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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Oh my, his muscles. :$ Such a perfect man *swoons*

  2. His nose is just so pretty. :supersad:

  3. Samo here! It's finally Friday, the day I am waiting for every week! :D I see you live quite up in the North. May I ask how is it to live there? I've always been wondering about Siberia, the only thing I know is that it's freaking cold. :LOL:

  4. Thank you a lot, I thought it had been removed! :D

  5. So am I :D How are you?

  6. Just wanted to take a look if there's a new episode of the London Calling fanfic, but the site says it doesn't exist anymore. :eek: Do you know why it was deleted?

  7. Hellooo! I am back now! :D

    I'm sorry, I couldn't find a postcard with such a photo on it. :( I sent you a boring one with a landscape on it instead. I hope you'll like it though. :happy: I'll upload a few dozen photos into an album on this board later this week.

    Maybe you have not messed up your French exam so much and will get quite a good mark! :D I had the same feeling about my Physics exam once and was pleasantly surprised. :happy:

    Anyway, how was your week?

  8. Do you mean that rumour about singing happy birthday for Matt? Fans plan to do that, you can find further details in the San Siro thread and there's also a gorup for it on Facebook. Unfortunately it's only in Italian which I don't understand. :( But a kind Muser translated the main things for us non-Italians, so I'm not that much out of the loop. :happy: Here's the group:



    Yees! :dance: Thank you loads for the good wishes! :kiss: I hope I will survive the flight. You know, I have a quite bad acrophobia, I don't really like flying. :erm: Oh well, I'll just squeeze my friend and close my eyes at the take off. :LOL:

    I can't decide which is better: to go on your own or with classmates. If you go alone, you can do whatever you like, you don't have a limited schedule and stuff. But at the same time, you don't see as many things as you would if you were with a guide. Nevertheless, I would love to travel on my own. Soon! :awesome:


    Kisses and hugs back! :happy::kiss:

  9. Just noticed that your birthday is on the same day as Matt's. :supersad: Lucky!

  10. I'm reading some past stuff in the PDT and look what I found:


    Perv forever? :wtf::LOL: :LOL:

  11. Italian food is so delicious! *drools* Oh yes, I will definitely spend a few days in Italy some time! Which reminds me! Three days before the concert in Milan I will be in Trieste for a whole day. :D I'm going with my class for an excursion and we'll take a tour in the city.

    That's great! It's always good to see friends who you haven't seen in a while. There's so much to talk about. :happy:

    If you don't find any tickets, you two can try to meet Muse somehow before or after the gig. You don't have to worry about standing in the queue and getting out of the stadium in time. :LOL: But still, I hope you manage to get some! :D


    Oh no beer for me, thank you very much! :LOL: I don't like beer at all, it is too bitter for me. And we're not allowed to drink any alcohol in the hostel anyway. I'm going with some of my schoolmates and two professors. We have these kind of trips every year in spring, last year I was in London. :D The negative side of this is that you can only go as long as you're not 18. :indiff:


    No lessons are good too, that means you will have more time for yourself! You can spend it learning in the garden or something instead of sitting at the uni the entire day. :D


    Haha, I hope so!

    I won't be at home this weekend. You know, Ireland. :D I'm gonna stay there until Tuesday, but unfortunately I have already school on Wednesday. :indiff:

    But staying at home doesn't sound that bad either! If there wasn't this trip, I would have definitely stayed at home too. I am not those kind of people who can't stay put at home, I prefer to spend my holidays in my room. :LOL:

  12. I'm glad I didn't get stuck on the airport, that wouldn't be very convenient. :noey: This reminds me of a film called The Terminal. I loved that one :awesome:

    About the postcard.. :shifty: What kind of postcard would you like? Do you prefer skyscrapers or the landscape? Or maybe you'd rather have something like this:



    Ok, that last question was a joke. :LOL:


    Oh yes, summer. :supersad: I've been moaning about it for so long, I am really fed up with winter. :LOL: Fortunately we have a nice weather at the moment, so I am feeling great! How is spring there?

    I just remembered. I was in Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London at this very moment one year ago. wants. to. go. back. :supersad:

    Did your French exam go well? Oh and I wish you good luck for your Art exam, I'm sure you'll make it! :D


    Sorry for bombing you with videos again, but you have to see this. :chuckle:


    It's funny because lots of members of this board moan about these two songs being played at every gig.




  13. Hey! :D

    Hot tea always helps to make you feel better. Well it does work with me. :p

    I'm quite a tea addict. If I wasn't so lazy, I would drink at least a liter every day. But sometimes it's too hard to get my ass to the kitchen. :rolleyes:

    Ohh Bologna! :awesome: I couldn't help it, it reminded me of Muse. :D It must be beautiful there! It's a shame that I didn't have time to take a look at the city when I was there, I had never been to Italy before I went to the gig, so I can't imagine how Italian cities look like. Did you have a great time with your friend?

    Wait. You said she is coming with you to Milan in June. Does this mean you managed to get tickets and you're going to see Muse at San Siro? :awesome:

    Yes, my flight has been postponed together with my trip. I wanted to go to Ireland, but unluckily the eruption had happened just 24 hours before my plane was supposed to take off. But I'm going this Friday, so everything is good! :awesome:


    Your schedule sounds pretty awful, I hope you won't get stressed with all that studying. :kiss: There are only a few weeks remaining and then you have loads of free time, right? :D

    School isn't going very well for me, but I'll make it somehow. I know I can, I just have to switch off the computer, sit down and open the books.

    What are you going to do this weekend? Any celebrations and stuff?

  14. Hello there! Thanks for accepting my invite :happy:

  15. Naww :supersad::kiss: I hope you will get better soon, just drink many cups of tea! :yesey:

    Yes, I saw it! I wasn't online for the entire weekend, I was in some kind of grief because of my cancelled flight due to that stupid volcano! :indiff: But I am feeling good now, so no need to be worried. :D

    Ah damn, how come? Is school killing you?


    Btw, how was the concert in Milan? :awesome:

  16. Hello! Cheers for accepting my invite! :D Your avatar is amazing! :awesome:

  17. Hello! :D I wanted to ask you something about the Muse gig in Milan. You said you have found very cheap plane tickets. May I ask which airline it is?

  18. Thanks, I couldn't bare without the board anymore. Three days were more than enough. :chuckle: Yes, I am fine, no crappy mood whatsoever. :happy: Aaand maybe I have found someone to swap the Bern ticket with! :awesome:

  19. Hello! I haven't talked to you in a while, how are you doing?

    Thanks a lot for the #FF on Twitter, that made me smile. :D

  20. ..And I cut out those parts from your torture pics :chuckle:*searches for more*

    You should post some with Matt and his I-want-you-now look. :ninja:

  21. :shifty:










    I see you and Stef spam eachother with Maffoo pics. :LOL:

  22. Hey! Yes, that stupid volcano has messed up our plans. And everything happened just 24hrs before the take off! That was bloody annoying since I've been waiting for the trip for months. :(

    *hugs back* Thank you for the nice words, they made me feel better! :happy: I am quite good actually, music helped me to handle it. And it's not such a big deal either, the plane tickets for the 30th April have already been bought, so if the eruptions aren't so intense, we'll be in Ireland soon! :D

    How are you?

  23. Hello! Thanks for your wall post, Maffoo has definitely cheered me up. :eyebrows:

    We re-scheduled it on the 30th April, but we still haven't sorted out the things with the accommodation.

    I read about your flight in the PDT, I hope the airports won't be closed longer! They can't have every flight cancelled anyway, money has to be earned after all. :wtf:

  24. Hellooo! :D

    Oh don't worry about your late post, I don't aswer that fast either. :$

    You should tell.. no, force your motivation to return, so you will be able to write more applications. Think of the fact that a parts of the money you're going earn is for Muse (and other) gigs! :awesome: Gig money is always better than ordinary cash. :yesey:


    You mean something like this: We are part of the bunch of lucky fans who got the chance to meet Muse after the concert. The guys are exhausted, yet they are giving people autographs and taking photos with them. You, Claudi and me approach Dom, you are carrying a plastic box with the infamous gay cheese brie in it. We ask Dom for an autograph and whilst he is writing his name on the piece of paper we gave him, I say: "Uhm Dom, I have a question. Do you remember that interview from 2003 where you said that you like gay cheese and the others laughed about your statement? They have no idea how delicious that cheese is, oh btw, we have some brie in this plastic box, do you want to try it? :awesome:" Holy cow, this is a shitload of text I'm supposed to say, I am not sure if I will be able to squeeze all the words out of my throat. :LOL: I have to practise it. :shifty:

    :LOL: Your sentence about Claudi's death due to Matt's beauty made me laugh so much, poor Matthew has no idea how many fans he could easily kill only with his appearance. :chuckle: And yes, you need to talk to them. :yesey:


    I finally remembered that thing I wanted to ask you last time, but I eventually forgot it. It is about a Muse tattoo. I would like to go to the tattooist when I'm 18, but I have no idea what kind of tattoo I want to have. It has to be something unique. First I wanted to have the Muse sign on my wrist, but many fans already have it, so that wouldn't be such a good idea. You once posted a pic of the Green Day tattoo you have designed, so I would like to ask you how you made that. Was it completely from your imagination or had you visited some tattoo sites to look for suggestions? Sorry for this silly question, I didn't know who else to ask. :$


    Thank you for telling me about the new chapter of the London Calling fanfic! I've read all 22 parts and I love it from day to day more! In the last chapter when Dom said that Mia should tell him everything, otherwise he can't help her, something poped in my head. Dom der Liebesberater :awesome:

    This story makes me wonder how they would really act in a situation like this.


    Oh before I forget! One of my friends posted me a song yesterday from a German band called Avantasia. The music genre is progressive metal (according to Wikipedia) which is not quite my style, but I find the song amazing. I thought since the band comes from your country, you might have heard of them. In case I have just made a fool of myself and you don't know the band, here's the link to the song:


    The singer's voice somehow reminds me of the voice of Jon Bon Jovi. :wtf:

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