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Is anyone expecting anything gig-wise in April? How much notice would they have to give in advance anyway?


Well seeing as they gave less than a week's notice for Psycho Tour...not a lot


Once mastering of the album is complete, I expect it won't be long before previews start to appear on iTunes and Amazon. There'll be the magazine interviews and album reviews will appear towards the end of May

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The album is ready now so I think we will get something soon! And, There are some interviews around already so...to hear something from te band themselves would make my day!


Are interviews not from the band themselves?

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Yes, but sometimes the journalists put something to the interviews or only print parts of it, so you never know what's true ;)


Ok I get what you mean, but the direct quotes from the members can't really be altered. And a good music journalist wouldn't leave parts out that we want to know.

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Trivia about yourself and muse?


I'll start:

I can't tell Ashamed, Yes Please and Agitated apart in their first few seconds


I'm actually pretty relieved to see someone else say that. :chuckle:

I'm still a bit "oh god no!" thinking on Matt saying this new album sounds like YP and Agitated; and not at all disappointed I didn't get Agitated live last tour.


I think these Making Ofs will positively impact your view of the tracks. Lets say your first impression was a shoddy live recording like Reapers? What then? Whereas say we got the Making Of Reapers before we heard the live recording. I'm sure our opinions would be a little less negative granted the higher quality clips we've been exposed to, rather than a possibly negative first impression due to external factors.


The only comparison I have, I guess, is the eWerk stuff from T2L. I listened to VERY terrible quality videos of most of those, and was pretty universally disappointed a bit in the studio versions after being really excited, most particularly at how "clinical" Follow Me sounded versus the live one (and not the lack of guitar - the vocal deliver, bass, etc)


I don't really know what I expect of Reapers, tbh. I have only listened to the two different versions once each.


The Making Ofs, however, already sort of made me feel negatively towards the two songs; mostly Defector, in which the parts we heard really turned me off for some reason.

So, I guess I don't know if it will be better for me going into it thinking I'm not going to like them, or at the very least, hearing the bits from the Making Ofs again and being reminded that I didn't like them. Which isn't fair in the first place, because they weren't necessarily showcasing the best bits of the songs in the videos, possibly. Hopefully.


I guess I wish I'd gone with my first instinct and not watched.

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I only watched it once and can't remember the melodies ... I remember the orchestra and Matt whisteling and throwing things on the floor :LOL: but melody? Err...I wait for the album and I am so impatient!

Edited by Claudia O.
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Ok I get what you mean, but the direct quotes from the members can't really be altered. And a good music journalist wouldn't leave parts out that we want to know.


Oh yes, they can ;) I often heard artist say "oh, but I havent't said that!" and it was quoted...anyway, I'd prefer live radio interviews...oh, we already had some :p

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My boyfriend has a $250 Ominous FPV and he spends every single night it isn't snowing or raining outside with it, and then editing videos of random parks on his computer.

And he's working on designing and constructing a larger FPV one he needs to apply for a license to use, and a racing model.

I don't see the appeal at all, and got bored of it after 15 minutes, but he's completely obsessed with them.

(And I've got a nice scar between my eyes from it being flown in the house.)


I wonder why the early release on the single if the push for it is actually going to start later in May.

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Im sure they shot two videos before, the psycho one and another. And someone involved with both videos was on these forums saying that he had heard the two songs he shot videos for but couldnt say anything about them.


If you mean JJTheMuse I'm pretty sure it was just the Psycho video he was involved with. Unless he's been holding out on us...

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Im sure they shot two videos before, the psycho one and another. And someone involved with both videos was on these forums saying that he had heard the two songs he shot videos for but couldnt say anything about them.


It was Matt Hayslett. He did work on both Psycho and Dead Inside lyric videos at the same time.

After people found the stuff on his website, he briefly joined here to say he couldn't divulge any info, and he removed the song titles, because he'd given some things away, and also fueled speculation, as he had working song titles up.

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If you mean JJTheMuse I'm pretty sure it was just the Psycho video he was involved with. Unless he's been holding out on us...


Haha nah I wouldn't hold out more info. I mean besides the little bit I still have left I can't discuss :LOL: nothing pertinent to Dead Inside though

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Haha nah I wouldn't hold out more info. I mean besides the little bit I still have left I can't discuss :LOL: nothing pertinent to Dead Inside though


That is the most contradictory statement I've seen... at least in the last few pages.


Aw, if you were involved with the DI vid I was going to congratulate you on the nice rack. :phu:

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It was Matt Hayslett. He did work on both Psycho and Dead Inside lyric videos at the same time.

After people found the stuff on his website, he briefly joined here to say he couldn't divulge any info, and he removed the song titles, because he'd given some things away, and also fueled speculation, as he had working song titles up.


Oh, should have realised it was him they were talking about :facepalm:

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