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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Me too, I'm totally exhausted! :LOL:

    The journey was rather nice - I wasn't nervous now because of being late. :chuckle: I arrived home only two hours ago and I still can not believe I was in San Siro only 24 hours ago!

    Have you drunk the wine? :awesome:

  2. Hello!! :D How are you?

  3. I only payed a visit to that thread once and then never again. :chuckle:


    I don't know anything about helium filled balloons, I bought ordinary ones. :erm: It would be kinda difficult to carry them in, don't you think? :wtf:

  4. I'm quite out of the loop then. :chuckle: I guess I should pay a visit to your LB from time to time. :LOL:

    Maybe you can ask her about the balloons? :erm: Hm, are you going home (I mean to her place) right after the concert?

    Are you looking at boobs? :eyebrows:

  5. Can't you buy some in a supermarket near you? :erm: To be honest, I haven't bought some for years, so I don't know where get them from either :LOL:

    It would be nice to meet up with you and Tiia too! :happy: Hm, maybe we can see each other after the gig? (because I'll arrive pretty late and you'll be in the queue already)

    When are you flying to Italy?

  6. Hey! :happy: Some info about the gig: the singing shall happen during the encore, so we would basically call Muse back with it. :D Oh and don't forget to bring balloons!

  7. Sorry for spamming you, but I don't know who else to ask this.. Are there any cheap hostels in Wembley? The ones I've found so far are bloody expensive. :erm:

  8. By the way.. You know that photo we sent for the flag for Matt? I realized it only now that if you look a little closer, my bra can be seen through my blue T-shirt. :facepalm::LOL:

  9. I left you a post in the scrapbook thread. :D

  10. Hello! :D Ah it's the same here: exams as far as the eye can see. :noey: The only comfort I have right now is the Muse gig and the fact that I'll finish school in 3 weeks :awesome: When do your summer holidays start?

    I have bad news. I can't go my other Muse concert (which will be in Bern in two days) because I will have to be back on Friday morning to take part in a trip to the seaside and I wouldn't make it. It's because of the stupid trains, they are bloody expensive. The only cheap one goes at night and unfortunately I can't take that one because it arrives too late to Ljubljana. :( *sigh* Oh well, I'll get over it. There is still the Milan gig in 8 days! :awesome:


    I also have good news though. I decided to try for Wembley instead. If I book a flight this week, it won't be very expesive, on the contrary, it is much cheaper than travelling to Switzerland! And this also means I'm going to spend an entire weekend in London in September :D I've found a ticket on MuseBay for the 11th, I'm waiting for the Muser to reply now. I really hope they will be able to sell it to me. :erm:


    it's so nice what you said about my poor trip description, thank you! :D Ohh you were singing the Molly Malone song in school? That's amazing, I'm totally in love with it :happy: I still get shivers when I think of flying. :stunned: I just can't get used to it, it doesn't matter how hard I try. Lol this probably sounds ridiculous :LOL:

    Muse's songs are always better live than recorded :yesey: I really hope they will play it next week, it would be awesome to hear it (although I am still not a great fan of the lyrics).

    ..Wait. I'm going to see Muse next week! o_O I have still not fully realized it, this is insane! I must physically prepare myself for that day :chuckle:

    Aaaand you have a new pic! :awesome: I've probably said this already, but I must tell you again: I really like your hair, it's beautiful!


    Wish you a wonderful week! :kiss:

  11. Yes, I think so. The deadline is tomorrow. :D

  12. I have no idea, it's you decision. Think of the fact that Matt is going to see it. :D You should send one where he can see your eyes. ;)

  13. I have no idea, I guess so. :erm: But no naked pics :LOL: (I wouldn't send naked pics of myself to Matt anyway. :rolleyes:Only to Dom. :ninja:

  14. Hello! :D The Scrapbook crew had the amazing idea to make Matt a flag and it's gonna be consisted of the photos of us Musers. The deadline is tomorrow, we need only a few more pics! Could you send yours too? :D

    Thread (see second post): http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=70786

  15. Hello there! I (actually, it's "we") need your help! Could you please send a photo of you for a flag we're about to make Matt and then give it to him at Wembley? It would be such a shame if this goes down the swanny, it's an awesome idea! :D Here's the link to the thread (see second post) Btw, you have to hurry.

  16. Hey! :D Could you help us with the following? (we need a few photos more and it would be such a shame if this doesn't happen) http://board.muse.mu/showpost.php?p=7282768&postcount=2 It is for a flag we're about to give Matt in September. :D

  17. That's right, come on, Dom! Show us your back! :yesey:

    :ohmy: Oh no! To be honest, I've already imagined that. :$ Oh my god.. I don't know what I would do.. I would go crazy there or even more :stunned:

  18. He's so cute :happy:

    I'm doing fine too, I'm just a bit annoyed by my schedule. You have no idea how I am waiting all this to be over :LOL: Of course you'll pass your Maths exam, you're much better in Maths than I am. :chuckle: Only enough practise and patiente are needed ;)

    :dance: Wooo, that's amazing! Only 12 days and then we're gonna sing Matt happy birthday! :awesome:

    Wish you a great day, talk to you soon! :kiss:

  19. :chuckle: Only the thought of a buttnaked Dom makes me giggle, imagine him really coming on stage without pants. :eek: I noticed that shirt too! :shifty: It suits him quite good actually.. :eyebrows:

    Oh it's ok, maybe the next time! ;) And I'm returning to my books, they've been missing me. :LOL: Good night, sleep well! :kiss:

  20. I'll take some pics for you, I promise! :D (:shifty: let's hope there will be some buttnaked Dom :ninja:)

    That's amazing news, I wish my school was out next Friday as well :LOL: Speaking of Milan... Sorry, I have forgotten it what kind of ticket you have.. :$ Do you have standing or sitting? If you have standing, we could queue up together. Of course if you want.. :D

  21. Hello Caroline! I miss you girls and the PDT so much, I would love to return soon! I don't know when I will be able to post regularly again, maybe somewhere after the 22nd of June. :(

    Studying is ok, I'm buried in books at the moment. There are only 6 days to study before going to Bern to see Muse. :awesome: I use this as my motivation. Maths test.. not yet, I think I'll find out the results only next month. How about you? Is everything ok over there?

  22. Happy birthday, Ines! :party::happy:

  23. Thanks! :D I tried Google translate but you know, these things are never quite confident. I watched Muse's performance of Invincible at Milan 2006 today and noticed that Matt sings the last line in Italian. I didn't understand it well, so I thought I could ask you how you say it in your language. :D

  24. Hello! I have a silly question: How do you say "Together we're invincible" in Italian?

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