracy film about the power of the sun to control our minds and how an eclipse is the perfect time to revolt against being part of the brainwashed masses cos it's the sun and moon aligning in some ethereal, foreboding way, leading to cataclysmic results and then be so angry/disappointed when we find out that it's some vampire-spaff teen flick that we all ironically rise against their requests and refuse to buy it out of protest. Or something. lol


This. lol


*hugs knees* ihopeitsnotcraihopeitsnotcrapihopeitsnotcrapihopeitsnotcrap.


Oh, wheres the US store? xD When I go on the website, its like pounds and euros(i think) and thats it. I'm just left wondering where the dollars are.

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Haha, probably cos that's how most Musers generally recognise/refer to those films. If they had simply said 'Eclipse', we'd prob get confused and think it was some Matt-approved conspiracy film about the power of the sun to control our minds and how an eclipse is the perfect time to revolt against being part of the brainwashed masses cos it's the sun and moon aligning in some ethereal, foreboding way, leading to cataclysmic results and then be so angry/disappointed when we find out that it's some vampire-spaff teen flick that we all ironically rise against their requests and refuse to buy it out of protest. Or something. lol


This. Omfg.

You are amazing :LOL::LOL:

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