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Do you like Reapers?  

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I mean, I don't really care if u didn't like the last two albums and have no faith whatsoever in Drones or Muse, just find it funny if you're thinking that way and you're very active here, seems like some people don't have anything better to do with their life ;)


I kinda got nothing better to do at the moment...

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There's more to talk about when you're criticizing something, a lot of the time, and some people just naturally find it easier to criticize than to discuss why they like something.

It would be nice if more people who were positive about things started or continued discussions, but those ones shut down a lot quicker. :(


Not saying everyone has to love everything, I actively dislike several Muse songs myself, but the people who are constantly bitching that the band is "utter shit" or hasn't been good since '04, do confuse me.

I mean... I don't think I could hold a flame for a good album over 10 years of apparent disappointment.

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There's more to talk about when you're criticizing something, a lot of the time, and some people just naturally find it easier to criticize than to discuss why they like something.

It would be nice if more people who were positive about things started or continued discussions, but those ones shut down a lot quicker. :(


Not saying everyone has to love everything, I actively dislike several Muse songs myself, but the people who are constantly bitching that the band is "utter shit" or hasn't been good since '04, do confuse me.

I mean... I don't think I could hold a flame for a good album over 10 years of apparent disappointment.



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Anyways, I still can't tell if Reapers just doesn't come across well live (but then why play it?) or over the non-pro recordings we get... but it seems incredibly disjointed and I don't really feel like that's an issue Muse has really had to much extent, except when they cram 'covers' into their songs like IBTY.


I also just can't figure out if I'm so biased against the "classic rock vibe" that that's why I'm not feeling this song so far.


I'm trying to commit to not listening to it again until release.

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I can honestly say I fucking love Reapers. I hope I don't get too disappointed by the studio version, my only worry. Also I didn't like Psycho or Dead Inside on first 3 listens, love both now, not taking Psycho so seriously though.



It took me a few listens to like Dead Inside, same with Psycho, but Reapers...holy shit those guitar solos

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I can honestly say I fucking love Reapers. I hope I don't get too disappointed by the studio version, my only worry. Also I didn't like Psycho or Dead Inside on first 3 listens, love both now, not taking Psycho so seriously though.


Interestingly, I was pretty disappointed with how not-serious I felt Psycho was, at first, and would have put it in a category with Survival... but I've changed my opinion quite a bit since.


I feel like I love parts of Reapers; probably the majority of the song, but I don't "get" how they work together.


Was Psycho ever supposed to be taken entirely seriously?


You would think so... at least to an extent. Doesn't mean it can't be a bit OTT, but it *is* a serious topic.

That's the original issue I had with it.

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Anyways, I still can't tell if Reapers just doesn't come across well live (but then why play it?) or over the non-pro recordings we get... but it seems incredibly disjointed and I don't really feel like that's an issue Muse has really had to much extent, except when they cram 'covers' into their songs like IBTY.


I also just can't figure out if I'm so biased against the "classic rock vibe" that that's why I'm not feeling this song so far.


I'm trying to commit to not listening to it again until release.


I really think it's the guitar tone that makes the classic rock vibe stand out more. I've completely warmed up to the song now, and to be quite honest the only part of the song that gave me that vibe anyway was the bit after the main riff during the chorus. The tone during that part just lacks a lot of punch, and I do think tone makes a big difference because take SMBH for example, the variations in tone that Matt has chosen can really affect the character of how that song comes off live.


Interestingly, I was pretty disappointed with how not-serious I felt Psycho was, at first, and would have put it in a category with Survival... but I've changed my opinion quite a bit since.


I feel like I love parts of Reapers; probably the majority of the song, but I don't "get" how they work together.


I used to think the same about Reapers being disjointed, but I realized that sonically it might be trying to express a mix of emotions through each section, granted the guy is being brainwashed so the verses show stress/tension, while the choruses show a kind of pleasure with what is being executed (due to the brainwashing). Also, I still think the hate for Survival is ridiculous since it's a great song, I would even say it would fit well (perhaps maybe without the choirs so that it would be more streamlined sonically) in running order right after Psycho.

Edited by jonisdead
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Oh so you say that it sounds disjointed on purpose because the character may be brainwashed? lol


:indiff: can't we go one damn page without some stupid criticism being flung around? I said I initially found it to be disjointed but I no longer do. The juxtaposing parts evoke different moods that make sense in a narrative format. That enough for you? :mad:

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Love Reapers so far... Almost everything is just pure excellence.


One of the few things that puts me off is Dom's drumming. I don't know if many have felt the same but I feel like the drumming on this track is very far from what we've seen Dom do before. The verse is sort of weird with no bass drum on the on-beats and the pattern during the riff and "drones!" parts along with the solo just feel a bit bland and empty. The last chorus is fine but the first and second could do with a bit more diversity and power I feel...


I think Mutt Lange perhaps went a bit overboard with the AC-DC style on the drums... As a metal-fan I like my drums how I like my women - voluminous. :p:horns:


Otherwise, this song is probably going to be one of my favorites... Calling it...

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Someone should try tweeting the band about what the lyrics in the choruses are and maybe the vocoder parts as well, if they haven't already. I would but I don't have Twitter. Probably won't yield any results even on the off-chance that one of them reads it but, meh, it'd be worth a try I guess. It's doing my head in trying to work out those bloody choruses :chuckle:


Just realised I should've asked Matt when I had the chance, could've asked him about the outro as well but I guess I wasn't really thinking at the time :facepalm:

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:indiff: can't we go one damn page without some stupid criticism being flung around? I said I initially found it to be disjointed but I no longer do. The juxtaposing parts evoke different moods that make sense in a narrative format. That enough for you? :mad:


I don't think Muse is that deep anymore lol. Usually there are ways to read into a song other than at face value but not in the case of Muse's last 2 (possibly 3) albums.

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I don't think Muse is that deep anymore lol. Usually there are ways to read into a song other than at face value but not in the case of Muse's last 2 (possibly 3) albums.


Why do so many people claim that Muse's last few albums are less deep? How do you define the "deepness" of an album?

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