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Probably works as well but the synth sound I used on the Axe-fx sounded really good for it, gave it a much smoother sound


haha, all this talk about synth effects and my pod can't even compare to the axe's synth block.


but still, I'm surprised by how close it can get with a little tweaking... and for 2000$ less :LOL:

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Ordering a programmable looper today, decided to wait on the sustainiac as my check wasn't as big as I hoped....though I gotta admit I was tempted. I'm excited to basically make presets with the pedals I already have and to stop tap dancing :LOL:


What do you guys think about the LINE 6 Firehawk FX?


The sound quality is garbo to me, but if you can weasel a good sound out of it, I don't think it'd be bad :p

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Ordering a programmable looper today, decided to wait on the sustainiac as my check wasn't as big as I hoped....though I gotta admit I was tempted. I'm excited to basically make presets with the pedals I already have and to stop tap dancing :LOL:




The sound quality is garbo to me, but if you can weasel a good sound out of it, I don't think it'd be bad :p


I thought it used the same HD algorithms as the HD500X?

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My guitar has been out of action for a few months, just managed to start the progress of fixing it, and seems pretty well so far. Just need to let the new springs settle in and will but the screws back in for the locking tuners and then another few days to use the whammy again. :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: Not very good at staying in tune at the moment, but surprisingly holds drop D better than standard E tuning.

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That could be why we know nothing...


Troy does, that'll work


Will it though?


Just the other day I was mentioning to someone how no one ever tries to copy Troy's sound.


Maybe if we tweeted him, he'd even tell us what he uses. He's not nearly as secretive about his setup it seems.



James James is this Matt Bellami's? :rolleyes:


Yeah that's the one, just blue rather than yellow.

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I've actually already practically nailed this one previously! Love it as well.


Fuzz, phaser, octave down on the whammy DT. I'll upload a sound clip soon!


EDIT: By soon I mean in the coming days because my definition of soon is rubbish :LOL:


Did you manage to record a clip of that SMBH toanz?


I've tried it with my pod, 3 big muffs with 2 tube screamers in between, right before the last big muff in the chain. Got a whammy 5 in the fx loop at the beginning, with a phaser right in front of that into a noise gate and into the rest of the pedal chain.


Is there a noticable sound difference between the DT and 5's octave down setting? Because I can't seem to get that nice, smooth "drop" sound when MB does the bend into the verse build up. I'm assuming the electronic synth ping you hear during the chorus is also attributed to the DT's octave down yes?

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Did you manage to record a clip of that SMBH toanz?


I've tried it with my pod, 3 big muffs with 2 tube screamers in between, right before the last big muff in the chain. Got a whammy 5 in the fx loop at the beginning, with a phaser right in front of that into a noise gate and into the rest of the pedal chain.


Is there a noticable sound difference between the DT and 5's octave down setting? Because I can't seem to get that nice, smooth "drop" sound when MB does the bend into the verse build up. I'm assuming the electronic synth ping you hear during the chorus is also attributed to the DT's octave down yes?


Haven't got round to it yet, I'm still trying to get it sounding a little more synthy. I've gotten very close but I want to be able to do it with just the Axe Fx so I don't have to worry about the Whammy as much :LOL:


I've not used a whammy 5 so i can't answer that sorry! I went from a IV to a DT!

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