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Status Updates posted by OriginOfStarlight

  1. Ok, I'll try to remember that. :D

    Yup, they use it in Russian, Ukranian, Bosnian, Serbian and Bulgarian. (and sme other countries which are neighbour countries of those I listed)


    It would sound quite weird, but I think it's something like this: Dom je eden najbolj vročih moških na tem planetu. :eyebrows:

  2. I think it's because we learnt them at Physics at once and I somehow mix them up every time. :LOL:

    Yes, we use the latin one, but some Slavic languages use the Cyrilic alphabet.

  3. :yesey: I'm pretty lame at writing them though. :chuckle: I always mix up sigma and rho :indiff:
  4. That looks really long! :LOL: I prefer the Greek alphabet, the letters are pretty. :happy: (plus, I know a few since they are used in Maths :chuckle:)

  5. Oh I get it now! :D You use the Greek one for writing exams and such then?

    Could you write "Dom is one of the hottest guys on this planet" in the latin and in the Greek alphabet? :D

  6. Hey! :happy: I have a silly question. Me and my friend were talking about languages the other day and then I wondered if people in Greece use the Greek alphabet or the latin. He said that they use the Greek, of course but I am a bit confused. I took a look at the Greek Muser thread and I saw that you use the latin one. Do you use the Greek one only in formal texts or how is this? :erm:

  7. Good morning! :happy:

















  8. Hey Annaaaa! :D How have you been? I haven't you seen here for a long time.

    I received your letter, but I have not sent my response yet. Anyway, how was the concert on last Friday? :awesome:

  9. You're welcome! :D

    That's a shame that you couldn't go to Bologna last year, but you're going to Milan in June! :awesome: I'll be there too, I'm really looking forward to it! :happy:

  10. Hellooo! :D I've been good, thanks for asking. How about you?

    Oh don't worry, I completely understand how busy you are, my situation is not better either. :noey: I'm sorry about reading about your Biology exam, do you have to take it again? :( I failed a few tests too, now I have to learn the same stuff one more time. :facepalm: The same here, I haven't listened properly to Muse for like a week, I had headache last week and couldn't listen to music at all. :( But now I'm feeling better, the problem is that I have no time :LOL:

    They've sold every single there? You should try in another shop or maybe another website? :unsure:

    Oh which pic do you mean? :awesome:


    Btw, there are a few news, if you haven't heard about hem yet, I could write them down for you. :happy:

  11. The first one was uhm.. nice :stunned::$


    This means more pics :shifty:

  12. Hello! I saw your post in the PDT asking about the guitar licking video. :D

    In case you haven't found it out yet, it's the vid of SMBH from Osaka, but what only a small amount of people know that he did the same in Bologna last November.


    Vid from Osaka (at around 2:21)



    And Bologna (at around 3:25)



    I hope I could help!

  13. It's very small though. :erm:



  14. Yeah, I read that too! There were posts from people who were actually there and a guy wrote that first he had no idea what was going on, but then looked to the side and saw what Matt was laughing at. A unique gig moment, I'd say. :D I love it how he went during his falsetto "Get him up!" :LOL: It would be so awesome to hear his hilarious laughing live. :chuckle:

    The pic you have chosen is great, I can't wait to see your drawing! :happy: I totally agree with you what you said about that pic, it's one of the best Dom pics, indeed! I don't know when it was shot, I think it must have been in 2007. (he has that haircut which we call "doggy hair", you know the one with the blonde and black on the side. Btw, this might be a random question, but I'd like to know what do you think of it)

    Yes, his nose is.. uhm.. :stunned::$ nice.

    I laughed so hard when I saw that chicken pic! :LOL: I seriously wasn't expecting something like this. It's great though, will this be in your new sig?

  15. Heya! Just saw your thread in the Gigs and Tours section! Are you going? :awesome:

  16. I'm back :happy:

    Both my Gimp and Photoshop skills suck, to be honest. I am quite a n00b when it comes to editing pictures :LOL:

  17. Maybe :chuckle:

    I should search for more Matt pics with THE LOOK :shifty:

  18. I saved it if you don't mind. :happy:

    I wish I could make such wallpapers, but my photoshop skills suck. :LOL:

    I have to dash now, be back in an hour or so.

  19. Your is nice as well :awesome: Did you make it?

  20. :supersad:

    I should try something else then :shifty:

  21. Thanks :D One of my favourite Dom pics :supersad:

  22. I couldn't sleep last night, so I thought I spam you with some nice THE SEX pics :chuckle:

  23. Accepted it and followed you back! :D

  24. :eyebrows:


















    Yeah, I can't sleep :LOL:


  25. Hello there! Lookies what I have :eyebrows:







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