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This song is epic.. I absolutely love it. I was actually listening to it at 6.40pm last night cos it got delivered to my e-mail and I couldn't wait...:ninja: I just think Poor Matt, he must have been heartbroken and anyone who has had their heart broken will empathaise with the lyric and the delivery.


The part that gets me is at the beginning he says 'then WE told each other without no trace of fear that OUR love would be forever...' then the last chorus he changes it to 'and I can tell you now with no trace of fear that MY love will last forever..'


Fair broke my heart.



Yeah. Awww.:supersad: It's very sweet. Bittersweet someone said. That it is.

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People who don't like it keep blaming it on Twilight.


I hate it and I don't blame it on Twilight and the whole song being about his breakup was 0 surprise for me. The title gave that away when it was announced. I could care less what the song was made for, the song is still bad.

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The part that gets me is at the beginning he says 'then WE told each other without no trace of fear that OUR love would be forever...' then the last chorus he changes it to 'and I can tell you now with no trace of fear that MY love will last forever..'


Fair broke my heart.


But I'm a big soppy girl.


Yes, I get the same feeling listening to this part, it's quite moving, poor Matt :(

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i can't say that the song is written very well, like the other hits of Muse. It doesn't even sound Muse-ish to be honest. But after I heard the interview on youtube, i realized that the story behind the song explained why the lyrics were as such.


i mean, come on man, let's give them a break. if matt wants to write a song about his breakup, why can't he without getting criticized? plus it's not as though it is a trashy song (i don't think muse can ever come up with trashy songs anyway) it's just that this is not as good as the rest, but then again there will always be some songs that are better than others.


my heart broke for matt when i heard the interview actually. it's so saddening that he is so affected by the breakup. does anyone know why they actually broke up? :/


anyway, Muse is WAY better than the twilight saga, they're practically in different league. so as Muse fans, i think we shouldn't dislike Muse songs just because they're used in the OST.


Muse ftw!!! :D :D :D

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I don't think the song's a indication of what the next album is going to sound like. Muse are still atleast two years off from making the next album, and in that time there sound is going to most likely change again. With making a new album the band will most likely come up with a concept of how they want it to sound, and it wouldn't make much sense to make a album that sounds like a clone of the last, especially for muse. Just look at how there sound has changed over time. So i'm suggesting if you don't like the phase they are going though right now, don't give up on them because there's a high chance that it wont return

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I am not sure in which language it should be said but here it goes: "the majority of people who don't like, don't like because they don't not because of what the song is being used for..."


I am glad for the people who like it but please don't try to find some poor justifications as to why people don't. It is just a matter of personal taste.

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At first, after listening to the 30 second preview, I thought that this song might have the potential to be utter shite


After closer inspection of it, I've come to realize that it is indeed utter shite.


Neutron Star collision is the offspring of Resistance + Undisclosed Desires + United States of Eurasia

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I'm sorry Muse but I think this song is bloody awful:eek:. It has nothing to do with Twilight, I personally had no problem with them doing a song for Twilight, but they have missed a great opportunity, concidering all the promotion its going to get to make an amazing love song.


I feel nothing when I listen to this song apart from embarrassment/horror.:( I understand it is about his breakup, but it just sounds like a load of their other songs hashed together and the lyrics are just:facepalm:. I still love Muse BTW old and new stuff, one song will not put me off them and I'm still excited to be seeing them another 3 times this year:D. But please enough of the cheese.:$

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It's alright, it's a mixture of a lot of genres that I quite like :)


It's got a Pet Shop Boys/New Order feel from the 2nd till the start of the last chorus which I like :)


I think Dom is getting bored cause that opening drum beat sounds awfully similar to Guiding Light's, even the snare has massive echo :LOL:


Overall its not bad, but nothing special :)

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I know I shouldn't care what anyone thinks, but I dread this getting lots of radio play and people I know hearing it and saying "so yeah, I heard that new Muse song. So, um, that's your favorite band? :erm:" And me having to defend them! "No really, their other stuff's real good!"


If this song ever grows on me, it will only be because of my Muse goggles. If it were any other band, or my first exposure to Muse, no way. It's not even "funny" in the way I think IBTY and USoE are. It's too serious. :( And cheesy. And I actually like GL!


I think that's how I feel. As a one off song isn't bad, I mean, I may not like it in the same way I don't like Prague or Easily or other songs and just forget about it. But this song is going to be all over the radio...


I have the feeling that they have tried to put a lot of significant elements of their sound in just one song (a piano song, a cheesy ballad, a catchy melody, guitars and classical influences)… but I'm not that sure that the result is really representative of what they are.


When I listened to it yesterday I was laughing my arse off but now, I don’t know what to think about it.

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no wayz! i love my synth arpeggio! it's a staple muse sound and it doesn't get old to me, it brings the songs together and makes them musey :happy:


But it all sounds the same. Bliss, SS, Shine, TaB it's so dull and annoying. It's not a staple, it's just plain overused. It's a generic Muse filler sound they shove in when a song is lacking something. It was good in Bliss and TaB as what carried the songs but they shove it in anything so it isn't a feature any more, it is just a cliché.


And what's worse is that they even use pretty much the same effect on all of them. It's a really irritating siren of a sound, almost like an alarm. I wish they would bother to explore more synthesised sounds because it is becoming stagnant.

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As soon as I heard that in the song, I lol'd :p


I know, it's like.. "Oh, surprise surprise...". I swear if the next batch of songs contain it I will seriously begin doubting if Muse have progressed much at all.

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I am not sure in which language it should be said but here it goes: "the majority of people who don't like, don't like because they don't not because of what the song is being used for..."


I am glad for the people who like it but please don't try to find some poor justifications as to why people don't. It is just a matter of personal taste.


I didn't understand any of that. But what do you expect from a 14 year old, hm?

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The part that gets me is at the beginning he says 'then WE told each other without no trace of fear that OUR love would be forever...' then the last chorus he changes it to 'and I can tell you now with no trace of fear that MY love will last forever..'


Fair broke my heart.


But I'm a big soppy girl.


then... "and we'll die, we'll die together. Lie, I say never" :(

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