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Been listening to it all day and no question Supremacy is the best song, followed by Panic Station, Animals or Survival. Apart from Chris' songs and Unsustainable the rest is pretty underwhelming for me.


Supremacy - 9.5 - Love it! Can hear loads of different stuff in it and can definately hear the Kashmir comparison.


Madness - 6.5 - Grown on me a little, sounds better in the context of the album.


Panic Station - 8 - Really catchy and funky. Should have been the single IMO. Love the Stockholm Syndrome esque riff i9n the middle :D


Prelude - 7.5 - Much prefer survival with prelude.


Survival - 8 - One of my favourites, uplifting and i love the riffs.


Follow Me - 5.5 - Not keen on it at all, need to grow on me.


Animals - 8 - Really like this kind of a mix of Screenager and Megolania, outro is fantastic and one of the more energetic bits on the album and will sound good live.


Explorers - 6 - Like Follow Me need time for this to grow on me. FREE ME!!


Big Freeze - 6.5 - Don't mind this too much, like the chorus.


Save Me - 7 - Was impressed with Chris' singing, this kind of reminded me of Pink Floyd a little.


Liquid State - 7.5 - Nice and heavy, reminiscent Metallica a little to me. Only problem its not quite long enough IMO.


T2L: Unsustainable - 8 - Liked this from the beginning.


T2l: Isolated System - 6 - Big letdown for me as the album closer, was building and just didn't go anywhere. Was good in its own way though.


Overall i think good album, no song on it that I don't like, just a few need more time to grow on me. T2L: IS as the album closer is disappointing for me, out of all the albums it is only better than HTAILY as the closer.


Was talking to a friend of mine earlier and i described it as "Good first half upto Animals, just sounded a little lazy after that" which sums it up for me. ATM 7/10

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The album is very similar in concept and structure to Resistance. Still way more depth, subtlety and creativity. This is actual progressive pop the way it's supposed to be.


So all in all I believe MUSE simply went back to the drawing board and tried to do Resistance right this time.

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I don't think it's as good as The Resistance, which was more entertainingly mad. Here, too many good ideas are damaged by bad ones, and some of the album's best songs go out with a whimper when they could do with a bang. I like the style of Animals and Isolated System best, which would be a good direction to continue in, and I think Chris could come up with some really good songs if he can structure them a bit better.


My hopes were not high for this album, and I feel like it's better than I expected. It's still one of their weaker efforts though.

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Supremacy live blows the Supremacy album track out of the water, and the last chord at the end is totally unnecessary.


Madness is only interesting in the last half.


Panic Station is a good tune but again I like the live version way better than what was recorded.


Prelude is completely unnecessary. Survival is terrible in the beginning the heavy instrumental towards the end is amazing...the choir does suck though. Again, better live.


Follow Me is garbage and Animals is boring except for the ending. I simply don't understand why none of them are simply content being a rock band. By all means I want them to experiment with new instruments and sounds but personally I feel they are taking it to far. All this genre mashing is making them sound like a different band.


Liquid State feels like it ends way to soon (I feel like there should've been a solo towards the end to bring it closer to 3 1/2 or 4 minutes), I don't think I'll be listening to most of this album ever again. Every other track is a 2/10 in my book and as a whole T2L is not only one the worst Muse album I've ever heard but one of the worst albums of 2012 in my opinion.


And I hate nearly all the lyrics (ex. Brainwashing our children to be mean) except for Panic Station, with Explorers having some of the worst on the album.


As a longtime Muse fan it saddens me to say it but it's just the way I feel. I realize that most of you hate TR but at least it still sounds like Muse. What else can you say though...five good albums isn't a bad run at all.


I don't think it's as good as The Resistance, which was more entertainingly mad. Here, too many good ideas are damaged by bad ones, and some of the album's best songs go out with a whimper when they could do with a bang.


I'd have to agree.

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I simply don't understand why none of them are simply content being a rock band. By all means I want them to experiment with new instruments and sounds but personally I feel they are taking it to far. All this genre mashing is making them sound like a different band.


This is pretty much how I feel, for a 'rock' band there is just not enough 'rock songs' on this album for me. Not enough energy in the whole thing. It feels lazy.

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Well my first impression (confused as whether we are supposed to be mentioning anything, but since lots of discussion on here already) - it's so MELLOW. That is not a bad thing at all.


Lots of beautiful, mellow songs. Survival is the curve ball. And reaching the end feels like a time to contemplate rather than discuss discuss discuss discuss, so yeah, don't want to analyse and discuss, just appreciate really. But I am particularly enjoying Animals, Explorers and Isolated System right now. :happy:


Can't wait to have the CD in my hands. :happy:

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This is pretty much how I feel, for a 'rock' band there is just not enough 'rock songs' on this album for me. Not enough energy in the whole thing. It feels lazy.


So, you've decided there's not enough rock because you call them a rock band?

Well, I call them a music band, and there's plenty of that on there...


This doesn't make any sense.

No one should ever be limited by titles.


Is this also to say that "non-rock" songs take less attention and energy to write?

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Well my first impression (confused as whether we are supposed to be mentioning anything, but since lots of discussion on here already) - it's so MELLOW. That is not a bad thing at all.


Lots of beautiful, mellow songs. Survival is the curve ball. And reaching the end feels like a time to contemplate rather than discuss discuss discuss discuss, so yeah, don't want to analyse and discuss, just appreciate really. But I am particularly enjoying Animals, Explorers and Isolated System right now. :happy:


Can't wait to have the CD in my hands. :happy:


Yes, there may be more mellow tracks than normal, but they're absolutely fantastic!

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So, you've decided there's not enough rock because you call them a rock band?

Well, I call them a music band, and there's plenty of that on there...


This doesn't make any sense.

No one should ever be limited by titles.


Is this also to say that "non-rock" songs take less attention and energy to write?


No, they are a rock band because for the past 15 years that's what they've done...

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This is pretty much how I feel, for a 'rock' band there is just not enough 'rock songs' on this album for me. Not enough energy in the whole thing. It feels lazy.

Lacking in energy and lazy is the complete opposite of this album.


And really, Supremacy, Unsustainable, Survival, Liquid State and Big Freeze isn't enough rock?

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Well my first impression (confused as whether we are supposed to be mentioning anything, but since lots of discussion on here already) - it's so MELLOW. That is not a bad thing at all.



I know it's confusing! We just don't want people to mention / inquire about ways to acquire the tracks illegally. The only way to listen to it in good conscience is via the Australian website that started streaming yesterday. So yeah, everyone else will to burn in hell. :p


Discussing the full tracks is completely fine.

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Fucking hell, Muse! I do the normal, human thing of going to sleep and waking up to go to work and you punish me by releasing 1000000 different bits of news all at the same time - new gigs, Twitter live stream on Weds, tonight's album stream etc... oh, and you pretty much release the whole fucking album this morning :LOL: I came back home to pandemonium!


I still haven't heard full tracks apart from those played on radio stations. I didn't wanna ruin it by going on YouTube. I'll DEF listen to the .mu Guardian stream tonight.


Just heard Supremacy on Zane and had an embolism :stunned::pope: It's just too fucking FUCKKK!!!!

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I pretty much agree with what Gorkermorker said.


However, the production really bugs me. It sounds good during the softer parts, but as soon as there's anything that's meant to be remotely aggressive it sounds really bland, it has no beef to it. I had the same issue with the Resistance.


At this stage I'd say it's better than TR, but not superior to any of their other albums.

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