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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Hello! Wish you happy birthday too, may all your wishes come true! :party: :party: Enjoy the day :kiss:

  2. Omg your username is kick ass! :awesome:

  3. Kalispera! :D Thank you for the invite!

  4. You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it! :D I should improve my photoshop skills, I couldn't figure out how to put glitter on the other letters too. :facepalm:

    The ticket is for Saturday night's show. First I wanted to find a ticket for the 10th, but the flight schedule is a bit fucked up, I'll arrive only on Friday evening.

    I listened to Love Amongst Ruin :awesome: They are amazing, I'm looking forward to their album! :happy: (I think I saw your arm :chuckle:)

    Muse should play in small venues/clubs from time to time too. :shifty:

    Muse played CE and Bliss yesterday at Goffertpark! :stunned: I caouldn't believe my eyes when I read the tweets, they had not played songs from the polls until yesterday. :wtf:


    Have you read this interview? It's so sad, I wish I could hug them :supersad: Reading about Chris' alcoholism made me cry. :(http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?p=8079321#post8079321

  5. Uhh ok.. I still feel a littel stupid though. :$:LOL:


    :dance: :dance: That's fantastic news!!! I told you you're going to make it! :D Speaking of Law, have you found the book yet? :unsure:


    Good night, talk to you soon! A nice weekend to you too! :kiss:

  6. :facepalm: Oh my God, I failed so much. :$ :$ :$ But Flood sounded a lot like a bandname! :LOL:

    Oh you got the results of your Maths exam today, right? May I ask what they were? :awesome:


    Okay, I admit it. I've had so much studying to do that I forgot to wish you happy birthday on Tuesday. :$ I'm so sorry. :( I know I'm three days late, but still: I wish you all the best for your birthday, everything that your heart desires!! I hope you had a great day! :kiss: :kiss:

    Ok, this is lame, but I tried to do my best. Please ignore my bad Photoshop skills. http://tinyurl.com/354grn6


  8. Thanks a lot, I'll give them a listen and let you know my opinion! :D


    :supersad: That's such a shame, it would be great to meet you again! :happy: I hope Muse will return to Italy soon, they have to! I mean, Matt likes this country so much, right? :D


    Nooo! :mad: Hm, do you have an account there? You must have one to be able to download the bootleg. I'd love to send it to you, but it's 684 MB. :supersad:


    Yes! I am really surprised they talked that much, usually they are not very talkative on stage. Looks like they really enjoyed the gig. :happy: I do remember when he asked us to "light up San Siro", but unfortunately I almost forgot everything. :( Argh, I hate it when this happens! :mad:

    Ahahaha, Dom's voice shocked you? :LOL: He has such a nice voice though..

  9. Hi! :D

    I got to the stadium half hour after the gates opened, I owe my Italian friend for keeping a place free for me. I can't believe myself how close I was, it is insane! :eek: The pit wasn't as full as I expected, thank God. I had to fight my way through two dozen people though.

    I personally prefer the pyramid to the towers, Muse have much more place to move. In autumn each of them was kind of stuck on their own tower and I love to see them jumping around on stage, especially Matt. :D

    The alien was kick ass! It came from behind the stage and first I thought it was a tin foil UFO. :chuckle: I think no one expected for it to open and release an acrobat (well, the ones who were patient and didn't watch the vids from Bern :p). It was something like at Wembley in 2007 - she covered the audience under her with confettis. The UFO came during Exogenesis and disappeared after the song.

    Yes, I prefer the opening with the people more than the protesters too!

    No, they didn't play the poll songs, unfortunately. :( Nevertheless I loved the show! Here's the set list:


    Oh my God, I'm still in awe, I will never forget that night! *-*

    Yes, my pics are up, but they are crap because they don't even show Muse. :( I'll try to take better ones the next time!


    Sounds so great, I'm so happy that yo had a great time! :D Was this gig part of a tour or was it just a special concert?

    You've got me interested in Love Amongst Ruin now. Could you recommend me a few songs, I'd really like to give a listen! :awesome:



    I've found a ticket for Wembley!! :dance:


    A German Muser has a ticket that is available for purchase, I can't believe it! Wembellamy Stadidom, here we come! :dance:

  10. I finally listened to Editors, they are :awesome:!! I realized that I've already heard Papillon on the radio, I just didn't know it was them. They were supporting Muse in Bern, the gig that I couldn't attend. :supersad: I'm sure you'll have a great time at the concert! :happy:


    Could you reccomend me a few more songs, please? :$



    No, unfortunately I've never heard of Flood. What kind of band are they?


    Oh yes, please come to Sziget!! :supersad: The ticket for one day costs 45€ and you will be able to see Muse, Billy Talent and Kasabian! A train isn't that expensive to Budapest, is it? :shifty:

    Well, the rules are the following: the one day ticket is available from 5 AM to 8 AM the following morning. I'm planning to get in at least at 7 AM. :D


    I'm listening to the San Siro booklet, I can't even remember that Dom said after Resistance: "Grazie San Siro! What a great sing along! It was amazing!" :awesome: His voice <3

    I hate the fact that I slowly forget the details from that night. :supersad:


    Yay @ being insane! :D I'm out of my mind too and I enjoy it! You know what Matt said "Life's too short to take it seriously." So.. let your inhibitions go!

  11. Hellooo! :happy: Wish you all the best for your birthday, have a great day!! :party: :party: :kiss:

  12. Hello! :D Hogy vagy?

    A koncert bombasztikus volt, sokkal jobb mint az, amelyen novemberben voltam! Szuper volt látni a fiúkat ismét 7 holnap után! A közönség sem volt mindennapi, mindenkit kivertünk az ágyból azon este. :chuckle: De alig várom, hogy itt lesz a Sziget, még csak 64 nap! :dance: Az idén is úgy fogok járni, mint tavaly: azt kivánom, hogy a nyár minél előbb elmúljon és végre eljöjjön a nap, amikor újra látom a három devoni pasit. :LOL:

    Imádom az új képeket! :chuckle: Az első dolog, amelyre gondoltam, az a kővetkező volt: "Matt, csak várdd meg, hogy Dom észreveszi, mit küldtél a Twitterre, aztán jön a haddelhadd!" És akkor még nem elég, hogy egy képet tölt fel hanem hármat! :LOL: Kiváncsi vagyok, mi lesz Dom kegyetlen busszúja :shifty:


    Nem hallottam még a nyelvtörőt, kicsit zavaró (ezért mondják nyelvtörőnek, nem igaz? :LOL:) Én is találtam egyet :D

    Két kupac kopasz kukac meg két kupac kopasz kukac az négy kupac kopasz kukac.

  13. I heard of the Editors, I don't know any songs though. How are they? :awesome:

    Yes, I'm planning to see them again in two months in Budapest, Hungary at the Sziget Festival. I've never been to a festival before, so I'm kind of looking forward to it! I want to meet up with a Hungarian Muser there who is also a PDTer :LOL: (ahaha, Muse gigs are bringing us all together, right?) I would like to queue up already in the morning, I want to be right at the front. I know that I'm going to be killed, but I'm willing to take that risk for Muse. :chuckle:

    Oh yes, Wembley! :supersad: It would be amazing to be there! I might go, I only need a ticket for the 11th. I keep on checking MuseBay, but there aren't any. :supersad:

    I'm throwing all my money away for Muse :facepalm::LOL:

  14. Wooops, I realized it only now that you're buying one! :facepalm::LOL: Sorry for bothering you! :$

  15. Oh shit, this is awful! :( Learning in summer is the worst thing! But hey, you're soon going to finish them and have a few weeks off, so this is quite a motivation! :awesome:

    I'm sooo looking forward to more European dates! :happy: Oh don't even mention it, I have them too! :supersad: I've never wished it before this much to be able to turn the time back. That night was insane, I want to experience it again :'(

  16. My camera was messing around with me, so I took only a few photos of Muse. :( But I will upload them tomorrow to my Facebook account, so if you want, you can PM me your account and I'll add you. :D

    About Wembley.. I wrote the Muser a PM, but when I told him that I only want to purchase one ticket (he was selling two), he didn't reply anymore. He also ignored my second message, so I don't think I will ever receive it from him. I just hope someone puts up a ticket on MuseBay again this month, I'll be on the look-out for one! If I won't find a ticket until September I will not cancel my trip, I'll be there for sure! :D The schedule is the following: I arrive at London Stansted between 8 and 9 PM on the 10th (when you'll be in the stadium) and fly back on the 13th. So we could meet up on the 12th then and spend some time together maybe? :D But this is so far away, I have to secure a ticket first! I'll let you know as soon as I have found one.

    Okay, enough of the blabbing about myself now.. How was the concert on Wednesday? I've never heard of this band, how are they?

    Have a nice day! :kiss:



    This is such an amazing version of Starlight - the way Matt kneels down and lets us sing makes my eyes well up :supersad:




  17. Hello Tabina!

    I don't know where to begin.. Muse were just WOW! Massive, incredible, amazing, stunning, mind-blowing... I'm running out of adjectives :LOL: The crowd was awesome as well, people who live near the stadium were complaining about the noise - not the music. :chuckle: I am so so happy that I could be part of this bombastic audience, I'm so proud of us!

    Okay, so let's start at the beginning... My trip started at 7 AM in Ljubljana where me and my friend joined the other Musers on the bus. I was like "Wow, two buses full of Musers! :eek:" You don't see something like this every day, especially not around here! A very long ride was in front of us, Milan is about 400km away from our capital. Then, when we were 140km apart from our destination we got stuck in a traffic jam and were moving really slowly. I was close to pulling my hair out, I was so afraid I'm going to miss the gate opening at 4 PM. ...And I did. I mentioned that we were with two buses.. The other one got lost, so we stopped at a gas station to wait for them. Fortunately they arrived and continued our ride to Milan. I arrived there at around 4:30 PM. When I saw the stadium, I almost went crazy, it is so beautiful! There were lots of huge posters saying that Muse were going to play the venue that evening. We finally found a place to park, I got my ticket and started to run towards San Siro. I entered at gate number 10 (I didn't have to queue up because everyone was already inside - there were still people waiting in front of the gates for the sitting places though) and then I couldn't find the entrance to the parterre! :facepalm: I ran around for about one minute and then decided to ask a security guy for help. Yeah, but he didn't understand English, only Italian. Fortunately I found someone who could tell me where the entrance is (it was actually right in front of my nose, but I was too anxious to find it :facepalm:) and I ran to the pit. When I saw the stage, I went "Holy cow!!" It was incredible! The fans had already been either sitting or stading there, but there weren't as many as I thought there would be. I called an Italian Muser (I know her from the board) and when we finally found eachother, I tried to fight my way through to her. I only waited to be punched for trying to get to the front, but this didn't happen, thank God.

    The first support band, who were called Calibro 35, came on at 6 PM. Friendly Fires and Kasabian followed and then at 9:15 PM MUSE at last!! I can not describe the feeling I had when I saw Chris, then Dom and at the end Matt. Before they had come on stage, protesters came on with flags and signs, so they distracted us a little. When the first tunes of Uprising reached my ear, I thought I am going to die right there and then. I felt so euphoric, I couldn't believe I was there! Oh I forgot to tell you where I was standing. I've drawn an arrow to the place where me and my Italian friend were standing. Click!

    Guess what - I did sing the cheesy lyrics of NSC! :LOL: But the song is great live, I hope they'll play it at Wembley too! I didn't care about the lyrics, there is no cheese for me at a Muse gig. We planned to sing Matt happy birthday and had brought many balloons - the singing should have happened during the 1st encore, but no one really wanted to sing then. :LOL: (MuseWiki says it happened during the first, but that was kind of lame - the REAL singing was during the second) Matt came on with that light up suit you have mentioned and as soon as I saw him, I bursted out into laugh. He looked so funny wearing that :LOL: They played Take a Bow which made me very happy, I wanted to hear this song live since I first watched HAARP. :happy: I sang my heart out on Tuesday for Muse.

    Oh, have you heard the MK Jam? It is amazing, I am totally in love with it! During that jam that mini stage came forward with Dom and Chris on it and they were practically right in front of me! Seeing their faces properly made me stunned for several seconds. :stunned: I kept telling myself "Holy shit, they are here! I am seeing Muse again after 7 months of waiting!" Dom introducing Nic Cester was another surprise: I thought Back In Black was only part of the Big Day Out tour! :D

    After Resistance Dom said: "This is a song you can clap your hands to." and I screamed "STARLIGHT!" Some people looked strange at me, but I was proud of myself that moment. :D

    I didn't get to touch any of the balloons that were released during Plug In Baby, but I was happy we got some - we didn't get any last year in Bologna. When KOC came on, I thought "Okay, this is the last song, sing as much as you can now, you won't hear it live for quite a while!" We were jumping, singing, screaming, clapping, everything! At the end (as usually) Dom came to say goodbye and something funny happened. The fan that was placed beside the mic rolled his shirt up (click!) and we got a glimpse of his belly. Everyone started to scream even more that moment, I couldn't stop laughing :LOL:

    Muse disappeared and me and my Italian friend started to move towards the exit. But then all of the sudden she said "Come back,", so I followed her. The next moment I looked up there was Tom Kirk standing in front of us!!! I didn't realize it was him in the first two seconds, it was so unreal! He was wearing a pass from the BDO 2010 with his photo on it and was walking through the crowd like it was the most normal thing to do. I was staring at him like a loon, I hope he didn't think that I am an idiot. :LOL: We also wanted to ask for a photo, but the memory card was full! :mad:

    Ah it was such an amazing night, I will never forget it! I know that this is impossible, but I love Muse even more now! <3

  18. I only have one week left and then I'm going to be as free as a bird! :awesome: When will you finish your exams?

    Yes, the moshing was brutal, it was much more peaceful in Bologna. I knew it wasn't going to be the same, but nevertheless I was surprised. I couldn't even jump properly, I was squeezed between a huge guy an some girl behind me. :stunned:

    But yes, we did survive and I'm looking forward to more Muse in Italy! I'm sure they'll announce a gig there for next year, they must do a European tour again (well, they are going to be in America again in autumn, so they need to come back here in 2011)

  19. We should beware of him, I know he has some cruel things in his pocket :chuckle:

    Whoa, how squashed were you? :eek: Only my throat hurt a little in the morning, but otherwise I am fine.

    :kiss: I hope you'll feel better soon, you need to attend more Muse gigs in the future, you mustn't miss that! :eek:

  20. Aww I loved that twitpic! :happy: He looks so cute while asleep. But.. he must still get his revenge on Matt for taking those pics and posting them to Twitter. :chuckle:

  21. Aww that's a shame, it would be awesome to see some nice pics of us. :D Let me know if you find something!


    :LOL:! Was it that bicycle Dom was riding in that twitpic? :chuckle: I think he is happy that not many people recognize him, he's got much more freedom. I still have a shot of his ass when he was standing beside the camera. :chuckle: (well, it is his fualt, he didn't want to turn around :p)

  22. That would be great! :awesome: If it is not much effort for you, of course. Oh and about the newspapers! Francisca said we're going to be in the newspapers today morning, have you found any interesting ones? :awesome:

    You're right, there are quite a few exams waiting for me too, I have to coold down, otherwise I will not make it. :stunned:

    I still don't understand why he was walking around there just like that. Did he think people won't recognize him? I wanted to ask him for an autograph, but I forgot it :facepalm: Cazzo! :mad: (:LOL: I'm starting to like this word) It all went so fast. irst we were on our way out of the stadium and the next there was Tom stading in front of us :eek: I was staring at him like an idiot, I couldn't believe it was really him :LOL:

    aybe the next time you will meet Matt in person ;)

  23. Fuck, the video :stunned: I really hope you can not hear be much of my awful singing. :facepalm: I need to cry too, I want to be there again and experience Muse's awesonmess one more time! I always have this problem: every time I go to a gig, I'm depressed for an entire week. :( But it was worth it, I will never regret buying this ticket. :D

    I think the best thing is to wait until the next gig and then give it to him. Or go to Como and find his house :shifty: The first one is more realistic though :LOL: Speaking of Tom.. It was so awesome to be so close to him! :awesome: I am still in awe, that was incredible! But how did you know that we have to turn around then? :wtf:

  24. Yeah, I got home this late because I spent some time in Ljubljana after the arrival there. The shower I took was amazing. :happy: But yes.. I did sleep on the bus :LOL: It wasn't that bad after all, only my neck hurts a little. :chuckle:

    Yes, I'm already depressed. :( I wish I could turn back the time.

    You should save the wine for another concert and then give it to Matt. Even if it won't be his birthday. :chuckle:

    You're welcome! :D I hope there are more pics of this kind somewhere :shifty:

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