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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Hello!

    No, I mean when do you finish the schoolyear, how long do you have to go to school in the summer. Do you finish it in June or do you have to visit it in July as well?

    Of course you are going to pass the final exams! :yesey: They shouldn't be so tough, otherwise no one would ever pass them. How come you can't choose Art as your major subject? It's an ordinary subject like Maths or Geography, it should count as well. Oh well, maybe I am just confused and I mix everything up because of our different school system. :LOL: We have to do the final exams of five subjects from which are three determined. Those are Maths, mother tongue (since I am going to a bilingual school, I can choose between Slovene and Hungarian) and foreign language (English or German). You can pick the remaining two from any other subject you want.

    I know, red haired Matt is so :awesome:, he should dye his hair like that again! I don't know if I have already told you this: I was listening to the NME radio on the evening of the NME awards show and following the happenings on Twitter. All of the sudden Olly tweeted that he saw Muse on the red carpet and Matt had red hair. All the Musers went crazy and started furiously tweeting to NME radio asking for a confirmation of this statement. The two hosts were reading the tweets from time to time and they were wondering why the heck are so many people asking about Bellamy's haircut. :chuckle: I knew it was just another one of Olly's silly jokes and was laughing my head off in front of the screen. I loved the surprise in the host's voice! :LOL: Oh yeah, and one of them said Matt's granny coat looks like Willy Wonka's fuzzy tv. :LOL:

    Haha, I love how you put that part about Dom! "I know you're rather expert for Dom.." What makes you think this? :chuckle: And oh you're welcome! :D

    Everyone seems to live the evil teddies in the Uprising vid! Wait. Maybe they are some kind of alien teddies who are trying to contact us through Muse :pope: (I'm kidding :chuckle:)

    I read your sig, it's amazing! :awesome: He is right, no doubt about that, my favourite line has to be "Anyone who isn't a Muse fan is banned from music for life!" Ahh so true! <3

    Yes, I meant the updated Exogenesis Symphony with all the extras! :LOL: I had to laugh so hard when I listened to it and realized it's actually Radiohead. I first thought it was the idea of the band, but then someone told me that the mods came up with it. I was so happy that Muse are regular guests here on the Messageboard. :indiff: I would so love to know which parts they visit the most. :shifty:

    Of course I can vote for the Manchester setlist, which songs would you like me to vote for? I don't know which songs I've chosen for which gig, I picked FAWY, Bliss, CE, Hoodoo, Apocalypse Please and Assassin. Would be so awesome to hear on of these live! If you want to, you can vote for my gigs too, it's not necessary though. ;)

  2. I thought you might like this one (no Maffoo this time, sorry. :()





  3. I haven't seen those films yet, what are they about? By the way, I watched an awesome film last week, it's called Death At A Funeral. Have you heard of it?

    Thanks a lot for the PM again, I've written it down! :D We have a planned schedule for all the five days. We'll arrive quite late on Friday, so we won't go out that day. On Saturday we have sightseeing in Dublin + shopping (:awesome:), on Sunday morning we will head to the other side of the country, to the Cliffs of Moher (this reminds me of Making Of The Resistance DVD when Muse are laughing about "that cheesy love track being lost in Cliff's beard" :LOL:). The next day we'll visit a silver mine and in the afternoon we'll take a tour through Galway. We're already coming back on Tuesday, plus I have school on Wednesday. :indiff: But nevermind, I can't wait nevertheless! :D (I hope all my talk about Ireland does not bore you, if so, don't be afraid to point that out)

    :LOL: Poor Matt, he just wanted to learn HTML! And now I have just come across this pic:





    :yesey: They are going to play one song from the top 3 for sure! I mean why did they make those lists if they didn't plan to do so?

    Yeah, the pointing moment was my favourite part too! :chuckle: A guy who stood right beside the crowdsurfer wrote in one of the threads "First I had no idea what was going on, but then I looked to my side and saw what Matt was laughing at." or something like this. It was a unique gig moment, I'd say. :D I love it how he went during his falsetto "Get him up!" :LOL:

    I can't wait until summer either, means I can go rollerblading more often! So far I've been only once, I don't like the weather we have now. It's sunny, but still too cold.

    I am actually indoors every weekend, I rarely go out. :LOL: Plus, I have some studying to get done, I still have some exams next week. :indiff:

  4. No, we only have 7 days of during the schoolyear. But yes, we have quite long summer holidays. School usually finishes here on June 24th because on the 25th we have a national holiday (this is the day Slovenia became independent), and a new year starts on September 1st. In 2006, the first day of the month was on a Friday and we had school nevertheless it was the end of the week. :indiff: That's quite stupid actually. :LOL: When will you finish school?

    Matt with blue and/or red hair sounds awesome! :awesome: Hm a favourite pic.. I think it would be these two:







    Oh I think I've already heard that song from The Temper Trap! Most certainly it was on TV in an ad or a TV show. I like it! :D I also listened to Fader, the official vid somehow reminds me of the vid of Undisclosed Desires. :wtf: How did you discover the band?

    Yes, it would be such a bliss to hear Bliss and Ruled By Secrecy live! *sigh* By the way, have you voted on .mu for the setlist?

    Matt almost killed the Glitterati in Seattle last week. It looks like the guitar broke in half, but I think it was just the strap. However, MuseWiki says that "the neck snapped in half." :erm: Ah sod it, I am glad it's not broken and I will have the chance to see it again! :D The vid:



    Motto T-shirts sound like a great idea! You have think of something unique, then fight your way to the barrier and make sure Muse notice you! :awesome: Don't worry, you still have two months (WOOO there are only two months until we see MUSE :dance:) to decide what you want to do. ;)

    Yes, those T-shirts are awesome, indeed! I wish I had a credit card, so I could purchase one from the .mu shop, but unfortunately I don't have one. There is one merch that I would like to buy so bad. http://muse.mu/shop/product/243/girls-exogenesis-burnout-t-shirt/menu/13/womens/

    I guess I will have to wait until the concerts, so I can shop there.

    I forgot to tell you this! Have you seen/heard this year's April Fools joke of the Muse Messageboard?

  5. Hello!! :D Wish you all the best for your 22nd birthday, many many Muse gigs in the future! Have a great day! :party::kiss:

  6. It's so great to read that you could finally relax, enjoy your free days and do loads of thing which you didn't have time for because of school! :D And two weeks time off is pure heaven, we never get such long holidays here. I saw your new pics in your album here, were they made during the past two weeks? They are really great, especially the last one, the pic of that football player. What kind of paint do you use?

    I am good, thanks for asking, it's finally weekend! :dance: My eagerly awaited free week is in two weeks, plus spring has arrived too, so I know the forthcoming two months until my concert(s) are going to be amazing! I haven't heard of The Temper Trap yet, where are they from? I would also like to check them out, could you please recommend me a few songs? :D

    Anything new, anything new... Hm. Not much, Muse have been spaming Twitter with pics from time to time, they postponed a show in the US, Dom made an awesome photoshooting (you can find it on microcuts.net <- clickie), Matthew almost killed the Glitterati again, they played Bliss and Ruled By Secrecy at a few gigs, just the ordinary things. :D

    Btw, I love your Exogenesis T-shirt in your pic above! :awesome:

  7. Sounds awesome, what kind of films did you watch?

    Of course I am, there are only seven days left! :awesome: Yes, I would love to send you one! :D Could you PM me your address, please?

    I tried to vote for a few times before and I didn't get such a message. :erm: I have no idea how this works, Kirky must have messed something up. (or they let Matt to the computer again. :p) Everyone is kinda obsessed with Bliss, just because Muse have only played it at two gigs so far. :LOL: Hearing the song live would be amazing though, that intro and Matt's falsetto... *swoon*

    I know! :D I was laughing my ass off when I saw that vid, especially because Matt's hilarious laugh! Chris and Dom must have been like :wtf: when he did that :LOL:

    It was so good to rollerblade again after such a long time! :happy: But I was so exhausted only after two minutes (I like to roll as fast as I can), usually it takes more to get me out of puff.

    Thank you, I felt like I needed to change it. It was taken last year in July and it reminds me of sunshine and the lovely worriless days. :happy:

    How is life going at the moment? Do you plan someting special for this weekend?

  8. :dance:

    I'll inform you as soon as there are some news about it! :D

  9. You probably know this already, but still.. Have to share this with you! Please tell Tiia too :happy:


  10. Hello! :happy:

    Of course you can ask, I'm always glad to help! It's the so called "undertitle" which you can change in your User CP on the first day of every month. You can change it only that day, but I don't know why. :erm:

  11. Hello Leonie! How have you been? We haven't spoken for like a month now, I hope everything is alright over there! :D

    Let me guess.. You have holidays? :awesome: (or are they already over? Sorry, I've been a little confused in the last few days, it must be the spring or the fact that June is getting closer and closer with every day. :D)

  12. Oh come on, you had some dirty thoughts as well, just admit it :eyebrows:

  13. I always have the feeling that I'm being too egoistic. :erm: It's your problem we're trying to solve, so it's normal you're talking about yourself :chuckle:


    I hope I can save up enough money to go to London next summer. But when I told my mum about my plan, she was just laughing. I'm afraid she isn't taking me seriously. :( I really want to go though, I haven't even seen half of the city yet. Which countries have you already been in beside Australia?


    They said you ruined their day with that? :wtf: What the heck? But.. You could ask for a permission to your birthday which will be soon! :awesome:

  14. It's awful when one of your friends goes to a city that you love and you have to stay at home. :supersad: A girl I've known for years was in Paris last September, I was so jealous of her! (btw, am I talking to much about myself? :erm:)

    I am pretty sure they will tour a lot before they'll make another album. Two years for certain.

    :yesey: If you tell them enough reasons why you think you should go, they will let you to book a flight.

  15. Nothing happens here either, it's really boring here. (ok, there was a massacre a week ago, but something like this happens only once in 20 years) I can't imagine living somewhere else though. I love London to bits and would immediately move to England if I could, but I can't imagine staying there for my entire life. I just have too many memories which connect me to this place, I would become terribly homesick. :( I'm sure you would miss your home quite quickly too, wouldn't you? :D

    I know, I hope they realize there are loads fans waiting for them in Eastern Europe as well! I don't get it why their MySpace page says that US autumn dates will be announced soon. I don't have anything against them, but Muse are on a US tour right now! Why go there in five months again? They could visit other countries of the world instead. But we'll see what dates they will announce for 2011.


    I am not staying anywhere, my bus goes one hour after the concert back to Ljubljana. It's a little annoying, but I'm glad I don't have to worry about the lift. I only hope I will get to the stadium pretty soon, the doors are going to be opened at 4PM and I arrive at half past two or something. :erm:

    :awesome: Keep on convincing, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

  16. I think they have the feeling like they will lose their first child which they don't want to. They try to keep you at home, so they could better protect you. Unfortunately, all parents are like this. :indiff:

    Why do you wish that? I think Greece is a lovely country with an interesting history and all. I mean come on, there are not lots of nations which have as exciting myths as the Ancient Greek do. I would be proud to live in Greece. :D


    Oh you don't have to apologize for your whining, if I were you, I wouldn't do otherwise. And I know Muse will come there in the nearer future, they can't skip the Balkan peninsula and Eastern Europe on their tour. That would be just silly. :noey:

  17. Sounds familiar, my mum's the same. When I go out (which I don't so often), she tells me for hundred times to call her when I arrive, to send her a message two hours after that etc. This is seriously annoying, I am not a little kid anymore! :mad: It's true that I am younger than you, but still.

    Have you tried convincing them that you can watch after yourself and they shouldn't be so worried?


    Noo, don't lose hope, you only need a flight ticket and the permission! The last one will be a little harder to get, but I'm sure you can do it :happy:

  18. I'm asking because I found two standing tickets on MuseBay, both cost 110 pounds. Here's the link:



    Why are they so worried? You could meet up with some boardies until your flight, book a night in a hostel, there are many options. :erm:

  19. Sorry for boring you with this.. :unsure: Could you go to Wembley then?

  20. Hellooo! :D Wish you all the best for your birthday and many many Muse gigs in the future! :party: :party:

  21. That's damn expensive. :eek: And there is not even a big distance between the two cities. :noey:

    Always stay positive, you know, miracles happen every day! :awesome:

  22. w much does the flight to Bern or Zürich cost? :erm: Tell me if there's any news!

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