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After many listens, it grows and it becomes apparent that this really is pwopa Muse, there is madness in the cheese rather than sickly sweetness :D


Madcap synths, yes, rocky chorus (MUCH better than Starlight, the chorus always disappointed me) not boring verses :awesome:


You've got to love it for its extravagance, don't think that this is their new direction, it's always been different every time, and these little odd gems are what make Muse great rather than simply good.




/booze talking ;)

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I don't think it's that bad really. Not their best by far, but not terrible. Wouldn't Muse get boring if they never changed it up a bit? Or is it that they should change it up, just change it in a way that pleases you instead of what they want to do musically? (Not directed at anyone in particular).

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If there is a band only version of the video will it be released the 20th as well?


I thought he wrote it while still in the relationship. But they recorded and completed it after.


I just found the interview with Zane on youtube. Matt said he wrote it immediately after the break up, as he was looking back and remembering the moment he thought it would last forever. I don't care how cheesy the lyrics are, that's so sad. :(

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I just found the interview with Zane on youtube. Matt said he wrote it immediately after the break up, as he was looking back and remembering the moment he thought it would last forever. I don't care how cheesy the lyrics are, that's so sad. :(


:( Oh. That is very heartbreaking. Poor Matt.







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I don't think it's that bad really. Not their best by far, but not terrible. Wouldn't Muse get boring if they never changed it up a bit? Or is it that they should change it up, just change it in a way that pleases you instead of what they want to do musically? (Not directed at anyone in particular).

I don't mind them changing things up, as long as the result is a good song.... which, IMO, this simply isn't. ;)


You shoudn't assume that just because people don't like something it means that they think a) the band should repeat something from the past or b) they somehow think the band shouldn't do it.


My opinion is this: The band should do whatever comes naturally to them, and go wherever their "hearts" take them... but if I don't like that direction, the fact that I have enjoyed their music in the past and consider myself a fan doesn't mean I have to follow them in that direction and force myself to enjoy or make excuses for something that I really don't enjoy.


At the end of the day, music is something to enjoy. The band should make the music they enjoy making and I should listen to the music I enjoy hearing. If those two things don't coincide, then so be it...


The fact is, thus far, I find nothing enjoyable about listening to this song. So I'll set it aside and listen to songs I enjoy.



and i think i need to say enjoy a few more times so... enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy :p

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I must honestly say I was surprised by this song. I didn't think to much of it from the 30 second clip. Yes the lyrics aren't their best, but the song is overall very enjoyable and still very Muse. Here's to hoping they become the biggest band in the world, cause they already are the best.



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At the first listen I was so embarassed. My girlfriend was listening with me and she said they've gone pop. I kept trying to make excuses for it, knowing that I didn't even really like it.


I got home from work, though, and downloaded it. After about the 6th listen, I really like it after the first chorus. The second verse is actually really good! From 'The world is broken...' to the chorus bit is my favorite part. I really hope they do something to it live to clean it up a bit. Maybe Matt can use the kaoss pad at the beginning to dissipate some cheese like snowflakes in an ocean.

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This song makes a lot more sense after hearing Matt explain it on Zane's show.


I've been listening to it quite a bit today. And my favourite part is the 2nd verse (the KoC like one), and the Piano at the end (It's very uplifting). AND THE GUITAR SOLO! :awesome:


Can't wait for the video


And to see how they do it live. Cause it's piano at the start, and then guitar, and then piano at the end. So will he sit at the piano for the first part? Or will Morgan play the intro. I Know Matt will definitely play the end if it's included in the live version (He has to anyway!)

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I like this song, it reminds me of Queen, whom I love. The drums are awesome, as is te bass. The vocals are simply brilliant, however cheesy they may be, and the creschendos at the end of each verse make it for me. So yeah, a good song, but cheesy. I like cheese :happy:

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Not a bad track but then again not an great one either. The whole time it sounded like it COULD have been building up to something awsome but never quite made it there.


The lyrics are pretty bad too, but that's to be expected when it was made for Twilight.


How many times :facepalm:


It wasn't written for twilight! (I suppose that makes you feel worse about the lyrics?)


Matt wrote it about getting the cold shoulder from his ex.


My mistake. However, it doesn't really change my opinion of the song. Like I said, it's not completely terrible but its not great either.

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