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Honestly I don't get the "starlight" hate. Sure, its very radio-friendly and pop-like. Studio version.... ehhh. But personally, when they play it live, I love it when the whole crowd claps together. It beats "guiding light".


I think GL live is rather bad. Starlight is actually pretty good live. It's no Uprising or KoC but it's still a great live song.

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Honestly I don't get the "starlight" hate. Sure, its very radio-friendly and pop-like. Studio version.... ehhh. But personally, when they play it live, I love it when the whole crowd claps together. It beats "guiding light".


I agree with you! I mean, the first time I heard Starlight the cheesy synth made me go :wtf: and turned me off for the longest time, but now I love it - live is awesome :D

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Starlight is horrible live.


Oh yes. It's boring.


TiRo, GL, Starlight and Exo I need to get off the Setlists imo.


No I think both are boring but starlight is better :p


These are all true. But I enjoyed Starlight in Detroit because I got a lovely Matt photo during the song. :chuckle:



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-Blackout's guitar solo is better than Hysteria's guitar solo.

-New Born's and Apocalypse Please's basslines are some of Muse's best basslines.

-The trumpet is annoying in live versions of KOC,KOC sounds better without the trumpet.

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-Blackout's guitar solo is better than Hysteria's guitar solo.

-New Born's and Apocalypse Please's basslines are some of Muse's best basslines.

-The trumpet is annoying in live versions of KOC,KOC sounds better without the trumpet.



Hmm...New Born, yes, Apocalypse Please....Erm, it's great, but I don't think it's up there.

Yeah, I agree. FUCK OFF, MORGAN :LOL:




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I feel so boring. I feel like I don't really have many "controversial" opinions about Muse Haha.


Okay, this is the most controversial opinion I can come up with (that is actually true).


For reasons that I will never understand, I honestly didn't like MK Ultra the first time I heard it (:eek: I was clearly drugged at the time). I actually skipped ahead to the next song before it was over (which I also did with Guiding Light :LOL: but GL has grown on me. It's okay, I suppose.)


But now MK Ultra is one of my favorites on TR :) I honestly don't even remember why I didn't like it. :LOL:


Oh, and this isn't so much "controversial" as it is hypocritical -- I am ashamed to admit that I'm one of "those people" who discovered Muse through Twilight (:$) but NOT through the movies. Back in 2006 after the first book came out, Stephenie Meyer mentioned on her site that she was really inspired by Muse and I was like "Ooh. Who are they?" and thus, a fan was born :LOL:


And I'm a hypocrite in the fact that I get really annoyed when people claim to be Muse fans just because they saw the Twilight movie and liked SMBH... Because if I never read Twilight, I probably wouldn't have become a Muse fan as soon as I did. So I guess my situation is kind of similar... Please do not throw stones at me, now that I've been outed as one of "those people" :$:ninja: Guess I should have a bit more sympathy for them then, huh?

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Hmm...New Born, yes, Apocalypse Please....Erm, it's great, but I don't think it's up there.

Yeah, I agree. FUCK OFF, MORGAN :LOL:





Dan Newell plays the trumpet,not Morgan.:erm:


Exo Politics is better than UD and IBTY combined.

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