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But some people are genuinely happy with everything Muse do so complaining wouldn't make sense. It's not always a case of blindly following the band.


Well if those people want to settle for mediocrity, fine by me. I can accept that.


It's just incredibly frustrating for people who know that Muse have a lot more to give.

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People need to understand.


Just because you found out about the band from twilight doesn't mean that you are any less of a fan.


Just because you like everything about Muse doesn't mean that you are blind and ignorant.


Just because you complain doesn't mean you can't love Muse, and it doesn't make you any less of a fan.

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I don't believe that there are "real" fans and "fake" fans (unless you mean boardies and Twitards), but I firmly believe that it takes more devotion to complain about the band not using their full potential, rather than just blindly following along with everything they do.


I can agree with that, don't take me for someone who blindly follows, I for one thought the way the setlist polls were handled was really bad for example, but I don't think people who are happy are less devoted really. To me it just seems pointless to look upon happy fans are less devoted, I mean what more is there to entertainment than enjoying it, as long as they enjoy it, what the band is currently doing works for them.

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Well if those people want to settle for mediocrity, fine by me. I can accept that.


It's just incredibly frustrating for people who know that Muse have a lot more to give.


It's medicore in your eyes. For a lot of people it's brilliant. Different tastes and all that. ;)

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People need to understand.


Just because you found out about the band from twilight doesn't mean that you are any less of a fan.


Just because you like everything about Muse doesn't mean that you are blind and ignorant.


Just because you complain doesn't mean you can't love Muse, and it doesn't make you any less of a fan.


I can agree with this, but the complaining on this board feels endless at times to me.

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What to endlessly insult them? It seems weird to me that devoted fans wouldn't at least try to be tactful.


I can't find the thread now, but I recall seeing you post something to the extent of "Get a life and gtfo" in the "Should Muse split up?"-thread. I know I keep bringing it up as an example, but damnit, this was just too good to pass up. Not very tactful, was it?

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It's medicore in your eyes. For a lot of people it's brilliant. Different tastes and all that. ;)

Well, still. I have never heard of anyone who loves todays Muse that disagrees with that things HAS been better. They just accept that "that was then, they aren't the same band now".


Which is okay ofc, but it's still a matter of settling for less ;)

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I think the problem with this tour is that they have had to play songs from The Resistance, it being an album tour and all. If it had been a different/better album, we might have had different setlists because of how the older songs work with the album songs. So there isn't really any point in predicting setlists for future tours because we don't know what the sixth album is going to be. I guess if we all hope for a more rock album like OoS or Abso, then we would get more of the songs we want to hear.


At least I think that's how it works...

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I can agree with this, but the complaining on this board feels endless at times to me.

Well, that's because of two things:


1. People are bored.

2. People have different tastes, therefore there will always be complains about SOMETHING. Maybe Muse suddenly starts to mix things up, plays both singles, rarities, rock songs and so on. But that doesn't mean that some guy won't come here and say "I don't like what they are doing". People need to stop seeing the complainers as a group. They are all individuals with different opinions.

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I can agree with this, but the complaining on this board feels endless at times to me.


I think that many people enjoy negativity and complaining, plain and simple. I can't see any other reason for why they'd be posting the same things over and over and over again.

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I can't find the thread now, but I recall seeing you post something to the extent of "Get a life and gtfo" in the "Should Muse split up?"-thread. I know I keep bringing it up as an example, but damnit, this was just too good to pass up. Not very tactful, was it?



Well I don't think a "Should Muse split up?" thread was particularly tactful on a Muse board!

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All things considered they havent actully been playing that many songs from TR. At some gigs you might only get Uprising, Reistance, UD and USOE, obviosuly this was alot more at some points in the tour. Its just a shame that they couldnt be playing MK Ultra and US more often.

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Well I don't think a "Should Muse split up?" thread was particularly tactful on a Muse board!

Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you can skip arguments and reasoning and head straight for insults ;)


No wait, it does. As long as you yourself aren't complaining when others do it.

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Why do you constantly insist on creating these groups of 'moaners' and 'supporters'? I'm unhappy with Muse's setlists but that thread was lame.


Because there appears to be two very clear groups who stand out. The people in the middle don't speak up too often. :LOL:

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Assuming they continue to play a setlist of 17-19 songs this is my prediction for a staple setlist, based on 18 songs in terms of number of songs from each album:


*Green = Near Certainty to Remain permanent

*Yellow = Likely to be rotated in and out of setlists.


Showibiz - 0-1





OOS - 2


Plug In Baby

New Born

Feeling Good

Citizen Erased


Absolution - 3


Time is Running Out

Stockholm Syndrome


Ruled By Secrecy



Black Holes - 3

Knights of Cydonia

Supermassive Black Hole


Map of the Problematique

Soldier's Poem


The Resistance - 4-5



United States of Eurasia

Undisclosed Desires


Unnatural Selection

Guiding Light

MK Ultra


6th Album - 5-6


3-4 Singles

2-3 Others to be rotated

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Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you can skip arguments and reasoning and head straight for insults ;)


No wait, it does. As long as you yourself aren't complaining when others do it.


Oh dear lord, I can only imagine what this forum would be like if literally no-one made any effort to use arguments or reasoning.

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Because there appear to be two very clear groups who stand out. The people in the middle don't speak up too often. :LOL:

Just as long as you remember that these groups have any clear lines. I can complain a lot, but I still defend Muse when I see some nonsense complains about things I don't agree with.

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People need to understand.


Just because you found out about the band from twilight doesn't mean that you are any less of a fan.


Just because you like everything about Muse doesn't mean that you are blind and ignorant.


Just because you complain doesn't mean you can't love Muse, and it doesn't make you any less of a fan.



both sides need to see that is a thing called opinion :)

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Just as long as you remember that these groups have any clear lines. I can complain a lot, but I still defend Muse when I see some nonsense complains about things I don't agree with.


Yeah, I defend Muse too when I feel it's justified or when people say things that are completely false about them. I really do.

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Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you can skip arguments and reasoning and head straight for insults ;)


No wait, it does. As long as you yourself aren't complaining when others do it.


I don't remember that I did. But if someone can't see that a thread named "Should Muse split up?" full of posts from the usual complainers who thought they should, simply because they weren't playing songs these particular individuals liked anymore (despite the fact they were playing songs that thousands of other people liked) wasn't insensitive and totally ridiculous, then well, I give up! But tbh we really don't need to drag that up again! :LOL:

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Assuming they continue to play a setlist of 17-19 songs this is my prediction for a staple setlist, based on 18 songs in terms of number of songs from each album:


*Green = Near Certainty to Remain permanent

*Yellow = Likely to be rotated in and out of setlists.


Showibiz - 0-1





OOS - 2


Plug In Baby

New Born

Feeling Good

Citizen Erased


Absolution - 3


Time is Running Out

Stockholm Syndrome


Ruled By Secrecy



Black Holes - 3

Knights of Cydonia

Supermassive Black Hole


Map of the Problematique

Soldier's Poem


The Resistance - 4-5



United States of Eurasia

Undisclosed Desires


Unnatural Selection

Guiding Light

MK Ultra


6th Album - 5-6


3-4 Singles

2-3 Others to be rotated

That's pretty much it, if you ask me. Though I wonder if not SS should change place with Hysteria.

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Just as long as you remember that these groups have any clear lines. I can complain a lot, but I still defend Muse when I see some nonsense complains about things I don't agree with.


I would consider myself to be in the middle too, I'm more inclined to be positive, but some things really annoy me sometimes too, I've mentioned it already but the setlist polls really disappointed me.

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