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Guys, just be happy you're hearing this rather than
as the first listen to the single. Granted, that falsetto in Survival is probably the best part..

I loved Survival then and I still absolutely love it now.


Lot of memories tied to that song just because of the timing it came out - it was pretty much the week 'real life' started for me so it was awesome to have some new Muse at that time :happy:.

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I don't understand these complaints. Does it have to be "new" if it's still original? It makes little sense to me to complain about Muse picking something out that's in their repertoire. It's not like it's some shitty rehashing of an old track, I'm looking at you Unnatural Selection. It makes sense if the riff was poorly executed (like like with, gasp, anything that's poorly executed) but it isn't. The riff is good and heavy, I see nothing wrong with using it. Sure beats coming up with a flaccid one.

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I loved Survival then and I still absolutely love it now.


Lot of memories tied to that song just because of the timing it came out - it was pretty much the week 'real life' started for me so it was awesome to have some new Muse at that time :happy:.




T2L came out just as I started college and looks as if Drones is gonna come out just before I start Uni

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T2L came out just as I started college and looks as if Drones is gonna come out just before I start Uni

Noice. I had In Rainbows come out the week I started uni. It got me through some dark times back then. Survival came out the week I relocated and started my career properly :happy:.

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lol. best song from the album...


For me Muse are at their worst when they're at their cheesiest. It wasn't just the lyrics that were cheesy, the choir, the operatic vocal delivery, the final "wiiiiiin". Ugh, the whole thing just makes me cringe i'm afraid.

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I remember , loads of pages back, that many of you wished for new songs sounding like Citizen erased, for example. Back then I said i don't like songs that sound alike, i'd like to have new songs.... and now there are people who argue that this new riff IS a common riff, and nothing new....it's just a bit of an irony....maybe not the same people who are argueing now...


Let's see when we get to hear the whole song - who will say then it is great and who will say oh no! that Riff :eek:

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I liked the snippets, just a question.

Don't you guys think it would be better if we got totally new material and not like in every song there's a riff which is overused since 1999.

Just a slight thought, although it can be still good but I was expecting them to come up with new ideas and still be heavy as they promised.


Did you say the same thing about reusing old riffs when you heard Take a bow and Butterflies and hurricanes? Save me?


"I was expecting them to come up with new ideas" You're implying that the rest of the album is just going to be full of old riffs. This is one snippet of a song from an album that's not been released yet.


You'll find that alot of bands record most of the riffs they come up with over the years, even the bad ones and come back to them years down the line when they find a use for them. Alot of them you wouldn't of heard before, some of them they use live (all bands not just muse). You'd probably be surprised at how many songs are written of riffs that were create years before the song was even formed. I'm guessing a lot of the songs Muse have written are based on riffs written during the many years spent touring.

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I liked the snippets, just a question.

Don't you guys think it would be better if we got totally new material and not like in every song there's a riff which is overused since 1999.

Just a slight thought, altough it can be still good but I was expecting them to come up with new ideas and still be heavy as they promised.


I wouldn't say it's overused. If it's a good riff and sits on a song which sounds fresh, I don't have any issue with it.

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For the casual fans who don't watch too many Muse live gigs, this is going to be a new/fresh thing. It may hook new fans and make them еxplore Muse a bit more.


Solid point. This records seems like it'll be way less misleading than the last two in sonically encapsulating what Muse's "sound" is as a band to a casual listener as offered up by the singles taken from them. Namely something like Madness, that isn't really representative of their repertoire taken as a whole. This as the lead single seems better fit.

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