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that fractal board. I'm mad jelly, hopefully I'll one day have one.


'tis an absolute lifesaver to be honest. I know a lot of people rag on digital for sounding too cold and not natural enough or whatever but if you spend the time to tweak it there's nothing that sounds tighter. Been in the process of making presets for individual songs now because I just have that much time on my hands :LOL:

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Why is everything so cheap in the US? James I'm gonna make you my microphone mule. Like a drugs mule but for microphones


Everything except for Mansons. Cheaper to buy from the UK.


Plus you don't get the experience of dealing with them directly. Jim could tell you all about this... if he was here...


What mics are you looking at? I need to get rid of this E906, but at the same time, I have no idea if I need more than one for recording this combo amp or not (either a room mic or one for the back of the amp)

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Everything except for Mansons. Cheaper to buy from the UK.




Plus you don't get the experience of dealing with them directly. Jim could tell you all about this... if he was here...




What mics are you looking at? I need to get rid of this E906, but at the same time, I have no idea if I need more than one for recording this combo amp or not (either a room mic or one for the back of the amp)




Looking at getting enough mics so that I can eventually mic up a full live band. Was looking at getting a couple of e906 actually

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Hey guys,


I've been listening to some Muse these days, and I was wondering if Matt still uses phaser. It sounds like it's more like a filter (on Psycho or Mercy). Maybe he still uses phaser (from the Axe FX II) on Plug In Baby or other older songs, but I can't hear a lot of phaser in the recent songs and shows.



Speaking about MB's guitar sound, it was my main influence for years (and I think it still is), but I think I'm going to sell my Whammy V. My only use of it was to do the "Morello thing" and solos from New Born, Sunburn, etc... and it takes so much place on my pedalboard.

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Slept through the presale. :facepalm: Don't think I can go anyway though.


As for Satch, I wasn't sure what to expect at first, but that was quite impressive.


So has anyone listened to the new royal blood song? I think it's ok, but not quite as good as the other new material they played at reading and all that.

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