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Ug, read the whole string of posts. They called me a moron who shouldn't be allowed to post on the interwebs :rolleyes:

And you don't like it? Wah wah wah :'( Look it's just the way things are done round here and you seem to try and come off as a know it all. Really get used to it.

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Takes one to know one eh?


people seem to have a knee jerk reaction and then if you try to clarify your point it just turns into some kind of retarded argument.



You weren't trying to clarify your arguement you were trying to make yourself look big. Well done with that.

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Were you dropped on your head as a child? Deprived of oxygen in the womb?


The more you drive a valve amp the better it sounds, I can't remember exactly why, something to do with different harmonics being generated.


A solid state amp with the gain set to 4 for ex. everything else neutral SHOULD give the same sound at all volumes.


A Valve up with ex. the Volume set to 5 will give a different sound depending on what you have the master set to.


Valve amps aren't fragile as such, and some do have fans, they get pretty hot if you play them for a while.






i own a valve amp, have done so for years and have access to a whole bunch of others, vintage to modern high gain channel switching stuff.


everything about your post is totally misinformed. some valve amps have fans, but we're talking quite expensive stuff here, also some amps don't have master volumes.


rather than just post bollocks you've read, go get some experience, then see how laughable your post is. if i want beautiful cleans, i don't go turning up my marshall, 3/4 at most, if i want slight crunch, between 4 to 7, full on distortion, 7 to 10. turning all the way up and turning the guitar down for clean isn't as nice as turning to 3/4.


every solid state i've use has distorted when turned up, definately doesn't stay the same at every volume.

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Shhh, you'll embarrass yourself!




Too late, someone went there :LOL:

:p Heh the only valve amps I've dealt with that have fans have been those shitty valvestates. I've only played through stuff like Mesa, haven't taken the back covers off to look at the innards.

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I suppose valve amps generally don't have fans cause they'd cause a fair bit of noise.


a traynor bassmaster I had a while ago DID have a fan


it actually was a very quiet amp, but pete traynor was a bit...well, he had crazy ideas. like throwing his amps out three story buildings to test their reliability.

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I suppose valve amps generally don't have fans cause they'd cause a fair bit of noise.


a traynor bassmaster I had a while ago DID have a fan


it actually was a very quiet amp, but pete traynor was a bit...well, he had crazy ideas. like throwing his amps out three story buildings to test their reliability.

:stunned: One hell of a road test!

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every solid state i've use has distorted when turned up, definately doesn't stay the same at every volume.


to be fair on whatsisface up there, at least some of the tonal change you experience with solid state amps when you turn them up is because of the speaker, although this generally is just a "rounding-out" of the sound, as the speaker starts to get pushed a bit, rather than any serious distortion


this (obviously) happens with valve amps too, but people generally just put it down to the tubes, rather than a combination of them and the speaker

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No don't tell me that! That cost me a lot :stunned:

I'm pretty happy with it though, the guy that sold it to me does a fair amount of sound work for local bands and recommended it based on my voice.


nought wrong with 58's whatsoever :) just not sexy :p



though the girl from the subways was using one when they were doing the abbey roads thing....

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