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I love how people go on about "it's just a pop song :rolleyes:" and "They've always been a pop band!"


Like somehow it makes you superior in your musical knowledge to say that:LOL:



They weren't, though. They were a rock band, blates... S'why they were on mtv2 back in the day, not The Box or whatever...


I seriously dislike this new song. Well.. I can't exactly remember it, which is never a good thing. But I didn't have fun listening to it.




That's ok, it just goes in my pile of Muse songs I never listen to like IBTY, Guiding Light and Prague. Gotta love the little check marks in iTunes. :chuckle:

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I'm hoping it was Matt's plan to try and attract new fans and become big, then once they were. They were going to go back and write a fuck-off classic Muse album which sounds like pwoper Muse.

I hope, for all our sakes, you're right.

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I actually think this is how it should be, well maybe not selling off back catalogues, that's just daft, but the band do what they want, and then fans either stick around or move on.


The trouble happens when people feel unable to move on and then we get these endless marathons of moaning which doesn't do anyone any good at all. Not all, but a lot of it is from the same people again and again and again about everything.


I wonder if some of the problem is the other sections. People stick around to post in non-muse sections which keeps them hanging around and then they can't resist coming in to show their displeasure.


The internet has a lot to answer for!


Anyway very sweet and enjoyable song! Still! :) Glad I can just enjoy Muse without treating everything they do as if it's a matter of life or death.


That doesn't exactly shine the brightest light on Muse. Most bands care about their long term fans because they wouldn't have gotten anywhere without them, without engaging in activities that cause their fans to move on. We're the ones who have been voting for them for years and paying hundreds to see them in gigs and things.


And it's true that a minority of people hear aren't big fans any more, but for the most part, even the people that post very rarely in main Muse are some of the biggest fans of all. Trust me, I know some of these people in real life. They simply don't like voicing their fanaticisms all the time, but sometimes feel so disheartened they come to complain and state why they are not happy. These are the people that care most about the band, as you seem to be aware of (cf. 'life and death').

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That doesn't exactly shine the brightest light on Muse. Most bands care about their long term fans because they wouldn't have gotten anywhere without them, without engaging in activities that cause their fans to move on. We're the ones who have been voting for them for years and paying hundreds to see them in gigs and things.


And it's true that a minority of people hear aren't big fans any more, but for the most part, even the people that post very rarely in main Muse are some of the biggest fans of all. Trust me, I know some of these people in real life. They simply don't like voicing their fanaticisms all the time, but sometimes feel so disheartened they come to complain and state why they are not happy. These are the people that care most about the band, as you seem to be aware of (cf. 'life and death').




Care to name a few or example?

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I love how people go on about "it's just a pop song :rolleyes:" and "They've always been a pop band!"


Like somehow it makes you superior in your musical knowledge to say that:LOL:



They weren't, though. They were a rock band, blates... S'why they were on mtv2 back in the day, not The Box or whatever...


I seriously dislike this new song. Well.. I can't exactly remember it, which is never a good thing. But I didn't have fun listening to it.


I said in one of these threads that when they stray from the Muse archetype, the slip below many other bands who do this sort of song much better and that's surely never a good thing. If you're going to make a different type of song, at least try and take it seriously.

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Well... this might be the idiot post of the day, but we know when and why Matt wrote this song. Maybe -just maybe- this song wasn't mean to see the light, but when the Twilight people asked Muse for a song, they saw this one fitted like a glove... and so it was released. Not meant as an indicator of where are they heading, but just as something unrelated to their future plans.

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I'm hoping it was Matt's plan to try and attract new fans and become big, then once they were. They were going to go back and write a fuck-off classic Muse album which sounds like pwoper Muse.


I'm kinda hoping this too. I hope they can feel secure enough doing whatever without needing to fell like they should cater to new fans at all.


Not wishing for them to make OoS 2 or Absolution 2. Just dispense with all the recent extra nonsense. I think TR is 85% awesome. But what came with it really isn't.

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That doesn't exactly shine the brightest light on Muse. Most bands care about their long term fans because they wouldn't have gotten anywhere without them, without engaging in activities that cause their fans to move on. We're the ones who have been voting for them for years and paying hundreds to see them in gigs and things.


And it's true that a minority of people hear aren't big fans any more, but for the most part, even the people that post very rarely in main Muse are some of the biggest fans of all. Trust me, I know some of these people in real life. They simply don't like voicing their fanaticisms all the time, but sometimes feel so disheartened they come to complain and state why they are not happy. These are the people that care most about the band, as you seem to be aware of (cf. 'life and death').


Its kind of like raising and loving a child who acts like they hate you once they become a teenager.

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I'm kinda hoping this too. I hope they can feel secure enough doing whatever without needing to fell like they should cater to new fans at all.


Not wishing for them to make OoS 2 or Absolution 2. Just dispense with all the recent extra nonsense. I think TR is 85% awesome. But what came with it really isn't.




I love their new stuff really. But a cut down on the extreme variation and poppy stuff would be better. Plus an expansion on what got the dedicated fans into them in the first place, the classical influence, the falsetto, unique and inspirational guitar work, riffs and solos, ect.

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Care to name a few or example?


Well no, I wouldn't want to call attention to specific people cause that wouldn't be fare, but a lot of people in banter who never post here are huge fans. I'm talking to a few of them on msn now who aren't happy.

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No offence, but non-muse has ALWAYS been there. Why is it a problem now, all of a sudden? You treat banter as if it's a pest that should be exterminated. How is that healthy?


We all already know that you'd prefer it if anyone who wasn't "ZOMG MY00ZEEEE!!!!" all the time went elsewhere so that nothing but positive things could be said, but that just ain't going to happen. If someone moans, ignore it. I'm sure Muse don't need you to defend them to the bitter end, they're big enough and old enough to look after themselves.


You have totally missed the point of my post! There is nothing in it which is defending Muse. I am making a point about fanhood and internet forums. I've seen it on other internet forums too.


And just one thing, why is it that people who spend all their time knocking Muse describe people who enjoy them as saying stuff like "ZOMG MY00ZEEEE!!!!"! I personally have never said anything of the kind.


And if I had spent my time arguing with the same old people moaning again I wouldn't have had any time to do anything else.

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That doesn't exactly shine the brightest light on Muse. Most bands care about their long term fans because they wouldn't have gotten anywhere without them, without engaging in activities that cause their fans to move on. We're the ones who have been voting for them for years and paying hundreds to see them in gigs and things.


And it's true that a minority of people hear aren't big fans any more, but for the most part, even the people that post very rarely in main Muse are some of the biggest fans of all. Trust me, I know some of these people in real life. They simply don't like voicing their fanaticisms all the time, but sometimes feel so disheartened they come to complain and state why they are not happy. These are the people that care most about the band, as you seem to be aware of (cf. 'life and death').



Right you are. I've been a fan for yonks now but have never bothered to join the forum at all until this month when I felt compelled to disagree with something written. We shouldn't determine levels of fan-ness(?) based on where in the forum they post, or indeed if people post at all.

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I don't care too much about this song (except for some bits). Yes it cheesy, yes it was what Matt felt at the moment :supersad: and probably needed to get it off his chest.

Honestly I'd rather NSC be on some movie soundtrack than the new album. Might as well not have this song set the tone for the new album.


But goddamn it I can't get this song out of my head right now :rolleyes:

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i've only just listened to this track. get with the programme, i know!


i hate the start. but i'm laughing in the middle and singing along at the end. it's not the sort of song i like at all but hey ho it's not the end of the world for me. my main concern is that matt's lyrics are really on that downhill bobsleigh now...

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I said in one of these threads that when they stray from the Muse archetype, the slip below many other bands who do this sort of song much better and that's surely never a good thing. If you're going to make a different type of song, at least try and take it seriously.


Yeah, I agree. They're capable of great things. They should've matured into something brilliant, but instead they've gone in the other direction.


All this Queen-ness as well.. Why? It's just unnecessary. I didn't mind in Take a Bow so much, but they keep doing it and it's just boring now. What happened to the inventive band I used to love?


Oh well... There's always OOS...

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Okay, so I'm starting to feel guilty for the Meatloaf and Erasure analogies . . . maybe Matt's just having a bad song day. And maybe (as mentioned earlier) the song wouldn't of made it onto the next album because by then the pain of the break up would've been long over. I really feel bad for the guy - it's a long time to be in a relationship and frankly, it appears that he's holding up remarkably well.


Most of us have been through that break up phase one time or another and probably have written crappy poetry or put on a Cure album and had a bit of a sniffle or some such thing. Maybe this is just Matt's version.


No one should really panic about the new album until it's out in the ether. Instead, shouldn't we be worrying about the financial meltdown and people not being able to pay their mortgages. Or maybe the Rapture is coming, who knows?


I can't even believe I'm continue to read this thread, but it's a bit like a car crash . . . I can't help myself :)

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Matt's lyrics were never anywhere high to start off with :LOL: I've always thought that anyway, besides, it would get boring and predictable if he constantly sang about zetas and the apocalypse.


To me:


"Hail the preachers, fake and proud

Their doctrines will becloud"


Is awesome :awesome:

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One thing I'm concerned about is that Matt is WAY to optimistic about his ended relationship. I wanted him to come out with pissed off rock songs, but instead he just says "love is forever."


ha i thought the same thing - some angst angry rock :D not slop :(

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