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I was in this awesome retro-y shop in covent garden called Art Box the other day...and they were playing the whole of BH&R in the store!!!! :D:pimp: I've only ever heard one other shop play the whole album and that was Borders back when it first came out in 2006! Anyways, I was literally shouting OMG THEY'RE PLAYING MUSE!!IJAI("!)!)£!!111111SEVENTEEN!!$ And singing along and forcing my mates to stay in there as long as possible so I could hear it all :LOL::facepalm:..I'm not an embarrassement or anything..:$ hehe. I was just really excited cos I NEVER hear Muse played anywhere...unless it's SMBH (aka 'that kewl twilight song' on the radio randomly :rolleyes:)..and even that doesn't get oodles of airplay!

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Out in town Saturday night I requested SMBH in a club, after not hearing my request I kept badgering the dj who eventually played it, saying afterwards "she got her song played, that was Supermassive Black Hole requested by "the girl with no name" who danced the most through that song out of the whole night!":LOL:

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I was in a french game shop at christmas, when I heard Take a Bow live from HAARP. I milled around to listen to it all and to find out if they were playing the album. They weren't, but its cool that I heard them. :D



well they might have just finished playing the album...as Take a Bow is at the end :LOL:

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I heard them at Rite Aid a few times (a drug store) some of the employees must have been fans :p

I heard them on the radio when I was on the west coast of the US, it pretty much shocked me because I never heard anything on the radio on the east coast... And then I heard SMBH in Twilight (yes I sadly watched that movie... bleh)

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