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People are appearing on Reddit in droves to comment about how the show was the best they've ever seen.


This is Muse's audience now. Why bother to attempt to improve the show or cater to us when low-effort gigs like these (seem to) please the masses?


Honestly, that's the only logic I can come up with for this tour so far. Incredibly disappointing.

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People are appearing on Reddit in droves to comment about how the show was the best they've ever seen.


This is Muse's audience now. Why bother to attempt to improve the show or cater to us when low-effort gigs like these (seem to) please the masses?


Honestly, that's the only logic I can come up with for this tour so far. Incredibly disappointing.


And they will accuse us being selfish or something and we seem know more than their promotion team.

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Yeah. But it's incredibly similar to the effect used in UD and parts of The Handler, making it feel a bit redundant.


I never felt the visuals for The Globalist to be redundant -- they're the best visuals in the show! Sure the song itself is boring live, and Drones is definitely redundant, but I gotta give credit where it's due. The only bit that is similar is the starry band, but everything around it is gorgeous, especially when viewed from the seats. It does lose a lot from the floor/GA.

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Here's mine from the seats. Not very centered, but it still felt super immersive.



You're right, pretty cool when one can take in the entire thing with a wider view. It seems like the seats / pit tradeoffs are even more pronounced this tour: one can easily get really close in GA, but taking in the projections becomes difficult. No idea about the drones as they weren't operating in Chicago but I suspect they're cool regardless of perspective. (If only they actually worked.)


It's too bad the The Globalist just drags. Last night a casual fan in the pit yelled "get on with it" during the intro and was shushed by others.

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You're right, pretty cool when one can take in the entire thing with a wider view. It seems like the seats / pit tradeoffs are even more pronounced this tour: one can easily get really close in GA, but taking in the projections becomes difficult. No idea about the drones as they weren't operating in Chicago but I suspect they're cool regardless of perspective. (If only they actually worked.)


It's too bad the The Globalist just drags. Last night a casual fan in the pit yelled "get on with it" during the intro and was shushed by others.


That's true. Too bad they can't do multiple shows at every location so everyone can get a chance to see it both from floor and GA. It felt like two completely different experiences.


Despite other disappointments seeing The Globalist/Drones live with those visuals is among my favorite Muse live moments. Even the dildo I found cheesy fun.


It was a lot better seated when you could see it.


I liked the flying dildo too. I preferred it better during Revolt and Reapers than Globalist. The Globalist is too much of a downer for such a silly balloon. :LOL:

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Fuck off :LOL: no, but seriously.

A couple drone malfunctions, one smashed into the stage and needed to be carried away. Another hit the crowd.


The dildrone was fucked. It came out immediately looking like an angry giant wobbly black dick. The side missiles either fell or got pulled off and drifted up to the ceiling of the arena. Have fun getting those back.


There is a comical, excessive amount of drones confetti being used for the climax of the show.


What an absolute mess, it sounds like Spinal Tap

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I agree with all but the last part -- the confetti is awesome! :phu: And drones being played twice is a bit boring.


Haha, I tried catching some in my mouth to test the salt level. I did end up taking several pieces home so maybe if I get drunk enough.


The screen visuals for the globalist were outstanding, actually. Same with handler and undisclosed. And I get the whole drones twice thing to bookend for the concept or whatever, but then playing Mercy right after makes zero sense. It just feels like at least 20 minutes of the show was filler to prep the production, when they ought to be spending that time playing actual songs.


Reapers probably got the loudest applause ofof any song when they finished it.. While Resistance and Starlight sadly got the biggest crowd response when they started. I left as soon as Man with a harmonica started though, so it's quite possible Knights could be added to that list.


Crowd turnout also way better than i was expecting. Only the corner/side areas of the upper deck were curtained off. But some holes all throughout. The two seats next to me in the front row of lower bowl were empty all night, wtf.

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I left as soon as Man with a harmonica started though, so it's quite possible Knights could be added to that list.


Unless forced to do so, not a very wise move. The fact that Knights is a very popular song and is played at every show doesn't change how GOOD is.

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Unless forced to do so, not a very wise move. The fact that Knights is a very popular song and is played at every show doesn't change how GOOD is.


I do the same nowadays tbh. I've seen Knights more than enough times, it always sounds the same and the majority of it is pretty boring to me now anyway so I'd rather get a head start on the rest of the crowd and not get caught up in the congestion of everyone else leaving since I'm not really missing anything.


Now, if they closed with Stockholm, TAB or something interesting, that'd be a different story.


I'm glad I'm only going to one of the UK dates.



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16 songs for an arena/stadium band with 7 albums.


Genuinely not sure if tragic or funny.

I laughed out loud when I counted it while browsing setlist.fm this morning. Pretty fucking poor effort, given its the same length as LA Mayan but with a flashier production and shitter set.


I also gather the dildrone (incidentally, I love the fact someone put it on a setlist.fm entry) looked even worse than usual, and the spherical drones were mostly fucked. Which means this one went very Spinal Tap.


I saw the interview with Dom that they did the towers, then found them wobble all over the place and decided "Yeah, no more of that". I think we can already add flying objects to this list.

I'm glad I'm only going to one of the UK dates.

It'll probably be longer gigs in Europe as many already seem to think, but yes. I was planning on doing 2 but got put off by the stupid quantities of booking fees and non-negotiable £5 P&P pushing it to £76. Robbing Ticketmaster bastards.


You say that about Assassin - I was 100% certain they wouldn't do Muscle Museum in Brazil. So... you never know.

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