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Dear Jon,


Thank you for your suggestion, however I do have to point out a slight difference in the styling of the emoticon you have offered us and the ones we have on this site. Our emoticons all follow a similar grey/white scheme, whereas that is bright fucking yellow. Perhaps a friendly user of the site might be so kind as to recreate that in the board scheme, I myself lack the motivation or time required.


Yours Faithfully,



I just laughed for about 5 minutes. :awesome:





also, :facepalm:

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Dear Kev,


When do we do Muser awards? Isn't it about time?





around new year, sure in the next few weeks they'll appear


Kev, is that you in this video at the 25 second mark? :stunned:




yes, one of my cameos


Hi Kev,


why is my neck still hurting from Stockholm Syndrome in Limoges?:)


because unlike wooly wolstenholme you didnt have a massage before you went on stage


Dear Kev,


I like your hair.


Love from,



thank you chris, i like your earring


Dear Monsieur Kev,


I came across this and believe it is the perfect sticky for the board... Could we please have it as a permanent banner on here?




Merci beaucoup! :happy:


Dear Kev,


+ 1 with what L. just posted. Please? :D


Thank you!


Dear Kev


What the lovely ladies said.


+1 and a please :)


+1 :awesome:


Please let this happen. :LOL:


ha noted!



oh no what terrible news, maybe i can pull strings and get that exchanged for the invincible shirt you wanted


Dear Kev:


We need this smiley:




do we? :LOL:

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It should be a brand new feature, each week Kev answers a myriad of questions on podcast from Musers :LOL:

Yeah, why doesn't Kev have his own podcast?


Kev, do you have the bap when you go to GBK? Do they have special baps for you?

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