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That's why I say it's a bonus. I feel like if you start expecting them to regularly fulfill expectations you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

I mean, to be fair, I didn't expect Drones to have a lot of guitar-bass-drums oriented rock songs, or Muscle Museum in Brazil, or the Psycho Tour to have a diverse selection of songs not played often (even if my gig ironically got the lowest bona fide rarities).

That's sort of a shitty way to live, though. What about Matt telling people he'd play CE at Barclays, and people showed up for that?

Or Defector in Brussels?


I'm a cynical asshole, but I think that's a crappy attitude to have to have to not be disappointed.

I went to London on Tuesday expecting a poor set and came home feeling pretty good about the gig itself (less so everything else, but then I'd been having a shitty day until I got to the venue).

It's a wonderful attitude to have. The gigs I went to after spending lots of time in this thread and seeing rotations and thus expecting certain songs? I didn't get those songs so I was well disappointed and it ruined my mood during the gig.

Gigs where I've had no expectations and was more interested in the support acts? Brilliant, great nights!


I follow this line of thinking in every day life as well. Balls I've probably failed that exam. Oh I scraped a pass? YAY!

To be fair I had an expectation of Bliss on Tuesday and was disappointed to get Plug in Baby instead (even if its not quite Belfast). But then my expectations were pretty low and I was pleasantly surprised by the fact I had a great night.

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Honestly, ever since I stopped following these threads and worrying about the setlist, I've enjoyed going to see Muse a lot more.


I don't think anything would have saved the Philly set for me.

Lousy, short, US setlist, poor sound, poor energy from the band...

I was honestly rather glad to know what to expect because I don't think I could have had my expectations that low. :chuckle:


The European setlists have been much, much better, but not universally for some weird reason. Energy sounds like it's been up and down, and not to knock the US... but I was really expecting them to be more into the gigs, especially in the UK. (the band, that is.)


What we're talking about isn't a result of following the board, or even other setlists.

It's what Matt himself has said to the crowds (Belfast,) or directly to people at the gigs (Barclays, Brussels, etc.)


I'm okay for going into a gig expecting nothing and being surprised, what I meant is I think it's shitty to not be able to take someone's actual comments or commitments at face value. Those are two very different things you're talking about.

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Honestly, ever since I stopped following these threads and worrying about the setlist, I've enjoyed going to see Muse a lot more.


Also, I've seen plenty of moaning on other forums about the setlists of other bands/artists so Muse are by no means the only ones where I have this attitude.


Other bands definitely have the fans that feel that their catalog isn't being represented in the best way, and there's definitely set list complaints but none of those bands are nearly as big as Muse. I can't think of a stadium act that plays less than 21 songs, even in smaller venues to a thousand people instead of the usual 80,000.


Also, it hurts more because Muse has the best catalog of stuff to choose from and the worst touring habits.


Nothing could redeem the US setlists. Far too short, practically the same show every single night with two sets of rotations so if you were to go to the Staples two night residency, you'd see pretty much everything they were playing at the time.

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Honestly, ever since I stopped following these threads and worrying about the setlist, I've enjoyed going to see Muse a lot more.


Also, I've seen plenty of moaning on other forums about the setlists of other bands/artists so Muse are by no means the only ones where I have this attitude.

I've always felt that some other bands were worse. Arctic Monkeys at Finsbury Park in 2014 was a fucking mess of a setlist - same length as the previous autumn's arena tour, only with more slow songs and ballads.

It's what Matt himself has said to the crowds (Belfast,) or directly to people at the gigs (Barclays, Brussels, etc.)

Was the thing in NY/NJ that they were going to do it at Brooklyn or at Newark?

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I'm okay for going into a gig expecting nothing and being surprised, what I meant is I think it's shitty to not be able to take someone's actual comments or commitments at face value. Those are two very different things you're talking about.


He's proved time and again that he talks out of his arse.

Do none of you remember the great "pick your song on the setlist" debacle?!

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I've always felt other bands were worse. Arctic Monkeys at Finsbury Park in 2014 was a fucking mess of a setlist - same length as the previous autumn's arena tour, only with more slow songs and ballads.


Was the thing in NY/NJ that they were going to do it at Brooklyn or at Newark?


I'm pretty sure it was the gig before, but Matt indicated it would be played in NY. People had signs indicating all the different gigs, and NY was the last one, iirc.

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He's proved time and again that he talks out of his arse.

Do none of you remember the great "pick your song on the setlist" debacle?!


I was in and out during that period, so I've heard more of the legend than I was actually involved with it.

Didn't they fudge the entire contest by letting people pick shit like KoC, make a Top 5, and then just pick the "easy" track from the list?


Still totally shitty, but not quite telling people to their face "we'll play this tomorrow."


I'm still trying to work out of "in Brussels" was actually a smart ass remark about how they'd already played it there...

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I was in and out during that period, so I've heard more of the legend than I was actually involved with it.

Didn't they fudge the entire contest by letting people pick shit like KoC, make a Top 5, and then just pick the "easy" track from the list?


Still totally shitty, but not quite telling people to their face "we'll play this tomorrow."


I'm still trying to work out of "in Brussels" was actually a smart ass remark about how they'd already played it there...


They didn't pick anything cause those songs were staples. It would have been played regardless of people voting for that song or not.

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I don't think anything would have saved the Philly set for me.

Lousy, short, US setlist, poor sound, poor energy from the band...

I was honestly rather glad to know what to expect because I don't think I could have had my expectations that low. :chuckle:


The European setlists have been much, much better, but not universally for some weird reason. Energy sounds like it's been up and down, and not to knock the US... but I was really expecting them to be more into the gigs, especially in the UK. (the band, that is.)


What we're talking about isn't a result of following the board, or even other setlists.

It's what Matt himself has said to the crowds (Belfast,) or directly to people at the gigs (Barclays, Brussels, etc.)


That's fair. Sometimes a gig is just lousy, and I'm sorry about that. I've also been to Muse gigs though where on paper the setlist was great, but the experience as a whole wasn't as good as other gigs.


I'm just saying overall I don't put any expectations on a gig anymore, whether it's something Matt said or what songs have been played throughout the rest of the tour. And to me it works well because I can enjoy the gig for what it is rather than expecting to hear a certain song the whole time and leaving disappointed.

Edited by funkadelic
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He's proved time and again that he talks out of his arse.

Do none of you remember the great "pick your song on the setlist" debacle?!

Yes. Nearly all of the times when they could be arsed with it were Bliss or Citizen Erased, and on at least 4 occasions they didn't even bother. But yeah, as SerpentSatellite said, it did often include staples that were played regardless.


Would've been more fulfilling if it had just been obscurities. But obviously not.

I'm pretty sure it was the gig before, but Matt indicated it would be played in NY. People had signs indicating all the different gigs, and NY was the last one, iirc.

I see. I thought the whole thing was a guy who went to the Barclays Center gig was told it would be done in Newark, which then duly got a shitter set anyway.


But then I don't think I was paying enough attention to offer commentary on that whole incident I guess.

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They didn't pick anything cause those songs were staples. It would have been played regardless of people voting for that song or not.


I didn't say it was a dick move. It certainly was. It sounded like they rigged the entire thing from the beginning to make people think they were taking requests.

That's a whole different category of shitty.

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Yes. Nearly all of the times when they could be arsed with it were Bliss or Citizen Erased, and on at least 4 occasions they didn't even bother. But yeah, as SerpentSatellite said, it did often include staples that were played regardless.


Would've been more fulfilling if it had just been obscurities. But obviously not.


I see. I thought the whole thing was a guy who went to the Barclays Center gig was told it would be done in Newark, which then duly got a shitter set anyway.


But then I don't think I was paying enough attention to offer commentary on that whole incident I guess.


I could easily be getting the dates screwed up. I remember it as it was supposed to be played at Barclays, but it could easily have been the request was taken at Barclays.

I remember how the story went down, and everyone getting riled up about it in another fan group.

It's pretty inconsequential, I guess, as they both got rather "meh" setlists, like most of the US.

One of the gigs got a lot of flak for the band's energy, too, especially compared to the other one, but I don't remember which was which.

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I've always felt that some other bands were worse. Arctic Monkeys at Finsbury Park in 2014 was a fucking mess of a setlist - same length as the previous autumn's arena tour, only with more slow songs and ballads.


Yeah, it seems like there's certain troubles with a lot of bands/artists. Hardcore Paul McCartney fans get frustrated because even though he plays long sets, there's very little rotation, and everything he does is very rehearsed.

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After going to the shit-show that was Brussels, that was fucking awesome. Bliss, PIB, AP and Assassin. Very glad I got a last minute ticket now. The crowd around me were pretty fun and lively too. Maybe I'll have to rethink not seeing them at Glastonbury haha.

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decent gig but a few random choices....


Starlight-Apocalypse Please-Madness is a weird run. JFK-Assassin worked but thematically is horrible :LOL:


I don't care much for Resistance but I really needed a piss so cheers Matt!

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It's been stated multiple times Muse have been keeping their promises recently. I'd trust trends more from last year than 6 years ago. This isn't hard to comprehend.


Not even being angry myself. I already lost my chance at Assassin last year. But I get why some fans would be aggravated.

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ok recap


Regarding the Black Holes anniversary thing - Glen quickly flashed past the barrier but I managed to super briefly ask him about Black Holes at Glastonbury. At first he just said "What at Glastonbury?", then when I explained a bit more he just said "Oh....nah." and jogged off in a hurry :chuckle: Can't say I'm disappointed as I didn't really expect it to be true, guess it saves me £300+ as well.


As for Assassin - still can't really believe it. Genuinely didn't expect it after Matt's reaction on Tuesday. Cried a few times during and after and I am NOT ASHAMED. Best song I've ever seen, tops Hyper Music and Dark Shines at Leeds, absolutely massive and pure riffage.


Showed Matt my sign at the end of the gig again and said "Thank you so much" while shaking his hand and when he clocked the sign and who I was he just pointed at me and said "Eeeeey!" :facemelt: Said the same to Dom and Chris, Chris was totally oblivious but Dom gave me a great smile :chuckle:


So all in all, I said before coming that just one of Assassin, Revolt, AP or Sunburn would've made me ecstatic and I've come out with all of them with a gig to spare. Honestly can't explain how made up I am but the fact that I was crying should give an idea :LOL: Will give a mini-review of the actual show (like production, performance, sound an ting) at the weekend.


Would you be offended if I called you a bastard...?


Absolutely not, I almost hate myself after these last two gigs :LOL:


(understand the hard feelings from people at Belfast though, genuinely really sorry guys)

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ok recap


As for Assassin - still can't really believe it. Genuinely didn't expect it after Matt's reaction on Tuesday. Cried a few times during and after and I am NOT ASHAMED. Best song I've ever seen, tops Hyper Music and Dark Shines at Leeds, absolutely massive and pure riffage.


Showed Matt my sign at the end of the gig again and said "Thank you so much" while shaking his hand and when he clocked the sign and who I was he just pointed at me and said "Eeeeey!" :facemelt: Said the same to Dom and Chris, Chris was totally oblivious but Dom gave me a great smile :chuckle:



:dance::party: So happy for you! I even shed a tear knowing how excited you'd be! :LOL:


I wish I could have enjoyed this tour because I miss being that excited after a concert.



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It's been stated multiple times Muse have been keeping their promises recently. I'd trust trends more from last year than 6 years ago. This isn't hard to comprehend.


Not even being angry myself. I already lost my chance at Assassin last year. But I get why some fans would be aggravated.


I don't even understand why this is difficult...

I'm okay saying going into a gig expecting some certain song and being disappointed is the fault of the expecter, but when the setlist writer says "yes, this song, this city" it's frankly unacceptable when it doesn't happen, and COMPLETELY understandable when those fans are let down.


Absolutely not, I almost hate myself after these last two gigs :LOL:



That's okay. I'm mad at Muse's treatment of the US as a whole, not you. :( I'm quite happy for you. :happy:

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Oh my word. Tonight was insane.


First off, Assassin not getting played in Belfast after the Psycho tour is really, really rough. Genuinely really sorry for them.


I can't believe they actually played it tonight, one of the best songs I've seen them do. Simply huge. I'm so made up they played AP too, I went in thinking it'd be definitely be USoE tonight. All in all an amazing gig. Can't stop smiling.

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