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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Oh I understand, festivals are a bit brutal to bring expensive cameras. But you can bring it with you to Manchester, the moshpit there won't be as intense as at Rock Am Ring, I think. (btw, I took a look at the photos you sent me a link of, they are great! I love Matthew's flashy suit :D)

    I personally did like the setlist, but many people were complaining about not having Bliss or CE that night. I have to admit, it would have been great to hear any of these two songs, but I still had a fantastic night. :D You don't really care about the songs when you are in the middle of the crowd singing at the top of your lungs, do you? :happy:

    ...but you did hear Bliss! :awesome: I've seen the video on Youtube, it must have been wonderful! I have a question.. When did you start to queue up that day? You said you were really close to the stage, so you must have got to the stage quite early, right?

    I hope you're having fun in Turkey, we'll talk when you return! :kiss:

  2. Hey! I've heard you might go to Wembo! Is this true? :awesome:

  3. :kiss: Thanks a lot, but I think I'm going to be okay soon :)
  4. Hey! Nah, I'm not having a life, I just haven't felt so good lately, that's why I haven't been on here nor on Twitter. It's very nice that you care though :kiss:

  5. Hello! Yes, I've been abscent for quite a while.. I'm good I guess, how about you?

  6. I hope so too, it would be great. :happy:

    Oh damn :facepalm: I could swear I thought it was a top. :$

    Yeah the summer seems to go by so fast. :supersad: Just a few days and September will be here which means end of freedom. Ah, I wish the summer was longer.

    May I ask what do you do at work?

    Yes! :yesey: I'm not being lazy, I'm relaxing. :D

  7. Yes, and they were all so nice! I would love to meet them again, I doubt that will happen though. :erm:

    Whoa, you're still in Rome? How many weeks are you going to spend there?

    Yes, I've seen your leopard printed top, looks really good :D I can't believe I had not even liked leopard print before Dom started to wear it. :LOL:

    Hm, I haven't really made any plans for this week yet. I'll just relax at home and maybe I'll go out with some friends one day. How about you?

  8. Hello! :D My weekend was ok I guess, nothing interesting was going on. How about you? Have you had a nice week?

  9. Just noticed your avatar. George (and of course The Beatles) FTW :awesome:

  10. That's great news, we are both free for the entire summer now! :dance:

    Whoa, the video you sent me is beyong amazing!! :awesome: (I favourited it :D) I bet it was kick ass to be there, the atmosphere was great! Have you shot any photos and if yes, may I take a look? :D How many days until you see them again in Manchester?

    I can't even describe how great my concert was! I had such an amazing time and I even met Tom Kirk! :D We didn't get a super setlist, but it was still fantastic, the crowd contributed to it a lot as well. I read that some people who live near the stadium complained about the huge noise (not the music) that came from San Siro :chuckle:


    I must say this: I love your new drawings in your folder, they are lovely! :happy:

  11. It's ok, I was abscent the past few days as well. :D I hope you're having a great musey time at your auntie's :kiss:

    I've been pretty good, I enjoy the summer :happy: I don't want it to end, but the end of summer also means I'm travelling to London, so I won't be very sad that these golden days are over :awesome: How about you? How has the month been so far for you?

    I watched Glastonbury as well and I totally agree with you! It was AMAZING :awesome:

    You should definitely buy an alien, the more the merrier! :D

    Thanks for letting me know, I downloaded those two songs from Love Amongst Ruin's site. :awesome: Both are good, but I prefer Blood & Earth. The guitar is epic. :D I saw the dates for their autumn tour on their homepage, the nearest city they are going to play in is Bologna. I hope there will be an arragement on the site I usually travel to concerts with. :shifty:

    Looking forward to hear from you!


    P.S. I love the new twitpics, Dominic is such a nutter. :LOL:

  12. Exactly :stunned: I can't believe they are going to see our photos (even if they won't have any idea who we are)

    Hm, it wasn't the best trip I've had so far, but it wasn't the worst either. I met a lot of people from a lot of different countries which was very interesting. :D I couldn't wait to come back home though. What were you up to the past week?

  13. Thank you :$ Can you imagine that Matt is going to see us? I mean Matt fucking Bellamy. :stunned:

  14. Your photo is good! :awesome: Of course I can tell you, it's totally ok with me. I look a bit stupid though :LOL: (first row, fifth picture)

  15. Hey! Thanks a lot for letting me know, I do see my photo! :LOL: And I see yours too! :D

  16. Hellooo! :happy: How have you been? I hope your summer is great! :D

  17. Hi! I have a guitar question.. Is there any specific way to change between the chords faster or do I only have to practise a lot?

  18. Yeah, we would probably be somewhere around 70 now. And I highly doubt we would think Dom was hot. :LOL:

  19. The 60s were such a great decade, all full of fantastic music. :supersad: But then again, if we lived back then, we would have never discovered Muse, would we? ;)


    Oh I see it, I accpeted! Btw, you're my 100th follower! :D

  20. Ha, I knew it! :D

    She loves you, yeah yeah yeah :awesome: (my favourite part of the song is the scream at the end. You know, the "be glaaaaaad" :D)

    Yes, I love them too, they are in my top 3 favourite bands. :happy: It's such a shame I didn't live in the 60s :supersad:

  21. Hi! :D Okay, stupid question ahead.. I've wanted to ask you this for a while now but I always forgot. :LOL: Has your username got something to do with The Beatles by any chance? :unsure:

  22. Yes, especially after you had queued for hours and then jumped/sang your heart out/screamed at the top of your lungs for two whole hours! :chuckle:

  23. :chuckle: I love the "... and then serious post-gig nervous breakdown..." part in your sig. But don't worry, you won't be the only one.

  24. You're welcome! :D And it's great to hear that you had a lovely day without any rain whatsoever!

    Yes, I'm totally free now for 2 whole months! I still have some things to do though, but I plan to return to the PDT soon.

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