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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. I just remembered this one: Could you come to Stade de Suisse instead of Milan? There are still stading tickets available! :awesome:

  2. Hey! :happy:

    Damn, I don't think I can help you with this. I bought my ticket from a Slovene concert agency site which also includes the lift from the capital to Milan. That would mean you will have to take a plane to Ljubljana and then join the Musers on the bus. Plus, there are no standing tickets available anymore, only the ones for the seats in the 3rd category. :(

    But if I remember it correctly, I saw some tickets on MuseBay, you can try it there. Or the best option would be: You wait until a month before the concert and then you'll find some either on MuseBay or on eBay for sure! I would really like to help you, but this is everything I can do. :(

  3. Hellooo! :happy: Happy Easter, Tabina! :party:

    Sorry for the late reply, I was at my godmother's this afternoon and now I feel like I am going to explode. I ate so much, plus I got so many sweets, I don't know how I am going to deal with that huge amount. :LOL: How was your day?

    I am so looking forward to Ireland, there are only 12 days remaining! :dance: Should I send you a postcard? (Yes, I am serious :p)

    I don't know about the truth of that quote, but it would be hilarious if it was a real one. I can totally imagine Matt saying something like that :chuckle:

    I think I understand what you mean, I'm pretty sure we can vote more than once. I've voted five times already (using my .mu account) and it let me vote every time I tried. I assume that you can vote as much as you want. :D

    :LOL: I voted for FAWY too, it would be amazing to hear it live! If you take a look at a few more polls, every one of them has CE and Bliss in the top 3. I guess Muse will be forced to play them. :chuckle:

    Yes, I do have a link! :awesome: (it happens during the last chorus. A guy in the audience tried to crowdsurf, but he ended up strangely upside down which made Matt crack up. :LOL:)




    Oh btw, guess what I did yesterday! :awesome:


  4. Hm I guess you're right, plus I'll be in Dublin in two weeks! :dance: I can't wait, hopefully I'll find loads of Muse stuff, I finally want to buy Origin and Hullabaloo. Oh and I want to try marmite. I would like to know why it makes Matt to vomit. :chuckle: I have not the slightiest idea how it tastes, is it good?

    French is a nice subject, you should definitely do something with it in your future :yesey: I would love to learn the language but the course costs 240€ and I can't afford it. :( Speaking of Art, have you done anything for Matt's book? :awesome:

    :LOL: I love that quote! (although SMBH is not a shitty pop song. :phu:) Sounds like Muse are not very keen on the films, neither on the books :chuckle:

    I remember now something I wanted to tell you a few weeks ago. Slow brain is slow :facepalm: Have you heard of the PIB performance in Boston when Matt started to crack up during the song? :chuckle:

  5. I kinda envy you, everyone is having holidays at the moment. :( Oh well, I must have a little patience, right? :D

    Why wouldn't it go well? You have to say to yourself that you can do it, it's not as tough as you think it is. It's achievable, you just have to switch all your buttons in your brain off, only leave the one that says "School" on ;) I had Chemistry and Slovene, the ones I failed. I really hope they will go well this time, my marks are a disaster. :noey:

    I think only the album songs are on the voting list. :erm: I voted for Bliss, Apicalypse Please and Hoodoo for Milan. :happy: I can't imagine how it is to hear Bliss live, Matt's falsetto is beyond amazing... :supersad:

  6. Hellooo! :happy:

    I am good, thanks! :D How about you? Is everything ok in school? I remember that you said your Biology exam didn't go so well, was it better the second time you tried? Everywhere is Easter holiday time, only not here. My holidays are only at the end of April. :indiff: Do you have a free week too? Oh and I'm writing two exams tomorrow, I can't wait! :awesome:

    I am so happy that we can choose the songs for the stadium gigs and for the festivals! :dance: What songs have you voted for?

  7. Let me know how it went then, will you? :D


    Asking for favours is so uncomfortable, I always feel so stupid. :noey: But you can overcome that for some awesome holidays, can't you? :D Hm your parents might think that you're a little bit crazy. :p But don't feel weird, it was your uncle who invited you few years back, there's nothing wrong with asking. :yesey: I'll cross my fingers for you! :awesome:

  8. Don't worry, I'm sure it was successful! :yesey:


    Well since their MySpace says that "US Autumn Dates To Be Announced Soon", this could mean that your Chicago trip would fit perfectly! :awesome: You should definitely try to persuade your uncle to take you with him. :yesey:

  9. Will you have to do the cloning again if it turnes out it wasn't good? :erm:


    There you go, I ended up searching for a flight ticket to Budapest! :LOL: But those prices are awful, I have seriously the urge to :vomit: Are those people insane? They can't possibly demand such a high price for a short flight! :noey:

  10. Speaking of which, was your last cloning successful? (sorry if I'm boring you with this question :$)


    Yes, I did! I voted for Apocalypse Please for both gigs in June, I hope they will play it! :supersad:

    I remember we were talking about the Hungarian gig two weeks ago or so. Is there a chance you could come?

  11. It suits good to you :yesey:you crazy prof :ninja:


    I got the idea the other day while watching their Wembley performance of AP :happy:

  12. Thanks a lot for the mp3s! :awesome::kiss:

  13. Changed the undertitle? :awesome:

  14. I don't know either! :confused: I think we should wait a bit!

  15. Neither do I, but it has to be there! Maybe it got changed because of the time change? :erm: I'll tell you as soon as I find it!

  16. Quick links -> Edit Your Details

    You must see a box saying "Change your undertitle" or something like that. You can only change it on the first day of every month and from 12AM to 11:59PM UK time. You'll see the box in 13 minutes. :D

  17. Ok, I got it wrong then. :$ I can't wait for more parts! :dance:


    (100th comment :awesome:)

  18. Ich will mehr. :supersad: Damn, I don't want it to end, I love the story too much. :LOL: And I wonder what will happen to Matt and Mia. But the girl wrote that this is the last part. :(

  19. I have just finished with the 10th chapter of the funny fanfic and I can't do it anymore! :LOL: I'm laughing my ass off here, the whole story is hilarious! Imagine what a face would Matt make if someone hit him with his own guitar in the dead of night :chuckle: And Dom flirting with you... Yes please :eyebrows: Have you read the all chapters?

  20. Oh and I also have to post this:


    How did the job interviews work out? :awesome: Uhh.. You shouldn't worry that much about the future otherwise you'll go nuts at the end. :noey: May I ask which jobs you applied for?


    Oh no, I only said that as a joke, I didn't mean I would have the guts to say that to Dom. :LOL: Ehm.. Well when I think of it... I might do that. But please tell me in which context should I use "gay cheese" :LOL:

    I amost never use the English language to communicate (only in school and sometimes with my mum), so I have to practice that until June. I hope I won't start to stutter and make a fool of myself. :facepalm:


    It's ok for me! So muffin and cookie orgy in June! :dance: To be honest, I've never made cookies, I have to look up a recipe on the Internet. :$


    Sorry for asking you this again.. Tent or bed in June? :D


    I have still not read the fanfics, I only took a look at them. :$ (the one with Claudia is really long :eek:) As soon as I do, I'll tell you my opinion! :D


    Damn, I know I wanted to ask you something, but I forgot it. :facepalm: Stupid brain :noey:

  21. You pronounce the "sz" like s, the "e" like the e in the word "pet" or "met" (wait! I found a better example! You say it like the a in Matt :D) and the other letters like you write them. :D (please don't use the English alphabet but the German) How did he pronounce it? :chuckle:

    Yes, I think I will only attend the day Muse headline the festival. Will you and Claudi come?


    I'll post some as soon as I find more. :yesey:

  22. Found a few more. :shifty:







  23. Well your hometown has more inhabitants than the capital of Slovenia. :LOL: And one million is the half of the population of our entire country. Yeah, we are so small. :chuckle: Have you ever been to the cities you mentioned?

    Saving money is so difficult, I prefer to spend it, it goes faster. :chuckle:

  24. Hey! Cheers for accepting the invite! :D

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