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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. No, I didn't cry at all, although I would have ran circles when I heard Bliss, then CE and finally RBS :supersad: I couldn't believe how awesome the setlist was, it still feels so unreal *swoons*

    Yeah, I met a lot of awesome Musers! :awesome: I met Aurora, Tiia, Stef, Claudia and some other people who usually post in Banter. I didn't get to talk much to Tiia, Stef and Claudia though because I met them after the gig and had to dash because I needed to catch a train. :( But I spent quite a lot time with Aurora, she's such a nice girl! :happy: The next time there will be a Muser meet, I must stay longer! :yesey:

    Come on, tell me! :awesome: My reason is quite ridiculos as well, btw :p

  2. Nincs mit :) Látom, hogy új vagy itt. Ha akármilyen segítségre szorulsz, ne félj hozzám fordulni, szívesen segítek. :D

  3. Heeeey! :awesome:

    Oh my God, Saturday was the best night of my life!! I enjoyed it so much, it's such a shame it was over so quickly :(

    How close were you to the stage? I didn't queue up at all because I didn't plan to try for barrier, I was at the sounddesk on the left. You know the one where Kirk used to be :D

    I loved your setlist, you got B&H and IBTY :awesome: I've always wanted to hear Butterflies, but maybe the next time then :)

    Tell me everything about Friday evening! What did you feel when you first saw the enormous stage? (I was blown away :awesome:) Did you like the supports? Did you catch anything (Dom's drumsticks, a GL streamer, eyeballoon confetti?)

    Sorry for the load of questions :$



    Guess what I found out yesterday! White Lies are going to play here in Slovenia at the end of November!! :awesome:


  4. Hi! Sorry for not posting in the PDT often, I have school again and therefore I don't have much time for my own. :(

    Hm, I don't know where to begin with my story.. Better you ask and I answer, otherwise I'll mix everything up and we'll both end up confused. :chuckle:

    About the uni.. I think I know what I want to study. I want to be a doctor. :D The path won't be easy, but I'll give my best, I really want to achieve it! You know what Matt says "Best, you've got to be the best" :awesome:

  5. YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :party: I'm leaving tomorrow to London, I can't wait! Have fun at the gig in the evening!! :kiss:

  6. So we're something like neighbours then? :LOL: That would be awesome, I wonder if that happens. :chuckle: Yeahhh I can't wait!! :dance:

  7. I wanted to try for the barrier first, but then I read in one of the gig threads that you can't really see anything if you are right at the front because the stage is too high, so I changed my mind. :erm: It's such a shame there isn't a GC, I want a wristband :supersad::LOL:

    If you want, we can meet up at the stadium, just let me know when you want to queue up. I could give you a call or something then :)


    The hotel's name is Royal National.

  8. Yes, I meant Russell Square, without the Edgington part. I made that mistake on purpose, I was wondering whether you will notice it :chuckle:

    Oh , they want to get to the barrier then? How come you don't want to join them at silly o'clock? :chuckle:

  9. Yup, I'm in the centre, my hotel is near the Russell Edgington Square underground station. Your idea sounds great, but I don't think we can meet earlier than I get to the stadium. :( Thing is, I won't be on my own in England, I'll be accompanied by my mother. She always wanted to visit London, but couldn't until I decided to go to Wembley, so she decided to join me. I'm not taking her to the concert though, she doesn't like Muse that much :chuckle: Besides, I want to get my ticket in the morning, so I won't have to search for Claudi on the other side of the stadium when I want to queue up. :erm: And I think it would be silly if we meet at Wembley in the morning and then go back to the centre for some shopping. :wtf:

    How about Stef and Tiia? Where do they plan to spend the Saturday morning?


    Btw, what did Laure say about the queueing in Manchester?

  10. Blimey, I thought you wanted to be there earlier. I still need to find Claudi on that morning to get my ticket. Do you think you won't have any difficulties to get to the sounddesk if you queue up only a few hours before the gates open?

    .. because you've just made me change my day plan :chuckle: I'm consideting to get my ticket first and then spend a little time in the city until noon maybe? ad then meet up with you and the others. I don't want to be on my own in the queue, being surrounded by strangers kinda makes me nervous. :stunned::chuckle:

    ^Just tell me if this sounds dull. :LOL:

  11. We'll see ;) Damn, I hope this won't happen. :erm: When do you guys girls plan to queue up? The Claudias want to be there at 6 AM, I won't go to the stadium this early though. Maybe sometime after 7 AM.. You?

  12. This is great news then! :awesome: (Oh wow, I only realized it now that I will queue with the three main pervs from the PDT :stunned:)

  13. Hello! I have the same gate as Stef, G/F. Which one do you and Tiia have?

  14. Hey! I hope I don't bore you with my endless questions.. :erm: .. because I have a few more :$

    - When do you and Claudia plan to go to the stadium on Saturday? (quite early I assume?)

    - Could you PM me your phone number, so I can give you a call or write you a message as soon as I arrive at Wembley?

  15. Sleeping can wait :yesey: Holy cow, it's going to be fantastic! :awesome: :awesome:

  16. I have G/F on Saturday. Do you have the same gate? Hm, I don't know yet, I still have to ask Claudi when she and Claudia are planning to queue. I'll let you know as soon as she tells me. :)

  17. Sorry for the late reply, I only saw your tweet a few minutes ago.. Are we queueing together then? :awesome:

  18. Heya! Guess what the postman brought me today! :awesome: Thanks a lot for the postcard, I love it! :dance: I still can't stop smiling :D


    P.S. Do you write your surname with a "u" or a "ü"? I hope I used the right letter :erm:

  19. Ok, sag mir Bescheid wenn die Tickets da sind. :D

    Jaaaa, das lange Warten hat fast ein Ende! :awesome:

  20. Du kannst mir ruhig auch in Deutsch schreiben, ich verstehe das meiste. :D (mein Deutsch ist zwar nicht so gut wie mein Englisch, aber ich versuche mein Bestes. :))

    Ok! Ich kanns kaum noch erwarten! :dance:

  21. Isn't the pic in your ava the one I posted to your wall a few days ago? :shifty:

  22. Hey! I hope you're doing well, we haven't talked for yonks! Wembley is soon! :dance:

  23. I knew you're gonna like it. :ninja:

    The look is so... :stunned:

  24. Hey! :D I put one stamp on it, an international one. (you know, the ones you can put on postcards for any country)

    Damn, I hope it'll arrive, it would be such a shame if it got lost. :(

    I'm looking forward to yours! :happy:

  25. Request sent. :ninja: It's the Christina with a "ch" and not with a "k" (I use both versions :p)

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