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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Oh, it was the best day of my life!! I don't know if that's possible but I love them now more than I did before the concert! I want to experience their awesomness one more time :(

    I will try to get tickets for next year's Milano gig. I MUST see them again :D

  2. Yeah, it's a bit annoying when I want to go to some concert. But for Muse I would travel the whole world just to see them..

  3. Aw they are so mean! What did they say as an excuse?

  4. I'm from Slovenia, so that is quite far away.. The Wembley gigs are always something special, it feels like I'm missing out an important concert.. Though I am more than happy just to get to see Muse live :D

  5. I'm feeling good :D

    You're going to Wembley next year? That's awesome! I want to go too, but I don't think this could be possible since I live so far away from London.. Though I am going to a concert in three days, can't wait ^^

  6. Haha, thanks for accepting :D

  7. I am going to see Muse in three days! I can't wait, I'm so excited :D

    Are you from the States? I read they will make a US tour next year. Will you go?

    I guess you like the TV show Torchwood, right? ;)

  8. Hey! How are you? It's so nice of you that you wrote down the recipe of your Muse biscuits here on the Messageboard! I am going to try to bake some too! :D

    And today you'll see them live again! Wish you a great time! Cheers ;)

  9. Oh no, I didn't create it myself. I just found it on some site :p

    So, how are you? :)

  10. Hello there! Awesome pic :D

  11. You mean the bookclub here on the Messageboard?

  12. I read your thread, it was a good idea to start one with this title! Chemistry annoys me, I don't know how can some people enjoy that stuff.

    Ok, you will have to explain some things to me becaue I'm a bit confused right now.. So, first question: what is an Encountering God class? I've never heard of it.

    Second: You have brought your pc to school? You said, you were writing your last message during the lesson, right? I'm sorry for the silly questions, I probably sound very stupid..

    I am happy as well to talk to someone who I already know. If I keep looking a bit, I will for sure find some other familiar Musers :D

    So, it's a quarter after 12 am here, I am going to sleep now. Wish you a nice day and talk to you soon ;)

  13. Hey there! Thanks for your comment, how's going? :D

  14. I love this forum! I didn't want to join it for a long time because everything seemed so illogical and confusing to me. But when I looked around a bit, I started to get the point of the site.

    People write such silly things in the threads.. My favourites are the PMT & PDT. I can't stop to laugh, those threads are so entertaining!

    It's a little annoying and funny at the same time when Bertha gets overworked.. All my sympathy to her :D

    I am great, I love Fridays, it's the only day in the week when I don't take the afternoon off from school. I just want to enjoy the entire day listening to Muse ^_^ What about you?

    Well, I'm curious, how did you find me?

    By the way, I received your message, I will reply in the forthcoming two days ;)

  15. Hey! Yeah, that is me, I finally decided to sign up here too :D

    Cheers for the invite ;)

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