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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Another question (sorry for bombarding you with them :LOL:):

    May I add you on Facebook? If I remember properly, you said you had a profile on there, right? :unsure:

  2. Sounds interesting, especially those drawings! I had a similar book as well, but it stayed empty since I didn't write anything in - I somehow remembered the homework and I had the time table in my pencil case therefore a book wasn't really necessary.

    Whoa, is the LCCG gig so soon already? :eek: Time has flown by like a rocket, it feels like yesterday when the UK stadium gigs were announced! As soon as you will come home, you must write down your trip to England, I demand a report :D


    There's something I wanted to ask you about your latest painting. Where did you get the inspiration for this picture from? This might sound daft, but there's this TV show called Doctor Who and in one episode many people are wearing gas masks just like the woman and the child in your painting. And in another one there are these shadows who feed on flesh (mostly human) and leave nothing behind but bare bones. This is what the man reminds me of.

    The reason why I am bothering you with this nonsense is because the moment I saw your painting, I immediately thought of Doctor Who. I don't know whether you watch the show, if not, then all the above is going to seem like an incomprehensible gibberish to you. Sorry about that :$

  3. Yup, they are :stunned: But sometimes I really struggle to understand some of his lyrics and that I am not a native English speaker makes it even worse. When listening to Muse I had to translate only a few words per song, but when it comes to the Arctic Monkeys, I need to look up much more. Blimey, Alex' lyrics are a number too big for me :LOL:

    If I keep posting you hot photos, it will never pass. :chuckle: (you like it though, don't you? :eyebrows:)


    Naww, you're leaving so soon? :supersad: Ok, talk to you tomorrow then! I hope you don't mind me leaving this little pic behind... :ninja:






    Quick question: have you ever seen the Monkeys live? If I'm right they had a gig in Milan in February. I wanted to go, but I rather saved my money for Muse. Oh god, I regret it so bad now. :supersad:

  4. When I first heard the line "My propeller won't spin and I can't get it started on my own" I was like "This is so sexual :stunned:" :LOL:

    I knew you're gonna like the pic. :happy: His arms are just.. uhhh :stunned:

  5. Alex' lyrics are just brilliant, aren't they? :D

    Psst, don't say that out loud. :ninja:







  6. :LOL: It wasn't very lovely when I realized that I could have met Muse but missed them. :(

    Oh come on, you know you want to type that down. :eyebrows:

    Oh my god :pope: I want to do so many things to that man :supersad:

  7. I know, it's stupid. :facepalm:

    But I never tend to win anything, so I don't worry much about it. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :D

  8. This is amazing news, I hope you're going to be lucky! :dance:

    I entered as well, nevertheless I've already got a ticket. :$ I don't think I'm gonna win though. However, if yes, I can still give it to someone, can't I? :shifty:

  9. I don't know then. :wtf: If you want, I could enter your details, because it works for me.

  10. I think it's not necessary to register. You just enter your e-mail in the black box on the right, mark the "I agree to the terms and conditions" box and click submit. :wtf:

    And you're welcome :kiss:

  11. But I can find Greece under the countries, how come it's unavailable? :wtf:

  12. Hey! I'm just poping by to leave you this link. It's a competition to win Muse tickets for Wembley. I think it's worth a try. :D

  13. Nothing lucid if that's what you mean. :chuckle: I dreamt I was at Wembley and made it to the barrier. And I was all happy because I could make exellent photos due to the great view I had. :D Oh and Muse were staying at my place overnight, but I didn't get the chance to meet them. I missed them by a hair's breadth. :(

    Yeah, of course you can rip the shirt! :DAnd I'm gonna rip the trousers. :ninja:


    Well, I would have said it if you posted the pic on my wall or something. As your ava is not very big, so it isn't that dangerous because I can't see it properly. I just know that the pic is lovely :ninja:

  14. No Alex dream here either. :supersad: But instead of him I dreamt of Muse. :awesome:

    Threesome? You can count me in :eyebrows:

    Because it's amusing to turture you a little ;)And yes, his nose is very nice indeed. :stunned:


    Ohh I have to mention that I absolutely love your new avatar! :awesome: I wonder where you got the pic from :shifty:

  15. Hello! Oh it's ok, don't worry about answering too late. :D Tell me, how was Turkey? It kind of sucks that you have to go to school so soon, only after you had come back from so far away. About my schoolstart: unfortunately my holidays are going to end soon as well, I have school again on the 1st September. You can't imagine how much I would like to have at least one more month off. :LOL:

    *sigh* Oh well, at least I'll see my friends again which is great because I miss them already.

    Oh I get it now, I thought you needed to queue up already in the morning to secure a good spot in front of the stage. It was kind of you had a little town inside that area, right?

    I've been good, didn't really do much in these two months I was at home. I'm practising the guitar from time to time, but I am not really being successful. How about you? I hope everything's alright over there :happy:

  16. Would be great. Especially a lucid dream. :$

    Oh my god :pope: If he said that, I would rape him right there and then. :stunned:

    Don't worry, it'll grow back. ;)

    Oh yes, nose. :stunned:




    And this one's my favoruite. He's just so hot :stunned:




    Btw, I got that pic from this site: http://alexturner.tumblr.com/

    It's a goldmine, really.

  17. I'm so jealous of you right now, I would love to dream of him as well :supersad:

    Or we just rip it off :ninja:

    I liked his long hair, but I think the shorter haircut suits him very well too. Yup, I have a pic, here:



    It was taken about a week ago in the States



  18. Yup, it's your fault. :phu:

    Ah, I remember this eprformance, I was listening to it live on Zane's show. :happy: Alex should have unbuttoned that shirt a little more (or taken it off) :ninja:


    Btw, have you known that Alex got a new haircut? His hair is much shorter now. :D (and he looks so good :supersad:)

  19. I found this on someone's tumblr yesterday. I don't have a neck fetish, but this pic.. uhhhh :stunned:





    Damn you and your Alex Turner dreams! :fear:


  20. Oh, there's no need to worry, it's totally ok. Actually, I'm happy that you asked, means that you care :kiss:

  21. Hello! Ah, the uni.. Nothing new, I'm still stuck. To be honest, I haven't thought of it lately, I still have time to decide and I don't want to screw up my free time with worrying.

  22. Hey! Yes, I am, thought I add you here as well. :)

  23. Hi! It's okay, no need to hurry. I just popped by. :D

  24. Aww congrats to your cousin! :happy: May I ask what his name is?

    Yeees! :dance: The only reason I am looking forward to September is that I'm going to London! There are only 40 days until your gig and 41 until mine :eek: I remember when you told me that you're going to see Muse at Wembley Stadium (I think it was last November) and now there's only a few weeks to go :D

    I know it's stupid to ask you this because you live not far away from it, but I'm still curious.. Have you been to Madame Tussauds?

    Unfortunately I won't be able to stay in London for a long time because I have school the next week. :indiff: I'll be there for three nights. Yes, I'm planning some sightseeing, there are still a thousand places which I haven't seen yet. I want to do everything on Sunday because this is the only full day I will have (I didn't count the day of the gig because I'm going to be in the queue the entire day anyway).

    Oh my ava! Yes, it was me who took the picture. :$ And thank you!

    I re-painted my room last week and look what I did! click. (the S got a bit messed up, but this is the best I could do with my stupid wall - my room used to be a boiler room when our house was built, so the walls aren't that perfect)

    Your job at the theatre sounds cool, I'd volunteer for something like this as well. :awesome: And who wouldn't like free plays? :chuckle: By the way, what kind of plays have you seen so far?

    There hasn't been anything interesting going on here, just the usual summer stuff. I spend most of my free days at home either watching films, listening to music, rollerblading or practising the guitar. I plan to go to Budapest next weekend to see Muse at Sziget Festival though. :awesome: (my family already calls me "tourist" because I travel so much :facepalm:)

    Hm, I don't know how much you've missed, I haven't been on here much for the last two weeks either. I think it's just the usual stuff... A few interviews have been posted in the Media section, but nothing new. I'll let you know if there's any news!

    Wish you a nice week! :kiss:

  25. I really hope you could come to Wembley, it would so amazing to meet you! And you would finally get to see Muse live and which place would be better than Wembley Stadium? :awesome: I'll keep my fingers crossed! :happy:


    I am good, thanks for asking! Yes, everything's fine now, how about you? How have your holidays been so far?

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