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NME - "Muse's Dom Howard staples fake money to performer's arse"


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I was more concerned about Kate Hudson stubbing out a cigar on someone's tongue. Hopefully none of it is true. It sound pretty vile, and nothing to do with anti-capitalism or anti-corporatism or whatever.


It was the same woman that dom stapled the notes onto and apparently having cigars stubbed out on her tongue was her act so it wasn't as if Kate just did it to a random. It's still pretty weird though

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let's be satirically excessive to make a statement about excess


Oh fuck, I was at work, and someone beat me to it! :LOL:


It's a bit disingenous to say "we did this to be satirical about rock excesses/corporate greed and debauchary!" when you're still... well... you know, excessing.

Own your mess, I say.


The Jim Rose Circus does a stapling bit too. It's just something they do:



I saw that act back in the days (like '94ish NIN tour, I believe...) and I guess the difference for me was that the entire gig was performers, it's not like attendees were participating. It was interesting for the "shock value" but it wasn't like I was personally putting coat hangers through a guy's nipples, or anything.


Anyways, the LP issue DID bother me, and it bothers me that people say "well, they clearly are okay with it!"

I don't find it wrong that people are making a living doing something I find distasteful (and probably a better one than I am) I find it wrong that people are personally okay objectifying or ridiculing other people in that manner.

Even if it's "satire" or "for the lulz"... :noey:

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I hope not; one of my friends tried to 'snort' sherbet once and ended up walking around coughing up foam while we all laughed at him :LOL:


I know someone who likes to snort sugar every time he's at a restaurant and he seems pretty ok.


Well, as ok as someone who snorts sugar regularly can be.

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