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Manson Guitars & Tanks III: built to last; military grade


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Yeah, you can also get parallel (like the middle position on an LP for example) on a mini toggle. But as far as I know, his are just series and single.




Which is the one that doesn’t go with a sustainer and squeals?


Not actually sure how my guitar is wired

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Which is the one that doesn’t go with a sustainer and squeals?


Not actually sure how my guitar is wired


Series (humbucker). I think they're generally setup to work with the single P90, and I guess that makes sense, as I don't think MB used the series setting too often.


Didn't Mansons rewire sxc jazz a while back?

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Series (humbucker). I think they're generally setup to work with the single P90, and I guess that makes sense, as I don't think MB used the series setting too often.




Didn't Mansons rewire sxc jazz a while back?




Oh really? I thought it’d be the other way around. Aren’t sustainers designed to work with humbuckers?


They may have, would have been a while back though. More recently it went to google for a few bits

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Oh really? I thought it’d be the other way around. Aren’t sustainers designed to work with humbuckers?


They may have, would have been a while back though. More recently it went to google for a few bits


Yeah they are, but running both pickups in series is usually a bit much for the sustainer. You can get a decent enough effect with the single bridge pickup if you turn the gain and intensity up, but then you can't use the sustainer with the series setting at all. Probably the best way to do it really, but I guess it depends on what pickup setting you use most.


And if you have a three way mini switch, it's likely wired for something like series/single bridge/parallel. If it's a two way switch or some kind of push/pull, it's probably single bridge or series. You should also have the usual pickup selector to switch between the P90(s), sustainer (as a pickup), or both

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Now have the NAMM excitement


Anything interesting been announced generally? I'm not following it so much as waiting for it to be over, but if there are any new pedals or anything from time to time I don't mind being a little bit curious. I'm still thinking of getting that Diezel pedal that was released a while back if I can afford it after my guitar's done.

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Anything interesting been announced generally? I'm not following it so much as waiting for it to be over, but if there are any new pedals or anything from time to time I don't mind being a little bit curious. I'm still thinking of getting that Diezel pedal that was released a while back if I can afford it after my guitar's done.


Are we talking about NAMM in general, or MGW releases? Everything was pretty much covered on the previous page I think, and I haven't really been following anything else in particular

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Are we talking about NAMM in general, or MGW releases? Everything was pretty much covered on the previous page I think, and I haven't really been following anything else in particular


NAMM in general in this case. I haven't been following it either though, haha!

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Anything interesting been announced generally? I'm not following it so much as waiting for it to be over, but if there are any new pedals or anything from time to time I don't mind being a little bit curious. I'm still thinking of getting that Diezel pedal that was released a while back if I can afford it after my guitar's done.


I haven’t really kept up yet either, other than seeing the MGW stuff, the American original Fenders and something about scented cables (yes, really).


Is that the VH4 preamp pedal or the Zerrer one?

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Yeah, that's the one, Cider. I want to wait until I've got my new guitar first though, as I don't know how much the import charges are going to be. Probably a lot based on what happened last time. I'm intrigued to give it a go though. I love my D1 with the MB1, and my FF7 works perfectly with my ali custom, but occasionally I want something that combines the two.

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So that's literally £2000 for swirls and not having to wait a year? :stunned:


Edit - Just realised 'a year' is being pretty generous. It's more like two these days...


Well you are a pretty generous individual, so...


I kind of want matching red glitter back plates for my MB, anyone think that'd look good? And not sure if I should request a kill switch for it too :ninja:


Neither. I'd have it spec'd like the original (replacement)


I imagine it would look a bit extra, I always liked the look of the aluminium plates on the original Santa if you're looking to change them.


yeah that


I think the 2.0 had the same aluminium plates as well, but I'm guessing these will have the black ones as standard.

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