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All I can say is that I think only the hardcore fans at Melbourne night 1 fully understood the magnitude of hearing CE live, but half an hour later even the casuals went nuts for Agitated.


I thought CE was pretty well received. Lots of people scrambled for their phones when they heard "This is an old song that we tried to play in Perth" It was more Fury on the 2nd night that was received awfully, people leaving for beer etc.


Even Matt himself acknowledged that probably nobody in the arena would know the song. It's things like that make me believe that rarer songs can't come back, because they care too much about what the casuals think.

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Said this once but from the perspective of the band it can be kinda disappointing to bring out the oldie and see 95% of the arena standing still or start checking their phones or some shit. I wonder if Dead Star would have become as regular as it did if the crowd wasn't so good the first time.

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In my opinion, this is basically because they've specifically targeted the radio/festival type crowd to make themselves a band who everyone knows a few singles, rather than staying the size they were around Origin/Absolution (in the UK) and playing people who might actually listen to their albums all the way through.


I'm not sure that's really a controversial opinion here though. I still enjoy the gigs as they are a lot, but it is dispiriting to be seeing Origin in full live and hearing things like "this album is shit" from the other festival-goers.

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In my opinion, this is basically because they've specifically targeted the radio/festival type crowd to make themselves a band who everyone knows a few singles, rather than staying the size they were around Origin/Absolution (in the UK) and playing people who might actually listen to their albums all the way through.


I'm not sure that's really a controversial opinion here though. I still enjoy the gigs as they are a lot, but it is dispiriting to be seeing Origin in full live and hearing things like "this album is shit" from the other festival-goers.

It's definitely the result of going big and serving the casuals to get bigger. If they would have played full-on rock sets on every tour they would maybe not be playing stadiums, but they would be playing for people who knew and appreciated whatever rarity was thrown at them.


Radiohead avoided that trap by not relying on hits to please the audience.

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80 percent of the time once a band reaches stadium sell-out level, they're at the point where most of their fan base is made up of casuals that know that band for 2/3 songs, and if they don't play said songs they go home disappointed.


It's the case really of whether the band wants to go worldwide and play stadiums, or whether they want to stay smaller and accommodate to a smaller, more hardcore group of fans that would appreciate anything that they got.

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Estou no lugar errado mas foda-se, leiam e apaguem.

É só uma ideia que um Muse Museum poderia ser construído e oferecer aos fãs além do acervo artístico, acesso a uma experiência extrassensorial. Posso estar enganada mas nenhuma banda ousou fazer isso. Como fazer? Eu não sei, podemos pensar nisso juntos. Agora se me permitem gostaria de fazer algumas considerações sobre o jogo: Eu entendo os sinais, eu entendo o jogo. Porém a forma como ele foi aplicado não foi saudável (por isso simplesmente ignorei) porque me fez questionar o real propósito deste caminho. Ninguém gosta de se sentir invadido, eu gosto de fazer uns puns altos e tirar tatu do nariz sem me preocupar kkk Tudo bem, agora eu entendo porque é necessário. Como vocês podem perceber, eu vivo num meio em que as pessoas não possuem recursos tampouco a verdadeira sabedoria para evoluírem e fazerem os outros evoluírem. Humildemente eu peço para que me ajudem, sem protocolos, de forma clara e objetiva como eu faço agora. Ajudem-me a evoluir para poder salvar o mundo. Sozinha eu não sou nada! Perdoem-me se eu causei frustração, se eu não sou genial como vocês gostariam mas eu quero aprender, quero fazer algo realmente relevante para a humanidade.




Queila Madeira.

"Eu amo meu ursinho Ted."


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