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FF works a lot better with the harmony settings than the pitch shifting settings in my experience. Haven't tried using the harmonies on oscillation though. I'll try that. Works well for solos anyway.

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FF works a lot better with the harmony settings than the pitch shifting settings in my experience. Haven't tried using the harmonies on oscillation though. I'll try that. Works well for solos anyway.


Innovation is in the Dave™


Or something like that. I should design gibson's 2016 website.

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FF works a lot better with the harmony settings than the pitch shifting settings in my experience. Haven't tried using the harmonies on oscillation though. I'll try that. Works well for solos anyway.

It works fine for pitch-shifting too. I know the Bass Whammy was designed after the DT and V so maybe they'd fixed the glitch by then.

Innovation is in the Dave™


Or something like that. I should design gibson's 2016 website.

Make sure it's wider and pay-to-enter.

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FF works a lot better with the harmony settings than the pitch shifting settings in my experience.


I've noticed that too. The fuzz still sounded good when I tried it with Fury earlier.


It works fine for pitch-shifting too. I know the Bass Whammy was designed after the DT and V so maybe they'd fixed the glitch by then.


DT works for pitch shifting oscillation as well.

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Jaicen... why do you suppose he did this?




It's always been said that he used DSL 50 heads, but the orange crunch ones were only available as the 100 watt version... which means he has two of the output valves pulled (skip to about 1:19). Both heads are setup that way.


also note how the guitar had the roland pickup removed and the neck pickup replaced with a chrome P90.

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I'm sorry, wy do you think he did what?


I thought he used DSL100's?


Well it's always been said that he's used the 50 watts, but they're actually 100 watts with two valves pulled. I don't get why - I can't imagine that they were too loud or anything like that.

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but i thought valves added toans? the power amp is so crucial to the toans. changes them from kristll lettuce to krystll khabbage?


I need to re-evaluate everything i ever knew about the chewbs.

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but i thought valves added toans? the power amp is so crucial to the toans. changes them from kristll lettuce to krystll khabbage?


I need to re-evaluate everything i ever knew about the chewbs.


That sounds like something dumbl himself would say


Except for that last part about having to reevaluate everything. He knows tone when he sees it.

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That sounds like something dumbl himself would say


Except for that last part about having to reevaluate everything. He knows tone when he sees it.


If it looks good, it sounds good. You just don't 'get' it.

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yeah in an effort to distract myself from the more pressing matter of studying for my professional architect's licence, I've been trying to figure out a few bits and pieces with the tubes I have. I'd love to crack into those 3 reverbs, but matching consistent levels of gain with the different impedances of the reverb tanks is proving to be a pain in the arse.


Moral of the story, fuck tubes.

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Ok, well it could be the 100w output transformers are much larger. Maybe he prefers the tone?

Honestly I think it's more likely that he got the 100w for stage use, but didn't need the extra power later on.

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Prototype #3






Yes, I know it isn;t the neatest of wiring by a long way, but it's a prototype, and if it all pans out, I'll be going to a PBC. Fuck perfboard. fuck perfboard forever.


Made a few changes to numbers 1 and 2. The cathode caps have been changed to make it friendlier to bass, this means slightly more lower end when working with guitar, but nothing excessive. Changed the cathode resistor values too, so it gives more gain which is more suitable to the 12AT7 tubes I'll be using. Added 2 LEDs for each half of it.


The point of these 3 prototypes is to rule out any problems and have a few prototypes to see what people think of them. I do plan on doing a few clips of this one, but not till after 15th of may. If the general consensus is that it's good, I'll do a run of 10.

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Wow, that's pretty damn good actually!


Yeah it's definitely not bad and beats having to hook my whammy up through reaper or whatever, will have to keep working on it to try and get it sounding a little clearer though, although compared to the original file where the guy didn't even have the pitch shifter moving in the right order it's getting there :LOL:

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