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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. I'm sorry for spamming you, but there's something I wanted to ask you. You said you were on Twitter... Can I stalk you there? :D

  2. Hey! :happy: Did I say first Muse gig? :facepalm: Sorry about that, I was in a hurry. :$

    :dance: You're so lucky, you got an amazing support band!

    It was the same here, I was busy with school, we had loads of exams which will not end until the 21st of June. *sigh* I can't wait this hell to be over, really! :LOL:

    But... I did have a great time in the first week of May, I was Ireland for five days! :awesome: You can take a look at the pics in my album and if you want, you can read the whole story too, I've written it down. :D

    Hm Neutron Star Collision.. I was a bit disappointed when I found out that Muse will contribue another song to the saga, because Dom said there would not be more singles included in the films. About the song: I've loved the melody from the first listen. :D The lyrics are cheesy, but I got used to them and I can't stop listening to NSC now! What's your opinion?

    P.S. How is it going with your drawings?

  3. Oh and I just remembered. The Temper Trap are going to support Muse in Manchester :awesome: When I saw the news, I had to immediately think of you. :D

  4. Hey! :D

    I'm so sorry for not writing for like a month. :( I hope you're doing well, there are only two weeks left until your first Muse gig, right? :awesome: I have so many things to tell you about, but I'll start with the following question: How are you? :D

    Wish you a nice weekend, enjoy! :happy::kiss:

  5. Hát igen, de tudod hogy mondják: a pasik csak egy dolgot tudnak egyszerre csinálni. :chuckle:

  6. Can't wait to read them! You got me interested. :D

    *sigh* You're right. :dom: csak egy van. De az, amelyik van is elég! :awesome:

  7. And don't worry about the typos, I've understood everything. :D I am doing quite good, being busy with learning. How about you?

  8. :LOL: Your reaction to the NSC video was exactly like mine! I was like "Dear God, what the heck is this?" and when I saw the kiss I felt a serious urge to need a plastic bag. :noey: If there wasn't those scenes from the film, it would be a great video. This is like a nightmare coming true. :stunned:

    I really like the song now, I can't stop listening to it. :awesome: But.. I've not become used to the lyrics yet. :erm:

    I hope so too, let's hope for some heavy riffs and gloomy lyrics on the next album. :D

    By the way, have you heard of the new Wolstenholme? :awesome: I can't stop smiling, I'm so happy for Chris! He's the ultimate baby making machine. :chuckle:


    Yes, I can't wait! :dance: The only thing I'm worried about is that I haven't bought my train tickets yet. :erm: All railways are so bloody expensive. :fear:

    Ah damn. :facepalm: I thought I've told you that I'm about to see them twice next month, sorry about that.

    Thank you! I hope there are not many language fails. :p

  9. Making up new words sounds interesting. :D May I ask which ones have you made up so far?

    Have you camped before? I've never done it and to be honest.. I'm not very keen on it either. :LOL: I'm actually pretty surprised my mother allowed me to go to Sziget with my friends, she's usually very strict when it comes to travelling on my own/with people my age.

    Gigs and festivals are the best places to meet new people! :happy: If I didn't join the Muse Messageboard, it would be weird in summer before and after the gigs. But now, I get to meet at least one Muser at each gig I'm going to! :awesome:

    "I hope it won't kill you" Haha, nagyon vicces. :indiff: To be honest, I'm kinda afraid trying that recipe out. :stunned:

    Just a joke, I'm too curious. :chuckle:

    Oh have you finished making the you know what yet? :eyebrows:

  10. You're very welcome! :D Matt looks so sweet on that pic :happy:

  11. Happy birthday, Carla!! :party::happy: Enjoy the day! :D

  12. I've listened to Neutron Star Collision on Monday evening on BBC Radio 1. Hm, how should I say it? I really like the melody, but the lyrics are a bit cheesy. Dom said in an interview that evening that "it will be fun playing it live". I don't know if I want to hear the song live though. I mean, I'm not very keen on singing "Our love would be forever and if we die, we'll die together". :erm:

    What do you think?

  13. I appreciate your opinion and have to agree with you at some point. It is not like their old stuff, actually, it is quite different from the music they made 9-7 years ago. Muse are totally unpredictable, I mean, they even considered becoming a jazz band a few years ago. :LOL: Let's hope for the next album to be consisted of more heavy riffs and dark lyrics. :D

    :awesome: Thank you so much for the link, I can't believe he moved to Dublin! :pope: And :pope: again @ rehearsing with an orchestra! But I guess they'll only play the entire Exo Symhony at Glasto. :( Anyway, I love to listen to his voice :happy:

  14. :D You have to, you will love it! :yesey:

    Is there a recording of that interview? :shifty:

    Hm, how should I say? The lyrics are super cheesy. :LOL: To be honest, I don't think I would like to hear this song live, I'm not keen on singing "Our love would be forever and if we die, we'll die together". The melody is amazing though. :happy: What's your opinion?

  15. Oh I thought you are going just for one day. I decided to buy only a one day ticket since there won't be any more bands that I would like to see that week. And besides, I can't really afford to stay so long in Budapest either.

    Of course we must meet on the island, I'm sure it will be lovely to talk to you in person. :happy: (or maybe queue up together? :awesome:) But I have to apologize for my weird Hungarian. You know, this odd dialect that we use to speak here messed up my pwoper language knowledge. You would laugh your head off at that, really. For example we say "gyüjök" instead of "jövök" and so on. :LOL: I try to speak pwoperly, but it doesn't quite work. :LOL:

    I've received the recipe and replied! :D Thanks again!

  16. Oh you know, men are like that. :rolleyes:

    Ok, I'll let you know what grade I got! Although it won't be very good... :LOL:

    Have fun, see you soon! :kiss:

  17. Hi! Oh don't worry about that, I am pretty busy with my exams too. Actually, I don't remember the last time I had such a terrible schedule. :facepalm: You are in a better situation than me though, my exams won't end until the 18th June. And my first Muse gig is due in 16 days. I have not the slightiest idea how I am going to master all this, but I'll make it somehow. :LOL:

    Good luck with your exams! :happy:

    Yes, I've written everything down and I would love you to read it! Sorry about my poor English though. :$ (The first part is here and the second one here.) Let me know what you think! :D

    Yes, that picture was taken at a beach on the West Coast. I loved the water, nevertheless it was as cold as ice. :happy:

    You're right, I am happy we'll get a new Muse song! :dance: I haven't listened to it yet (not even the 30 sec preview), have you? If yes, feel free to share your thoughts with me! :D

    I have to go now, unfortunately. :( Looking forward to hear from you soon! :kiss:

  18. Hey! :happy: I am doing quite good, thanks for asking. How about you?

    Yes, it was wonderful there! You should definitely visit it some day :happy:

    He moved to Dublin? :shifty: I seem to be pretty out of the loop, when did that happen?

  19. Szia! :D I can't wait either, it will be amazing! :dance: I wanted to ask you something.. Will you go on your own?

    Thank you! :happy: If you're interested, you can read my report about it too, I posted the link into PDT Chatting!

  20. Actually, I wrote it today for the second time, I really hope it went better this time.

    That's great news! :D Have fun tomorrow then! And those looks definitely mean he likes you! :yesey:

  21. Hello! I am quite good, thanks for asking! :D Oh yes, I do know, I messed it up, just as I thought. :facepalm: But don't worry, I'll handle it.

    Ohh why are you so happy? Is it because of Riccardo? :eyebrows:

  22. Hello there, happy birthday! :kiss::party:

  23. Yeees! :D Ah damn, I don't even know where to begin, there are sooo many things I would like to tell you about! I can't include it in this post though, it's gotten pretty late now, so I'm going to write down my trip tomorrow, post it up and send you the link. :happy:

    Ohh you've received it already? :awesome: I'm so glad you liked it! I usually send postcard with some buildings on the front side, I wanted to change it this time. :chuckle: Yes, I was there, it is such a beautiful place! There is a flower called furse which the people once used for brooms. You can see it everywhere around there and its blooms smell like coconuts!

    I was pretty depressed when I came home. But there's no need to be worried, I'm ok now. :D This happens to me every time I go somewhere for a longer time, I'm kinda used to it. I miss the lovely sheep and the green fiels and yes - even the cold weather. :LOL: Ireland is really icy compared to the weather we have here. Ok I'm gonna shut up now, otherwise I'll write you a bible here. :LOL:

    When are you going to finish with your exams?

    By the way, what do you think of the news that Muse will contribute one more song for the Twilight saga?

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