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Lulz, on The Weakest Link, there was a question asking "which british rock band released a live album named "haarp", taken from an alaskan research facility" or something similar...


the guy didnt know! :eek::LOL:


Lol, i saw that.

I was like........ I can actually answer this one! :D <I'm one of those people who just talk to the screen when watching quiz shows.>

Also, was one of the women from Teignmouth?


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First heard them in the Radio, forgot what station it is. They where playing Starlight, when I first heard it I was amazed because it's just simply beautiful then I heard the guy at end said that it was Starlight by Muse. After some time I got tired of it and forgot about Muse. Then when the time I was watching the news with my mom the very first commercial break is about Muse's The Resistance tour in Korea, my mom suddenly uttered "Muse is a great European band, you should try listening to them. You'll love them for sure.". Then after that... I listened to Muse and love them. I really thanked my mom after that lol :LOL:


The radio introduced me to Muse and my mom made me love them, haha.

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Starlight was in like 10 seconds of Come Dine With Me.. not that I was watching that show... :shifty:


also Bliss was played in a drama play at school. was just one performed by another class for their practical exam, but they used Bliss in this scene where a guy was having a drug overdose. was quite awesome. :awesome:

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I'm ashamed to say I just turned on my TV and it was on ITV2, they played an instrumental version of the USoE intro over a 'sentimental' segment on that awful programme about Jordan.


This has made me disproportionately annoyed, probably due to my recent return from several hours in the pub...

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Heard Uprising on the radio while we were all driving home tipsy from a friend's party. That was awesoooome. :awesome: Unfortunately, I was the only one in the car who knew the lyrics.


I also heard on the car radio the moment before we got to the airport for our flight to Singapore to see Muse. Oh, I knew that it was a good sign.

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