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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. You're good at predicting then! :awesome:

    Why do many bands skip Calgary? Do they only come to the Eastern cities of the country?

    But you have a job now, so you can earn enough gig money for next year. :yesey: (speaking of which, I think I should work in summer too :shifty:)

  2. I wish your predictions become reality, but until then we can only hope. *sigh*

    We need a European tour in 2011! :fear:

  3. I've never been to a festival before either, this will be my first one. I personally prefer a stadium gig, but a festival's great too. Ah I can't wait for next year, hopefully they'll come again for their own tour! :happy:

  4. Damn. :( I'm hoping for another date, they still owe us a proper gig there! :yesey:

  5. "All the pretty visitors came and waved their arms and cast the shadow of a snakepit on the wall.." Sorry, but these lines kicked in as I read your username. :LOL:

  6. No :supersad: I was hoping for you to come too. :(

  7. I left you a post on the thread you were reading, there is the link for the tickets. :D

    Are there other bands you would like to see?

  8. I have to discuss some things about the transport, but I think there is 90% chance that I am going! :D Yes, you can buy day tickets, one of my friends was there last year and got some. I read (in the Budapest thread) that they are about 45€ and the weekly ones are 170€.

  9. I have amazing news!! Muse are going to headline Sziget Festival in Hungary! :dance:


  11. Hey! I just found out, I'm going crazy over here! :dance: I'm so buying tickets! Will you come? :awesome:

  12. Szia! :D Köszi szépen a jó hírt! Szinte nem is tudom, hova tegyem magam örömömben, Muse az Óbudai-szigeten! :awesome: :awesome:

  13. It's not my fault that you got up that early. :phu:

  14. Somebody told me that you like Mr. Bellamy's back. :shifty:











  15. Oh yes, that one! :LOL: :LOL:

    Gotta love this thread :kiss:

  16. Me neither! :stunned:

    :LOL: I should search for that post in the morning, I'm really curious now!

  17. Nah, I think you're doing it really good! :awesome: I'm cracking up here! :LOL: I can't imagine what the lurkers and non PDTers think of all this :facepalm:

  18. I think she is leaving now :chuckle: But this convo is so amusing! :LOL:

  19. Yes, it's in Budapest! :awesome: I'm really obsessed with that festival, I hope they come here this summer, otherwise I will be disappointed as hell. :supersad:

    I think the chance that they announce a festival gig in Greece is pretty high since they do so many festivals this summer. Just don't lose hope ;)

    Unfortunately, I have never read any of the Harry Potter books and I only watched the first film for like 4 times, so I have no idea how was your e-mial address inspired by it. :chuckle:


    Were you at that gig too? :awesome: My mum has never heard him talking, I think she wouldn't understand him at all. :chuckle:

  20. We should meet at a Muse gig some day, so I could teach you some Slovene and you could teach me a few Greek sentences. :shifty: (this is a hint that you should come to Sziget if they confirm their attendance, you don't have any exams in August, right? :awesome:)

    I'm not judging your e-mail address, mine is worse, I think. :chuckle: When I made it, I was mad about strawberries, so I ended up with a silly e-mail :LOL:

    He said that at the end of the gig, right? He sounds funny, although I wouldn't pronounce it better. :chuckle: It's a pity that they don't talk much on stage, I would love listening to them. :(

  21. Ok I think I pronounced it quite well. :chuckle: In Slovene it's "lahko noč" which you pronounce like "lahco noch". Sounds weird, I know :p

    I can PM you my e-mail and you can send it there. :happy:

  22. I think I'd definitely suck speaking Greek! :LOL: How do you pronounce kalinichta? :awesome:

    Aww I love it when Muse try to speak in a foreign language. :happy: They usually have a paper with them, but still. I would love hearing them speaking Hungarian once :chuckle: (I prefer this language)

    Is it on Youtube too? :awesome:

  23. Yes, in Slovene we pronounce everything the way it's written. This is one of the rare positive sides of it, the language is quite fucked up. :chuckle: If I didn't learn it as a kid, I would never volunteer learning it. :LOL:

    Our capital, Ljubljana has even two "lj"s in it, you can imagine how Brandon Flowers pronounced it last summer when The Killers had a gig here. :LOL:

  24. Yeah, almost. In Hungarian it's "bolygó". :D

    Loads of people who have never spoken a Slavic language before have troubles with the "lj" in our words. They often put an "i" between the two letters which sounds so funny. :chuckle:

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