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I'm not sure it takes a "devout feminist" to find an issue with "you were too ugly to rape so I just beat the shit out of you".


No but most people would see it for what it is. Serious bait. Feminists in my experience do tend to lose their shit at stuff like this.

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Take it to some other thread. Enough bullshit here already.


I took Matt's tweet as serious... I don't see the point of the joke if there is one. Unless it was a reference to radio stations not being into them anymore, but that's a bit of a long shot. And sort of saying the song is shit. So, no.


The idea of an "offensive" single, implying its so bad it can't be edited for radio, might have appealed to me as a teenager...

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Take it to some other thread. Enough bullshit here already.


I took Matt's tweet as serious... I don't see the point of the joke if there is one. Unless it was a reference to radio stations not being into them anymore, but that's a bit of a long shot. And sort of saying the song is shit. So, no.


The idea of an "offensive" single, implying its so bad it can't be edited for radio, might have appealed to me as a teenager...


That was my "gut" reaction as well, but honestly I don't think it has to do with the lyrics in the sense of cursing or being obviously offensive. I think it has more to do with the themes at hand and the commentary made by Muse.

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I'm seriously trying to come up with what it could be... I've heard some seriously foul stuff on the radio that's "ok" as long as the vgarity is bleeped.


Shit, we have whole radio stations devoted to being offensive.


Again you're thinking too obvious. I don't think its going to be Matt saying fuck the world or fuck the government. but


Could be a blast on the military. "Psycho handler brainwashing us to become human drones" doesn't really sound cheerful and positive lol. I'd bet any amount of money those are actual lyrics and probably the chorus. We also know the theme of the music video is military related which is why that's the direction I'm taking those lyrics in.


Then again RATM has been doing stuff like this for years but maybe Muse is a little more direct with it? Idk I'm just speculating.

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No but most people would see it for what it is. Serious bait. Feminists in my experience do tend to lose their shit at stuff like this.


Sorry dude, but I really don't buy that. I see it for what it is, but I'm not sure you do. Inciting misogynistic violence is not 'serious bait LOLS!1!!' Claiming prejudice and violence statements in any form are ironically humorous works to both normalise the issue and desensitise people to it. Especially when you admit it's designed to attack/encourage a critique of those who believe in equality, and in the process encourage the growth of an 'us' vs 'them' mindset. That is really dangerous long-term.

Edited by Static Shadows
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