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If he IS going for the vampire look I'm just going to roar with laughter when I watch the video!:LOL::LOL::LOL:


If this happens, I'm going to pound my laptop, then send it to them so they see my reaction of despise at the video.


Oh gosh, I srsly hope there is no vampire-y stuff going on in this vid.

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Cheesier than Guiding Light? Not possible.

Fine then, they're both on the same level of cheese then :LOL:!


By comparing it to GL, I'm not saying it's bad; I actually quite enjoy it. I had zero expectations walking into the clip, but I was pleasantly surprised. I will be buying it on Monday.

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If this happens, I'm going to pound my laptop, then send it to them so they see my reaction of despise at the video.


Oh gosh, I srsly hope there is no vampire-y stuff going on in this vid.


What, you seriously wouldn't see the humour if it were the case??!

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Cheesier than Guiding Light? Not possible.


I think if another as cheesy as Guiding Light was to be created, the level of cheese carried in the audio waves of both songs would rip a hole in the fabric of space which would cause the universe to collapse on itself.


And that is not a good thing.

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Well, from what I can tell from a 30-second preview, it's:


briskly uptempo, but still sounds more like rock than synth-driven or electronica-tinged pop;


driven by an emotionally-charged chorus anchored by an upwards fourth interval (which one teacher I've had described as the most emotionally-charged of all musical intervals);


not entirely cheesy -- the love theme is too ambiguously expressed to be written off as pure cheesiness. Although the lyrics express a positive conviction and certainty, musically the song hints at darker emotions. The reliance on that yearning 4th interval sounds more plaintive than joyous, the bassline is sounds downright ominous, and the lyrics fatalistically embrace the lovers' death (but at least they'll die together). Okay, that last part is pretty cheesy. But musically, there's a bit more going on...;


beefed up by what sounds like a truly original (if essentially rhythmic) piano part that slots into the chorus, at least, alongside the minimal guitar part and much more substantial bassline. (The piano chords essentially carry through the melodicism of the bassline; I wonder if an earlier version of this had a more elaborate or fussier bassline, which they decided to break up and divide amongst the two instruments.) This marks something of a departure for Matt's keyboard lines, which are often basically solos (or at least, don't compete directly with a guitar part). What's more, it's original and rock/pop oriented -- not just another cribbing of Rachmaninoff or Chopin -- good news, in my book! This is also significant re. their live shows: athough I'm confident Matt played the original part for the recording, it'll fall to Morgan to play it live. One more keyboard song for Morgan, then! And, finally...


lyrics which, if standard love-ballad stuff, at least make sense and scan well, and Matt sings them in a conventional rock style (i.e., without drawing out every syllable in an operatic mode). Whether this is good or bad is a matter of taste; as for myself, so long as Muse keeps performing some of their older songs with that operatic style, I'm fine with it.




All in all, it's not bad! I think I'll rather like this one... at least they've avoided falling into the sludgy mid-tempo trap that ruins so many rock songs (for me, anyway). On balance, most of Muse's relationship-themed songs are sour or bitter, with relatively few straight-up happy or optimistic love songs, so there should be allowances made for a few songs such as this, especially given its complexity and emotional ambiguity. And kudos to Matt for being able to write a more-or-less conventional love song when his personal life and frame of mind were probably not ideally situated to inspire such an effort.


thank you for this, really helpful post


the string of new songs Soaked - Prague - Love is forever is really what makes it dull

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Thread name change please: Love Is Forever (We'll Die Together)


I think that's what the song's actually called, but they were worried it'd have us all running for the hills/ mocking the shit out of it, that they thought a more typically 'Musey' sounding group of random physics/space-based words would be more eye-catching. Fail.

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Thread name change please: Love Is Forever (We'll Die Together)


I think that's what the song's actually called, but they were worried it'd have us all running for the hills/ mocking the shit out of it, that they thought a more typically 'Musey' sounding group of random physics/space-based words would be more eye-catching. Fail.


hmm? :wtf:

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hmm? :wtf:


'Neutron Star Collision' doesn't seem to be an apt title based on what we've heard so far; that title implies something more space-rock, like an OoS track or even something from BH&R. The bracketed part of the song (Love Is Forever) seems to be more dominant. Although, to be fair, I'm only basing that on 30 seconds - but it sounds like the 'love' etc. bit is the chorus, making it a focal part of the song.


Basically, it's too cheesy to have a very obscure title like that - it should just be called Love Is Forever. Maybe the rest of the song will make up for it, though...

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muse have made me associate physics words with cheese :LOL:


I just love the way people call it 'supermassive black hole part 2'


It would actually be the prequel because everyone knows the singularity is formed AFTER the collision of the stars!

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'Neutron Star Collision' doesn't seem to be an apt title based on what we've heard so far; that title implies something more space-rock, like an OoS track or even something from BH&R. The bracketed part of the song (Love Is Forever) seems to be more dominant. Although, to be fair, I'm only basing that on 30 seconds - but it sounds like the 'love' etc. bit is the chorus, making it a focal part of the song.


Basically, it's too cheesy to have a very obscure title like that - it should just be called Love Is Forever. Maybe the rest of the song will make up for it, though...


This times 1million.


But I do love me some good Muse cheese :happy:

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Unfortunately I am currently on a Endlessly/Unintended kick and these 30 secs do not fit that category (ie ability to haunt and weaken one into a teary puddle.) But being a good little fan I shall patiently await the other x mins. of it. Muse will be victorious (thinking positively.)

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