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Nah, I was wrong, blatently a guitar effect. Simno managed to get something very similar sounding, can't remember how he did it.


Its a kaoss pad pre-set its a "bpm" effect that basically uses a wierd kinda dancey tremelo effect with a bit of phase too... then put through the whammy first time I think +1 octave down and then shifted to +1 octave up plus the original signal... thing is I can't get the EXACT rhythm. I also saw some guy (sorry if someone else has posted this I only noticed this thread now) but on You tube someone is using a Digitech step-phase effect which sounds pretty much dead on at first in the recording, but gets worse (might just be the playing though :LOL: )

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Its a kaoss pad pre-set its a "bpm" effect that basically uses a wierd kinda dancey tremelo effect with a bit of phase too... then put through the whammy first time I think +1 octave down and then shifted to +1 octave up plus the original signal... thing is I can't get the EXACT rhythm. I also saw some guy (sorry if someone else has posted this I only noticed this thread now) but on You tube someone is using a Digitech step-phase effect which sounds pretty much dead on at first in the recording, but gets worse (might just be the playing though :LOL: )

i have that digitch pedal (x-series hyper phase) and its step-phase sounds does sound pretty similar :erm: though i'm pretty sure the real thing is like you said, basically a sequenced sample&hold filter.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have a question about Butterflies & Hurricanes. What kind of flange/phrase effect does he use for the intro live? You know the: "Change, everything you are, and everything you were" part. I want to use a boss flanger for this, anyone got some settings for me?


MXR Phase 90 :)

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Hello Everyone,

This is my first post. I'm a guitarist and percussionist for 10 years and I've just get an electric guitar to play some Muse song. I have a question about the B-Side Hyper Chondriac Music :

I would like to know what is the FX effect at the beginning and at the end of this song, it sounds like a siren or something like that.

I hope you will answer me.


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For the siren sounds, a Probe is probably better, because when you use the probe, you don't get all the hiss and stuff like you get when you move the Stab on the FF (Turning the Stab on the Probe is exactly the same), then add some delay or reverb, or both, then turn the Stab control/move your hand over the probe while turning the pedal on and off.


Sounds at the end, don't assume it's a DL4, because Matt will have access to more pedals in the studio, afterall, they used Echoplex's on Absolution, but he used an Echo Pro for touring.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got my whammy pedal, and im messing around with fury at the moment. Im using a fuzz factory, digitech whammy and zoom multi effects pedal. Now wat i was wondering is... Does matt definately use the fuzz factory in this song? I know u rock pedal harmony octave setting but is that with FF on as well instead of distortion? Anyone know the delay time also? And when its verse when guitar goes down an octave does FF stay on then? And is it on alone or with the delay still on a little? Any help would be appreciated.

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Hmmm i'd use a fairly quick delay time with a few repeats, no delay in the verse. sounds better with fuzz for the riff and the verses but switch to crisper distortion for the chorus so the harmony up sounds clearer :)


Just switch between the neck and bridge pickups, saves switching pedals then.

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ooh true, although i use fuzz over my amps distortion so it's just as easy to click the fuzz of than switching pick ups :) of you could roll off the volume, although not sure how well that would work on the FF if it's ocsillating :LOL:

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